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Studii despre abuzul si declinul ratiunii : scrieri si corespondenta2014»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Busca, Elena
Studii economice2007»»»
Xenopol, Alexandru Dimitrie
Studii si cercetari de istorie a gandirii economice2006»»»
Iovanescu, Ioana
Done, Ioan
Successes and failures of monetary policy since the 1950s2009»»»
Laidler, David Ernest William
Systeme national d'economie politique1857»»»
List, Frederic
Teleologische Theorie der Staatswirtschaft1933»»»
Englis, Karel
Ten great economists : from Marx to Keynes1965»»»
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Tendinta gandirii economice : eseuri despre economisti si istoria economiei2016»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Zamosteanu, Dana
Tendinte, curente si scoli de gandire in stiinta economica actuala2006»»»
Tarta, Monica
Teoria dezvoltarii sustenabile : o abordare critica2022»»»
Pohoata, Ion
Diaconasu, Delia-Elena
Crupenschi, Vladimir Mihai
Teoria economica in retrospectiva1992»»»
Blaug, Mark
Teoria economica institutionala si relevanta ei pentru statutul stiintei economice generale1996»»»
Fudulu, Petre Paul
Teoria eficientei dinamice2011»»»
Huerta de Soto, Jesus
Mursa, Gabriel
Teoria generala a ocuparii fortei de munca, a dobanzii si a banilor2009»»»
Keynes, John Maynard
Haita, Corina Madalina
Nicolae, Crenguta
Teoria monetara nominalista»»»
Vardi, Isaia
Teoria pietei libere = Free market economics[1996]»»»
Schotter, Andrew
Calin-Dinga, Emil
Teoria sentimentelor morale2017»»»
Smith, Adam
Craciun, Dan
Teoria si practica economica : cu prilejul mortii lui Gustav Schmoller si a lui Adolph Wagner»»»
Cusin, Alexandru C.
Teoria structurii de productie2021»»»
Patruti, Alexandru
Munteanu-Gurgu, Constantin
Munteanu, Costea
Teoria structurii de productie2016»»»
Patruti, Alexandru
Munteanu-Gurgu, Constantin
Teorie, stiinta si performanta economica1996»»»
Tomescu, Gheorghe I.
Teorii economice actuale2007»»»
Jivan, Alexandru
Teorii si doctrine ale pretului in gandirea economica2013»»»
Serban-Oprescu, Laurentiu-George
Teorii si idei economice actuale si contemporane2005»»»
Jivan, Alexandru
Teoriile explicative ale impunerii : [partea 1]»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
Teoriile explicative ale impunerii : [partea a 2-a]»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
The Celtic Tiger and the Chinese Dragon: Modelling the Irish and Chinese Economic Miracles2010»»»
Wang, Liming
Chang, Liu
Kane, Francis
The Epicureans on happiness, wealth, and the deviant craft of property management»»»
O'Keefe, Tim
The age of fragmentation : a history of contemporary economic thought2019»»»
Roncaglia, Alessandro
The coming of neo feudalism : a warning to the global middle class2020»»»
Kotkin, Joel
The development of central banking»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Capie, Forrest H.
Schnadt, Norbert
Greenspan, Alan
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Mieno, Yasushi
The economics of non-linear cycles2008»»»
Ferri, Piero
The effectiveness of monetary policy in open economy macroeconomics: Dornbusch versus Tobin2004»»»
Palley, Thomas I.
The evolution of money2016»»»
Orrell, David
Chlupaty, Roman
The future of central banking : the Tercentenary Symposium of the Bank of England2008»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Fischer, Stanley
Schnadt, Norbert
George, Eddie
The great economists : how their ideas can help us today2019»»»
Yueh, Linda
The making of economics2003-2010»»»
Canterbery, E Ray
The making of economics Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Canterbery, E Ray
The making of economics Volume 1 The foundation2003»»»
Canterbery, E Ray
The making of economics Volume 2 The modern superstructure2009»»»
Canterbery, E Ray
The making of economics Volume 3 The radical assault2010»»»
Canterbery, E Ray
The missing equation in E.W. Kemmerer (1903) and I. Fisher (1892, 1911)»»»
Boyer des Roches, Jerome de
The modern revival of the Classical surplus approach : implications for the analysis of growth and crises»»»
Cesaratto, Sergio
The price of peace : money, democracy, and the life of John Maynard Keynes2020»»»
Carter, Zachary D.
The role of monetary policy in post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent macroeconomic growth models2004»»»
Zezza, Gennaro
Dos Santos, Claudio H.
The selected works of Gordon Tullock. Volume 2 The calculus of consent : logical foundations of constitutional democracy2004»»»
Buchanan, James M.
Tullock, Gordon
Rowley, Charles K.
The theory of money and credit1934»»»
Mises, Ludwig von
Theodor W. Adorno : (1903-69)»»»
Pickford, Henry W.
Theology and knowledge of the "collective man" in the writings of Pierre-Simon Ballanche»»»
Frobert, Ludovic
Theorie des Geldes : die Stabilisierung des Geldes als das Problem von heute und vor funzig Jahren1922»»»
Kerschagl, Richard
Raditz, Stephan
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