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Subjective information in decision making and communication2008»»»
Stecher, J. D.
Surveillance of univariate and multivariate linear time series2008»»»
Okhrin, Yarema
Schmid, Wolfgang
Surveillance of univariate and multivariate nonlinear time series2008»»»
Okhrin, Yarema
Schmid, Wolfgang
Survey item nonresponse and treatment2006»»»
Rassler, Susanne
Riphahn, Regina T.
System dynamics modeling : validation for quality assurance»»»
Schwaninger, Markus
Groesser, Stefan
System dynamics models, optimization of»»»
Dangerfield, Brian
System dynamics, introduction to»»»
Dangerfield, Brian
System dynamics, the basic elements of»»»
Richardson, George P.
Systems dynamic models of environment, energy and climate change»»»
Ford, Andrew
Taking a path less traveled : mastering 'metrics without a textbook»»»
Kassens, Alice Louise
Technical progress and the natural rate in models of the UK economy2001»»»
Church, Keith B.
Mitchell, Peter R.
Sault, Joanne E.
Wallis, Kenneth Frank
Tehnici de previzionare a volatilitatii si randamentelor seriilor de timp cu date cu frecventa mare. Binomul macro-micro din perspectiva tehnicilor de agregare si sintetizare a datelor[2013]»»»
Matei, Marius
Temptations and dynamic consistency2008»»»
Carbone, Enrica
Teoria jocurilor pentru economisti : aplicatii2005»»»
Roman, Mihai
Marin, Dumitru
Stancu, Stelian
Teorie si practica econometrica2007»»»
Voineagu, Vergil
Ghita, Simona
Titan, Emilia
Todose, Daniela
Pele, Daniel Traian
Serban, Radu
Boboc, Cristina
Testing DHSY as a restrictes conditional model of a trivariate seasonally cointegrated system1999»»»
Ermini, Luigi
Testing and correcting for endogeneity in nonlinear unobserved effects models»»»
Lin, Wei
Wooldridge, Jeffrey Marc
Testing forecast accuracy2002»»»
Mariano, Roberto S.
Testing the lower partial moment asset-pricing models in emerging markets2011»»»
Iqbal, Javed
Brooks, Robert D.
Galagedera, Don U. A.
The ABCs of RBCs : an introduction to dynamic macroeconomic models2008»»»
McCandless, George
The Econometrics Journal01/07/2005»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/12/2005»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2005»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2005»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2003»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2003»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/07/2002»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2002»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2002»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/07/2001»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2001»»»
The Econometrics Journal»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/07/2003»»»
The Econometrics Journal01/01/2001»»»
The Oxford handbook of bayesian econometrics2011»»»
Geweke, John
Koop, Gary
Dijk, Herman Koene van
The Palgrave companion to Oxford economics2021»»»
Cord, Robert A.
The Treasury's forecasts of GDP and the RPI : how have they changed and what are the uncertainties?2001»»»
Melliss, Chriss
Whittaker, Rod
The advantages of fiscal leadership in an economy with independent monetary policies2009»»»
Hallet, Andrew Hughes
The analysis of the cross-section of security returns2010»»»
Jagannathan, Ravi
Skoulakis, Georgios
Wang, Zhenyu
- Descriere: p. 73-134
- ISBN: -
The cointegrated VAR model : methodology and applications2006»»»
Juselius, Katarina
The conduct of monetary policy when the business cycle is non-linear2001»»»
Cook, Steven
Holly, Sean
Turner, Paul
The consumption-based capital asset-pricing model (CCAPM), habit-based consumption and equity premium in an Australian context2011»»»
Allen, David E.
Demello, Lurio
The determinants of individual behaviour in network formation : some experimental evidence2008»»»
Di Cagno, D.
Sciubba, E.
The econometric analysis of seasonal time series2001»»»
Ghysels, Eric
Osborn, Denise R.
Sargent, Thomas John
The econometric modelling of financial time series1999»»»
Mills, Terence C.
The econometrics of financial markets1997»»»
Campbell, John Young
Lo, Andrew W.
MacKinlay, A. Craig
The econometrics of macroeconomic modelling2005»»»
Bardsen, Gunnar
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Jansen, Eilev S.
Nymoen, Ragnar
The econometrics of option pricing2010»»»
Garcia, Rene
Ghysels, Eric
Renault, Eric
- Descriere: p. 480-552
- ISBN: -
The econometrics of price determination : conference : October 30-31, 1970, Washington, D.C.1972»»»
Eckstein, Otto
The enigma of simplicity2001»»»
Keuzenkamp, Hugo A.
McAleer, Michael
Zellner, Arnold
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