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Interview : Zdenek Tuma : with accession on the horizon, the governor of the Czech National Bank evaluates the progress of economic transition and discusses his concerns over joining the euro»»»
Tuma, Zdenek
Interview : the IMF answers its critics : in an exclusive interview, Tom Dawson, Director of the IMF's External Relations Department, gives the most extensive, detailed responsed yet published to the many crticisms recently voiced of the IMF : in the process, he reveals how Managing Director Horst Kohler is changing the Fund»»»
Dawson, Tom
Kohler, Horst
Introducing open market operations, reforms in markets, and policy instruments1997»»»
Axilrod, Stephen H.
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Bjorheim, Jacob
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Claessens, Stijn
Clement, Piet
McCauley, Robert Neil
Shin, Hyun Song
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Gabor, Daniela
Erturk, Ismail
Vestergaard, Jakob
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Introduction : banking development : 1918-1928»»»
Parker Willis, Henry
Introduction : les banques centrales et l'etat : une reevaluation»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Investment portfolio techniques at a central bank : Etienne Lavigne discusses the appropriate reserve management framework and mix of portofolio techniques for a central bank»»»
Lavigne, Etienne
Investment portofolio techniques at a central bank2004»»»
Lavigne, Etienne
Iraq's botched currency reform : prescriptions by official sector institutions for Iraq ignore political realities and their own findings argue Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Sekerke, Matt
Is Maastrich too tough? : Gyorgy Szapary assesses the credentials of candidate countries for joining economic and monetary union : existing euro countries have nothing to fear and candidates everything to gain, he argues»»»
Szapary, Gyorgy
Is the time ripe for price-level path stability?2010»»»
Gaspar, Vitor
Smets, Frank
Vestin, David
Israel's experience with inflation»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Issue of central bank digital currencies : potential consequences for the shape of the financial system»»»
Kozinska, Magdalena
Issues in the design of monetary policy rules»»»
McCallum, Bennett Tarlton
Istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in date2006-2010»»»
Tone, Mihaela
Paunescu, Cristian
Manea, Nadia
Istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in date Vol. 1 - Vol. 3»»»
Tone, Mihaela
Paunescu, Cristian
Manea, Nadia
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in date Vol. 1 1880-19142006»»»
Tone, Mihaela
Paunescu, Cristian
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in date Vol. 2 1915-19182009»»»
Paunescu, Cristian
Tone, Mihaela
Manea, Nadia
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Istoria Bancii Nationale a Romaniei in date Vol. 3»»»
Tone, Mihaela
Paunescu, Cristian
Manea, Nadia
Istruzioni generali sul servizio del tesoro in relazione al regolamento per l'amministrazione...1903»»»
Japan - the biggest global risk : the Bank of Japan continues to confound those who call for further loosening of monetary policy : is it failing to listen? or do those who think that they have the answer to Japan's woes not fully understand its predicament?»»»
Pringle, Robert
Japan hits back! : quoting from a speech on November 26 2001 by Yutaka Yamaguchi, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, Central Banking Publications summarises the Bank's response to recent criticism»»»
Yamaguchi, Yutaka
Jeu d'echelles et gouvernance des banques centrales au XXe siecle»»»
Bussiere, Eric
Karl Brunner and the Konstanz Seminar»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Arowolo, Edward A.
Key events in central banking : 1609-20012001»»»
Pringle, Robert
Key features of a risk management system : Terry Beadle and Paul Higginson from Trema Group identify the key areas where risk management system can support or inhibit a central bank's financial market operations»»»
Beadle, Terry
Higginson, Paul
Key issues in the choice of monetary policy framework2000»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Julius, Deanne
Mahadeva, Lavan
Roger, Sandra
Sterne, Gabriel
Kleine Reichsbanknoten : das deutsche Banknotengesetz von 1906 im Lichte der Geschichte und Theorie des Banknoten- und Papiergeldwesens1908»»»
Ruppel, Willy
Kuroda's crusade for the ACU : what's behind the Asian Development Bank's push for a single currency in Asia?»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Kayoumy, Abdulhay
L'Union latine, une experience de souverainetes monetaires partagees : (1865-1926)2017»»»
Gillard, Lucien
L'invention d'un systeme monetaire national : banques d'emission, supervision bancaire et developpement financier en Belgique : (1822-1872)»»»
Ugolini, Stefano
La Banque Nationale de Belgique : les theories & les faits1913»»»
Elewyck, Ernest van
La Banque Nationale de Belgique et l'histoire monetaire entre les deux guerres mondiales1975»»»
Van der Wee, Herman
Tavernier, Karel
La Banque Nationale de Belgique, du franc belge a l'euro : un siecle et demi d'histoire2002»»»
Buyst, Erik
Maes, Ivo
Pluym, Walter
Danneel, Marianne
La Banque Nationale de Hongrie1931»»»
Farkas, Imre
La Banque Nationale tchecoslovaque1926»»»
Englis, Karel
La Reichsbank et la Banque de France : leur politique1908»»»
Snyckers, Alexandre
La banque d'emission au service de l'Etat1923»»»
Capart, Eugene
La liquidation de la Banque d'Autriche-Hongrie1924»»»
Zeuceanu, Alexandru
La periode singuliere ou la Banque de France s'est nationalisee : (1939-1966) : de l'imbrication dans la politique nationale du credit a la tentation de la politique monetaire»»»
Margairaz, Michel
La politique bancaire des banques de reserve federales : these pour le doctorat1931»»»
Badin, Laurent
La politique monetaire de la BCE2001»»»
La reforme bancaire aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique de 1913 a 1921 : Le systeme de la Reserve Federale1922»»»
Van Zeeland, Paul
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