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Europe's toxic twins : government debt in financialized times»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Ban, Cornel
European Banking Union2015»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
European Banking Union : prospects and challenges2016»»»
Castaneda, Juan E.
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
European Banking Union : the new regime2015»»»
Hinojosa-Martinez, Luis M.
Beneyto, Jose Maria
European Central Bank : the investment decision-making process and its governance»»»
Silvonen, Torsti
Port, Etienne
European Monetary Union : a project of promise and risk»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
European Monetary Union and exchage rate dynamics : new approaches and application to the euro2001»»»
Welfens, Paul J. J.
European Monetary Union and the European System of Central Banks1995»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
European Neighbourhood: Squaring the Circle2009»»»
Celac, Sergiu
European Union - Threats or Opportunities?2009»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
European Union Law : lecture notes2020»»»
Dumitru, Ovidiu Ioan
Stoican, Andreea
European Union and new regionalism : regional actors and global governance in a post-hegemonic era2007»»»
Telo, Mario
European Union and public utility : a virtuous grouping? Lessons from the reorganization of Corsican external transport2002»»»
Garcia, Thierry
Peraldi, Xavier
European Union enlargement and the Balkans2003»»»
Gligorov, Vladimir
European Union internal market law2014»»»
Weiss, Friedl
Kaupa, Clemens
European Union law : text and materials2019»»»
Chalmers, Damian
Davies, Gareth
Monti, Giorgio
European Union's Uncertain Economic Future2009»»»
Aftalion, Florin
European Union, Eurozone, Visegrad Group, Intermarium and Three Seas Initiative : comparison of the strength and economic cohesiveness of selected groups of states»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
European bank restructuring during the global financial crisis2016»»»
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Kerlin, Jakub
Kozlowska, Anna
Malinowska-Misiag, Elzbieta
Nowak, Agnieszka
Smaga, Pawel
Wisniewski, Piotr
Witkowski, Bartosz
European central banking law : the role of the European Central Bank and national central banks under European law2020»»»
Gortsos, Christos V.
European company law : text, cases and materials2017»»»
De Luca, Nicola
European democracies1995»»»
Steiner, Jurg
European economic integration : with a Romanian insight2010»»»
Serban, Radu
Donnelly, Brendan
European economic integration and South-East Europe : challenges and prospects2005»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
European financial and monetary integration : challenges of the single currency2015»»»
Roman, Angela
Bilan, Irina
European financial markets : the effects of European Union membership on Central and Eastern European equity markets2008»»»
Southall, Tony F.
European financial markets and institutions2009»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Oosterloo, Sander
Schoenmaker, Dirk
European fundamental rights, private law, and judicial governance»»»
Colombi Ciacchi, Aurelia
European legal history : sources and institutions2000»»»
Robinson, Olivia F.
Ferguson, T. David
Gordon, William M.
European monetary integration2004»»»
European monetary integration : (a federal trust report)»»»
Magnifico, Giovanni
Williamson, John
European monetary integration : past, present and future2001»»»
Pentecost, Eric J.
van Poeck, Andre
European order, global governance and liberal peace2002»»»
Miall, Hugh
McKinlay, Robert
European prudential banking regulation and supervision : the legal dimension2010»»»
Dragomir, Larisa
European regional policy and development : forgotten regions and spaces2024»»»
Sanchez-Carreira, Maria del Carmen
Mourao, Paulo Jorge Reis
Blanco-Varela, Bruno
European society2020»»»
Martinelli, Alberto
Cavalli, Alessandro
Europeans and globalization : does the EU square the circle?»»»
Merler, Silvia
Europenizarea : procese si tendinte in dezvoltarea europeana2019»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Ivan, Mihail Vincentiu
Eurosistemul : o tensiune arhitecturala a convergentei2009»»»
Golban, Radu
Silasi, Grigore
Eurozone and neighbouring countries, what to expect? Comments on three presentations2009»»»
Skreb, Marko
Evaluarea costurilor si beneficiilor aderarii Romaniei la UE : Studiul nr. 122004»»»
Ciupagea, Constantin
Evaluarea eficientei bancilor si rolul ei in intarirea zonei euro2010»»»
Andries, Alin-Marius
Evaluarea gradului de concordanta a legislatiei romane cu acquis-ul comunitar, la nivelul anului 2002, pe capitole de negociere = A chapter-by-chapter assessment of the conformity of the Romanian legislation with the acquis communautaire, at the level of the year 20022004»»»
Fuerea, Augustin
Sandu, Steliana
Scarlat, Cezar
Hurduzeu, Gheorghe
Paun, Cristian
Popescu, Roxana-Mariana
Evaluari ale procesului de integrare dupa a cincea extindere a Uniunii Europene2009»»»
Albu, Cornel
Evaluari ale transpunerii si aplicarii legislatiei pietei interne unice in noile state membre ale Uniunii Europene»»»
Dragoi, Andreea
Evaluari si analize economice ale ajutoarelor de stat : definire, politici, rezultate2006»»»
Ciutacu, Constantin
Chivu, Luminita
Evaluari si perspective la 10 ani de la crearea Parteneriatului Euromediteranean»»»
Voicu, Ana
Evolutia cadrului juridic si a schimburilor comerciale dintre Romania si Uniunea Europeana2008»»»
Albu, Cornel
Evolutia comertului electronic pe plan mondial si perspectivele de dezvoltare ale acestuia2006»»»
Boureanu, Madalina
Evolutia comertului exterior al Romaniei de la Consiliul de Ajutor Economic Reciproc la Uniunea Europeana»»»
Vasioiu, Oana Mihaela
- Descriere: p. 395-422
- ISBN: -
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