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The Economist20/07/2019»»»
The Economist09/02/2019»»»
The Economist07/11/2020»»»
The Economist16/11/2019»»»
The Economist11/07/2020»»»
The Economist27/07/2019»»»
The Economist03/10/2020»»»
The Economist08/06/2019»»»
The Economist15/06/2019»»»
The Economist14/11/2020»»»
The Economist21/11/2020»»»
The Economist10/10/2020»»»
The Economist04/05/2019»»»
The Economist27/04/2019»»»
The Economist19/12/2020»»»
The Economist26/09/2020»»»
The Economist28/11/2020»»»
The Economist05/12/2020»»»
The Economist12/12/2020»»»
The Economist16/04/2022»»»
The Economist05/03/2022»»»
The Economist26/03/2022»»»
The Economist02/04/2022»»»
The Economist23/04/2022»»»
The Economist07/05/2022»»»
The Economist22/01/2022»»»
The Economist30/04/2022»»»
The Economist26/02/2022»»»
The Romanian economy in the perspective of the year 2000 : (Selected papers and speeches 1998-1999)1999»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
The little big number : how GDP came to rule the world and what to do about it2015»»»
Philipsen, Dirk
The monetary policy transmission mechanism in Venezuela»»»
Guerra, Jose
Rodriguez, Pedro Cesar
Sanchez, Gustavo
The trader's guide to the euro area : economic indicators, the ECB and the euro crisis2013»»»
Powell, David J.
Tratat de statistica teoretica si economica2008»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Un veac de sinceritate : recuperarea memoriei pierdute a economiei romanesti : 1918-20182018»»»
Voinea, Liviu
Cojocaru, Alexandra
Costache, Brindusa Gratiela
Grigoras, Veaceslav
Lovin, Horatiu
Neagu, Camelia
Ortan, David
Tanase, Andrei
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Urmarirea realizarii indicatorilor tehnico-economici la noile capacitati de productie dupa punerea lor in functiune»»»
Ciurileanu, Radu
- Descriere: An 9, nr. 5, Mai 1961, p. 64-74
- ISBN: -
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