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Romanian money and securities : history and iconography : exhibits from the numismatic collection of Banca Nationala a Romaniei = Geld und Wertpapiere aus Rumanien : Geschichte und Ikonografie : Exponate aus der numismatischen Sammlung der Banca Nationala a Romaniei2009»»»
Cirjan, Romeo
Chiriac, Mihai
Ilie, Dan, istoric
Romische Kaisertabelle : Grundzuge einer romischen Kaiserchronologie2017»»»
Kienast, Dietmar
Eck, Werner
Heil, Matthaus
Sacra Moneta : mints and divinity : purity, miracles and powers»»»
Travaini, Lucia
Sarac sau bogat in timp de pericol? : tezaurul imperial de la Gruia (jud. Mehedinti)2018»»»
Gazdac, Cristian
Neagoe, Marin
Scandinavian women in search of salvation : women's use of money in religion and devotional practice»»»
Gullbekk, Svein H.
Secolele I-VII P.CHR. : monedele Imperiului roman tarziu : (294-498 P.CHR.)»»»
Isvoranu, Theodor
Secolele I-VII P.CHR. : monedele Imperiului roman timpuriu : 27 A.CHR.-294 P.CHR»»»
Dima, Mihai
Secolele I-VII P.CHR. : monedele bizantine timpurii : (secolele VI-VII)»»»
Isvoranu, Theodor
Secolele VI-I A.CHR. : monedele grecesti»»»
Vilcu, Aurel
Secolul VIII-mijlocul secolului XIII : monedele islamice»»»
Boldureanu, Ana
Nicolae, Eugen
Seleucid coins of Bactria1996»»»
Kritt, Brian
Seljuq coins»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Severus - Antonine emperor or the first Severan?»»»
Hekster, Olivier
Shaybanid silver coins»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Shuttington, Warwickshire»»»
Ireland, Stanley
Wise, Philip J.
Simplifying complexity»»»
Lockyear, Kris
Sisteme monetare adoptate pe teritoriul Romaniei in entichitate si in evul mediu1997»»»
Iliescu, Octavian
Sistemul monetar national : 150 de ani = 150 years since the establishment of the Romanian monetary system = 150 ans depuis la creation du systeme monetaire national roumain2017»»»
Manea, Nadia
Sistemul monetar otoman in secolele al XVII-lea si al XVIII-lea1997»»»
Pamuk, Sevket
Sixth-to-seventh century coin circulation in Dobrudja»»»
Gandila, Andrei
Skellow, South Yorkshire»»»
Crawley, Gillian
Meadows, Andrew
Some coins of Mas'ud I, Qilijarslan II and the Maliks»»»
Aykut, Nezihi
Some countermarked coins of the Shaybanids and early Moghuls»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Some unpublished dinars of the Sulayhids and Zuray'ids»»»
Lowick, Nicholas M.
Soupis papirovych platidel Rumunska2010»»»
Kutina, Zdenek
Spre o abordare cat mai obiectiva in cercetarea numismatica prin analize compozitionale folosind metode nucleare»»»
Constantinescu, Bogdan
Cojocaru, Viorel
Bugoi, Roxana
Standard catalog of German coins : 1601 to presentMCMXCVIII [1998]»»»
Nicol, N. Douglas
Bruce, Colin R., II
Borgmann, Fred J.
Standard catalog of world coins2000»»»
Krause, Chester L.
Mishler, Clifford
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world coins : 1801-19002015»»»
Michael, Thomas
Standard catalog of world coins : eighteenth century : 1701-18002002»»»
Krause, Chester L.
Mishler, Clifford
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world coins : seventeenth century : 1601-17002003»»»
Krause, Chester L.
Mishler, Clifford
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world crowns and talers : [from 1601 to date]MCMLXXXXIV [1994]»»»
Krause, Chester L.
Mishler, Clifford
Bruce, Colin R., II
Davenport, John S.
Standard catalog of world paper money[1991?]-2000»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world paper moneyMCMXCVIII-MXMVI [1998-1996]»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Cuhaj, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money : modern issues : 1961-date2005»»»
Cuhaj, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money : modern issues : 1961-present2006»»»
Cujah, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money : modern issues : 1961-present2008»»»
Cuhaj, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Cuhaj, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 1 Specialized issues[1991?]»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 1 Specialized issuesMCMXCVIII [1998]»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 2 General issues[1991?]»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 2 General issues to 1960MXMVI [1996]»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Cuhaj, George S.
Standard catalog of world paper money Volume 3 Modern issues : 1961-20002000»»»
Pick, Albert
Shafer, Neil
Bruce, Colin R., II
Statistika tabeller : 1668-1924[s.a.]»»»
Stefan Luchian : 150 de ani de la nastere = 150 years from his birth = 150 ans depuis la naissance2018»»»
Ciornei, Cristian
Stema lui Iacob Heraklide Despot dupa diploma acordata de Carol Quintul»»»
Iftimi, Sorin
Studii si cercetari de numismatica01/01/1971»»»
Studii si cercetari de numismatica01/01/1998»»»
Studii si cercetari de numismatica01/01/1998»»»
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