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General equilibrium, the international monetary system and the oil price crisis»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Globalizing capital : a history of the international monetary system1998»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Growing up to stability? : financial globalization, financial development, and financial crises»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Meissner, Christopher
Growth and stability : 1961-1971»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
How countries' different attitudes towards inflation can thwart the European dream»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Improving the Bretton Woods System»»»
Aliber, Robert Zelwin
Inadequacies of the international monetary system in terms of the needs of the developing countries»»»
Abdalla, Ismail-Sabri
Indebtedness of developing countries : problems and directions to solutions»»»
Ndegva, Duncan N.
Integrarea Romaniei in structurile Uniunii Monetare Europene2008»»»
Tofan, Mihaela
Interdependence, self-reliance and development financing»»»
Kerim, Srdjan
International economics2003»»»
Sawyer, W. Charles
Sprinkle, Richard L.
International economics : a European focus2004»»»
Inghman, Barbara
International finance : new players and global markets2021»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
International finance : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International macroeconomics2009»»»
Montiel, Peter J.
International political economy and globalization2008»»»
Maswood, Syed Javed
International reserves and liquidity»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Introduction and overview»»»
Boughton, James M.
Lateef, K. Sarwar
Introduction and overview»»»
Martirena-Mantel, Ana-Maria
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Introduction: Bretton Woods and the emergence of the U.S. dollar reserve system»»»
Eisen, Sara
- Descriere: p. xv-1
- ISBN: -
Bretton Woods
Karl Brunner and the Konstanz Seminar»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Keeping at it : the quest for sound money and good government2020»»»
Volcker, Paul A.
Harper, Christine
Keynes : the return of the master2010»»»
Skidelsky, Robert
Keynes's road to Bretton Woods : an essay in interpretation2007»»»
Skidelsky, Robert
Le dollar et l'Europe»»»
Aschinger, Francois E.
Lionel Robbins Lecture»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Corden, Warner Max
Skidelsky, Robert
Lords of Finance2010»»»
Ahamed, Liaquat
Making the system function as a system - global financial governance reform in the Trump era»»»
Berglof, Erik
Moneda - credit 12003»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Vascu, Teodora
Moneda : instrument activ in procesele economice»»»
Marinescu, Ilie
Zaharescu, Barbu
Moneda si credit2009»»»
Turliuc, Vasile
Cocris, Vasile
Stoica, Ovidiu
Roman, Angela
Dornescu, Valeriu
Chirlesan, Dan
Moneda, banci si politici monetare2005»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Monetary policy regimes and economic performance : the historical record»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Schwartz, Anna J.
Monetary statecraft in follower states»»»
Pauly, Louis W.
Monetary theory and Bretton Woods : the construction of an international monetary order2009»»»
Cesarano, Filippo
Money : the long twentieth century»»»
Roselli, Alessandro
Old ideas and new problems»»»
Balogh, Thomas
Open economy monetary politics»»»
Thompson, Nicolas
Opting out of the great inflation : German monetary policy after the breakdown of Bretton Woods»»»
Beyer, Andreas
Gaspar, Vitor
Gerberding, Christina
Issing, Otmar
Friedman, Benjamin M.
- Descriere: p. 301-356
- ISBN: -
Organizatia care a dat GATTa liberul schimb»»»
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Past and prospective causes of high unemployment»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Phelps, Edmund Strother
Pissarides, Christopher A.
Piata si banii in economia tuturor timpurilor : o alta istorie a monedei si a economiei cu, dar si fara moneda2020»»»
Andrei, Liviu C.
Pledoarie pentru o moneda sanatoasa2013»»»
Rothbard, Murray Newton
Mursa, Gabriel
Politici si strategii nationale si comunitare in domeniul financiar-bancar2005»»»
Olteanu, Alexandru
Radoi, Madalina Antoaneta
Probleme monetare internationale. I : Conferinta Monetara Internationala dela Bretton Woods (U.S.A.), iulie 19441944»»»
Badulescu, Victor V.
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 19441948»»»
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944 Vol. 11948»»»
Proceedings and documents of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference : Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 1-22, 1944 Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
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