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Accounting standards for central banks2003»»»
Achieving financial stability with cross-border banking in EU perspective2009»»»
Persson, Mattias
Achieving price stability : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 29-31, 19961996»»»
Active portofolio management of currency baskets2011»»»
Reveiz, Alejandro
Activitatea bancara si integrarea monetara europeana2013»»»
Cocris, Vasile
Sireteanu, Elena
Andries, Alin-Marius
Activitatea bancii centrale si legea concurentei2009»»»
Bardy, Romain
Adaptarea Romaniei la cerintele reformei supervizarii sistemului financiar din Uniunea Europeana»»»
Francu, Marin
Adjusting to financial instability in the interwar period : Italian financial elites, international cooperation, and domestic regulation, 1919-1939»»»
Piluso, Giandomenico
Advent of central bank digital currency and the future of monetary sovereignty»»»
Sarin, Vishal
Aneja, Ranjan
After Eddie...: with the euro on the horizon, the choice of the next governor at the Bank will be crucial : William Keegan surveys the field»»»
Keegan, William
After the 2007-2008 crisis: challenges for Europe2009»»»
Naert, Fernand
All eyes on the rand : inflation is on target, but the exchange rate still dominates economic debate, writes Malan Rietveld»»»
Rietveld, Malan
Allgemeine Bankbetriebslehre1969»»»
Bachler, Hans
Stampfli, Arthur
Almost a century of central bank cooperation2008»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
Alternative investements in SWF and central bank portofolios2011»»»
Jain, Sameer
Acuna, Kenneth
America's bank : the epic struggle to create the Federal Reserve2015»»»
Lowenstein, Roger
An alternative to government management companies : the Mellon approach»»»
Daniel, Richard H.
An insider look back at the Greenspan Fed : Edward Gramlich, who recently retired as a Federal Reserve governor, discusses some highlights of his term in office with Blair Baker and Erin Kogan»»»
Gramlich, Edward M.
Baker, Blair
Kogan, Erin
An introduction to global financial markets2000»»»
Valdez, Stephen
An overview of the evolution of present financial crisis2009»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
An uncertain future»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Analiza si managementul riscului bancar : evaluarea guvernanatei corporatiste si a riscului financiar2003»»»
Greuning, Hennie van
Brajovic Bratanovic, Sonja
Analysis of financial stability2010»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Tsomocos, Dimitrios P.
Analyzing and managing banking risk : a framework for assessing corporate governance and financial risk2003»»»
Greuning, Hennie van
Brajovic Bratanovic, Sonja
Johnson-Calari, Jennifer
Analyzing the risk stemming from the Romanian household sector2008»»»
Margarit, Angela
Anatomy of an international banking scandal1995»»»
Moscow, John W.
Annuaire des banques d'emission1938»»»
Appointing central bankers : the politics of monetary policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union2003»»»
Chang, Kelly H.
Approaches to the debt crisis1994»»»
Truman, Edwin M.
Ar putea fi Consiliul Monetar o solutie pentru Romania?»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Daianu, Daniel
Architects of stability? International cooperation among financial supervisors2008»»»
Kapstein, Ethan B.
Argentina : the story so far...: in this three-part feature on Argentina we present two contrasting views - from Stephany Griffith-Jones and Steve Hanke : first, staff writer Benedict Mander sets the scene»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Hanke, Steve H.
Mander, Benedict
Argentina's pseudo currency crisis : Argentina's currency board system is not working quite as intended : Steve Hanke, professor of economics at John Hopkins University explains why»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Arrears and burden sharing at the IMF1995»»»
Munzberg, Reinhard H.
Asia's bonny bond markets : Asian central banks have been actively promoting domestic bond markets»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Assessing credit risk of the companies sector2008»»»
Winkler, Gerhard
Assessing the Greenspan era»»»
Asset management at central banks and monetary authorities : new practices in managing international foreign exchange reserves2020»»»
Bjorheim, Jacob
Asset-liability management for central banks : an overview2011»»»
Romaniuk, Yulia
Assets and liabilities management for central banks2010»»»
Kisoen, Ursula
Aurul in istoria bancilor centrale2013»»»
Background and emergence of the Eurodollar market»»»
Bolton, George
Bagehot for "followers" : how did the Bank of Portugal manage the first post World War I crisis?»»»
Reis, Jaime
Bagehot's dictum in practice : formulating and implementing policies to combat the financial crisis»»»
Madigan, Brian F.
Balance sheets, please : Steve Hanke, professor of applied economics at the John Hopkins University, stresses the need for central banks to have theory balance sheets more readily available on their websites, and in a consistent format»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Balkan economic history, 1550-1950 : from imperial borderlands to developing nations1982»»»
Lampe, John R.
Jackson, Marvin R.
Banca Frantei1925»»»
Leonte, Gheorghe M.
Banca Nationala a Albaniei1936»»»
Pascu, Dimitrie P.
Banca Nationala a Romaniei si detractorii sai1914»»»
Stefanescu-Braila, C.
Banca Nationala a Romaniei, banca centrala a tarii2007»»»
Beju, Daniela-Georgeta
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