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La repartition de l'or dans le monde apres l'assainissement des monnaies europeennes1928»»»
Pandele, Constantin Alexandru
Laboratory experiments with an exceptional Phillips curve2010»»»
Arifovic, Jasmina
Sargent, Thomas John
Larger central bank balance sheets : a new normal for monetary policy?»»»
Ramaswamy, Srichander
Turner, Philip
Last through the door ? : Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania may be the last countries to join the EU, and they are taking very different paths to the euro, Nick Carver reports»»»
Carver, Nick
Launching the Asian bond : despite huge demand for bonds, Asia's debt markets remain nationally focused : Anthony Rowley reports from Tokyo on central-bank led initiatives to launch two Asian bonds funds»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Le Banco Nacional de Mexico de 1880 a la Revolution Mexicaine (1910-1920) : banque nationale et/ou banque centrale?»»»
Marichal, Carlos
Solis, Ricardo
Le controle des banques en Belgique1937»»»
Allemandet, M.
Le credit agricole et la Banque de France1882»»»
Valserres, Jacques
Le dollar et l'Europe»»»
Aschinger, Francois E.
Le privilege de la Banque de France1891»»»
Defly, J.
Le role economique de la Banque de l'Economie Nationale en Pologne[s.a.]»»»
Grzegorzek, Casimir
Leadership and management in central banking : future demands on central banks require them now to adopt innovative approaches to leadership and management, argues John Mendzela in the first of two articles»»»
Mendzela, John
Leadership and management of central banks : "almost by definition, central banks lack comparative advantage in managing organisational change", argues John Mendzela : in the second of two articles, he outlines measures of efficiency and performance»»»
Mendzela, John
Leadership and stability in key currency systems : a simple game-theoretic approach1998»»»
Spahn, H. Peter
Leadership in central banking»»»
Learning from Asia's success2012»»»
Lyons, Gerard
Learning to live with IFRS : how central banks are facing up to - or ducking their obligation to implement international accounting standards»»»
Sullivan, Kenneth
Legal aspects of economic reform in Eastern Europe1994»»»
Piontek, Eugeniusz
Legal aspects of economic reform in Eastern Europe1995»»»
Mozolin, Victor Pavlovich
Legal aspects of economic reform in Latin America: the case of Chile1995»»»
Errazuriz, Hernan Felipe
Legal aspects of transforming the economy in Central and Eastern Europe1995»»»
Harmathy, Attila
Legal risks for central banks2004»»»
Proctor, Charles
Legea bancilor populare satesti si a Casei lor Centrale 19031923»»»
Legea bancilor populare satesti si a casei lor centrale : cu adaosele si modificarile facute prin legile din 1 si 8 decembrie 1904, 15 martie si 6 aprilie 1905, 1 si 4 martie 1906, 31 martie 1908 si 14 aprilie 1910, purtand noua numerotare a articolelor ; Regulamentul pentru aplicarea art. 13 si 36 din legea bancilor populare satesti, in privinta urmarirei creantelor lor ; Lege prin care se acorda bancilor populare dreptul de a cumpara pamant in vatra satului pentru cladire de local propriu1915»»»
Legea si statutele Bancii Nationale a Romaniei1940»»»
Lehrbuch der Volkswirtschaft unf Socialwissenschaft1870»»»
Carey, H. C.
Lender of last resort : a new role for the old instrument»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Parigi, Bruno M.
Les Banques centrales et l'Etat-nation2016»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Margairaz, Michel
Les banques centrales1972»»»
Patat, Jean-Pierre
Les banques centrales a l'echelle du monde : l'internationalisation des banques centrales des debuts du XXe siecle a nos jours = Central banks at world scale : the internationalisation of central banks from the early 20th century to the present2012»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Margairaz, Michel
Les banques centrales en guerre : (1914-1918)»»»
Blancheton, Bertrand
Les banques centrales et la nation : le XIXe siecle»»»
Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille
Les banques centrales et les etats dans la crise de change de 1992-1993 : le bapteme de la monnaie unique»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Les banques centrales, les nations et les etats aujourd'hui»»»
Noyer, Christian
Jouahri, Abdellatif
de Boissieu, Christian
Frank, Robert H.
Les fonctions et les operations de la Banque Nationale de la Belgique de 1914 a 19381939»»»
Strycker, Cecil de
Les operations des banques d'emission sur le marche libre : (open market policy)1938»»»
Kriz, Miroslav
Les principes de la reorganisation des banques centrales en Europe apres la guerre1931»»»
Ulrich, Edmond
Les projets monetaires europeens de Vichy»»»
Manas, Arnaud
Les rapports de la Banque de France et de l'etat : particulierement pendant la guerre de 19141921»»»
Radouant, Jean
Lessons for banking reform : a Canadian perspective : Canada's banks have stood firm throughout the crisis, despite Ottawa's aversion to prescriptive rule-based regulation»»»
Lessons form the Bundesbank on the occasion of its early retirement2000»»»
Posen, Adam S.
Leverage and macropudential policy»»»
Geanakoplos, John
Liabilities of international US Banks for Foreign Deposits1994»»»
Tigert, Ricki Rhodarmer
Liaquat Ahamed. Stapanii finantelor (2009) : [recenzie]»»»
Butler-Bowdon, Tom
Lichiditatea, atacul speculativ din octombrie 2008 si reputatia bancii centrale»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Lichiditatea, atacul speculativ din octombrie 2008 si reputatia bancii centrale»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Harrod, Roy
Liquidity management»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Liquidity, risk management, and the credit crisis of 2007-20092011»»»
Golub, Bennett W.
Crum, Connan C.
Liquidity, the October 2008 speculative attack and central bank reputation»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
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