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Financial stability and monetary policy : lessons from the euro area2011»»»
Clerc, Laurent
Mojon, Benoit
Financial supervision in Europe : a proposal fro new architecture2008»»»
Schoenmaker, Dirk
Oosterloo, Sander
Financial system transition in Central Europe: the first decade2003»»»
Reininger, Thomas
Schardax, Franz
Summer, Martin
Financial systems ant the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Ehrmann, Michael
Gambacorta, Leonardo
Martinez Pages, Jorge
Sevestre, Patrick
Worms, Andreas
Financing for growth in CESEE2011»»»
Nagel, Joachim
Knobloch, Corinna
Finantarea in domeniul ocuparii fortei de munca, afacerilor sociale si egalitatii de sanse in cadrul Uniunii Europene2010»»»
Pandelescu, Cristian
Finantarile Uniunii Europene : o perspectiva practica»»»
Magri Pantea, Anamaria
Finante europene2007»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Finante publice2009»»»
Dascalu, Elena-Doina
Rusanu, Dan Radu
Finante publice internationale : asistenta pentru dezvoltare acordata Romaniei2006»»»
Roman, Daniela Lidia
Firm internationalization from a network perspective»»»
Ubreziova, Iveta
Firm investment and monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Chatelain, Jean Bernard
Generale, Andrea
Hernando, Ignacio
Vermeulen, Philip
Kalckreuth, Ulf von
Firma in economia europeana2007»»»
Ghita, Paul Tanase
Ghita, Marilena
Firma si integrarea pe piata unica europeana : mediul competitional si managementul strategic2004»»»
Puwak, Hildegard
Firmele romanesti in comertul interior european2007»»»
Francu, Marin
Firmele romanesti pe piata unica europeana, in prezent si in perspectiva : rolul guvernului si al patronatelor in sprijinirea cresterii competitivitatii ofertei de export2003»»»
Ionescu, Mihai
Firms' patterns of trade and acces to finance2011»»»
Damijan, Joze P.
Kostevc, Crt
Fiscal aspects of central bank independence2004»»»
Sims, Christopher Albert
Fiscal consolidation and inequality : the distributive effects of fiscal reforms in Greece and Portugal»»»
Mushoevel, Fabian
Fiscal governance in the euro area : what kind of union?»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Fiscal policy and implementation in EMU: from Maastricht to the SGP reform and beyond2008»»»
Catenaro, M.
Morris, R.
Fiscal policy in EMU2001»»»
Barry, Frank
Fiscal policy, intercountry adjustment and the real exchange rate with Europe»»»
Allsopp, Christopher
Vines, David A.
Kollmann, Robert
Fiscal shocks and policy regimes in some OECD countries2004»»»
de Arcangelis, Giuseppe
Lamartina, Serena
Fiscalitate comparata2012»»»
Nicolaescu, Eugen
Fiscalitate europeana2005»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Simon, Ilie
Celea, Sorin
Fiscalitatea in Europa la inceputul mileniului III2006»»»
Minea, Mircea Stefan
Costas, Cosmin Flavius
Fiscalitatea in Romania in contextul integrarii in Uniunea Europeana2006»»»
Vlasceanu Petre, Emil
Fiscalitatea in Uniunea Europeana in domeniul impozitelor indirecte»»»
Penu, Daniela
Float in order to fix? : Lessons from emerging markets for new EU member countries2004»»»
Braga de Macedo, Jorge
Reisen, Helmut
Fondurile europene - resurse pentru finantarea dezvoltarii2010»»»
Fondurile europene : strategii de promovare si utilizare2009»»»
Bargaoanu, Alina
Fondurile structurale : problme, solutii si perspective pentru Romania2009»»»
Bourosu, Alina
Foreign portofolio investment, European Economic and Monetary Union and exchange rate uncertainty2008»»»
Seabra, Fernando
Flach, Lisandra
Santos, Tatiana
Foreign-owned banks : the role of ownership in post-communist European countries2018»»»
Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Malgorzata
Bongini, Paola
Smaga, Pawel
Witkowski, Bartosz
Fragmente de criza2010»»»
Dochia, Aurelian
Framing macroeconomic policy in EMU and the international financial architecture1999»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
France, Germany and Eastwards expansion of the EU2002»»»
Trouille, Jean Marc
France, Germany, Italy, and Spain : explaining differences in external sector performance among large euro area countries2008»»»
Allard, Celine
Catalan, Mario
Everaert, Luc
Sgherri, Silvia
Fraudarea bugetului comunitar2008»»»
Neagu, Norel
Free movement of capital : evolution as a non-linear process»»»
Snell, Jukka
Free movement of persons and services»»»
O'Leary, Siofra
From association to accession : summary and conclusions»»»
Mizsei, Kalman
Rudka, Andrzej
From austerity to growth in Europe : some lessons from Latin America»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Seoane, Hernan D.
From convergence to crisis : labor markets and the instability of the euro2016»»»
Johnston, Alison
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro»»»
Karatzas, Theodoros B.
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro : studies in European monetary integration2018»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Notaras, Gerassimos
Tortella, Gabriel
Pohle Fraser, Monika
Fraser, Iain L.
Functioning of the Eurosystem framework since 19992011»»»
Papadia, Francesco
Valimaki, Tuomas
Functioning of the international monetary system1996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 11996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
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