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Central banking01/02/2006»»»
Central banking01/05/2009»»»
Central banking01/05/2009»»»
Central banking01/08/2006»»»
Central banking01/05/2006»»»
Central banking»»»
Central banking01/02/2001»»»
Central banking post-crisis : what compass for uncharted waters?2012»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Central banks balance sheets and fiscal operations2004»»»
Hawkins, John
Central banks re-arm for battles ahead2012»»»
Pringle, Robert
Jones, Claire
Challenges and risks posed to central banks by deflation2004»»»
Latter, Tony
Change is the only constant : risk management in review2000»»»
Koehler, Benedikt
Compliance with the core principles for systemically important payment systems and the role of th IMF2002»»»
Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Concerns and considerations for the practical implementation of the new Basel Accord2004»»»
Ferguson, Roger W.
Consolidation and liberalisation : building world-class banks2001»»»
Hsien Loong, Lee
Credit rating agencies: their role in the last crash and their regulation2009»»»
Persaud, Avinash
Crisis communications : preparedness and practice2009»»»
McCrakin, Bobbie
Deposit insurance, banking resolutions and moral hazard : considerations in system design2009»»»
Krimminger, Michael
Derivatives : risks and opportunities2000»»»
Gemmill, Gordon
Derivatives and systemic risk : friend or foe?2009»»»
Briault, Clive
Devastating liquidity effects of financial regulation and marketing microstructure2009»»»
Persaud, Avinash
Developments in European securities markets and the impact of regulation2001»»»
Bishop, Graham
E-money and payment systems review2002»»»
Pringle, Robert
Robinson, Matthew
E-money regulation in the EU2002»»»
Krueger, Malte
Euro : chaos or success? : William Clarke, chairman of Central Banking Publications, considers the preparations made for the introduction of euro notes and coins»»»
Clarke, William
Exchange-rate volatility and reserve management in the Italian experience2004»»»
Santorelli, Andrea
Facing the reality of systemic risk2001»»»
Farrant, Richard
Fewer government bonds: rethinking reserve portofolios2003»»»
Grava, Roberts L.
Financial independence and accountability for central banks2014»»»
Sullivan, Kenneth
Horakova, Martina
Financial turbulence and structural change in wholesale banking2009»»»
Walter, Ingo
From data collection to information management2009»»»
Sloyka, John
Governors on the record2001»»»
Pringle, Robert
Group risks : supervicion of UK based financial conglomerates2001»»»
Cook, Nick
Heads the dolar wins, tails the euro loses : the evolution of the dollar's safe-haven status2002»»»
Persaud, Avinash
Alvarez Grijalba, Natalia
Hedge funds : issues and challenges2009»»»
Ibnabdeljalil, Hania
Jacquat, Cedric
Rahmouni-Rousseau, Imene
How central banks manege risk2000»»»
Pringle, Robert
Weller, Benedict
Frowen, Stephen F.
How countries manage reserve assets2003»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
How countries manage reserve assets2003»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
How countries supervise their banks, insurers and securities markets 20062006»»»
Courtis, Neil
How the Bank of Canada manages reserves2003»»»
De Leon, Jacobo
How the Czech National Bank manages its risks2004»»»
Niedermayer, Ludek
Schmidt, Jan
How to use contingent capital buffers2012»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
Herring, Richard J.
Implementation of a risk-control framework in the SARB2004»»»
Hugo, Callie
Insurance harmonisation and the globalisation of financial markets2009»»»
Ferguson, Roger W.
International financial risk management2004»»»
Greenspan, Alan
International insurance supervision2001»»»
Butterworth, Steve
International monetary reform : a regulatory fix2012»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Intervention in asset markets2003»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Investment portofolio techniques at a central bank2004»»»
Lavigne, Etienne
Japan : a case for financial sector reform and monetary stimulus2001»»»
Heffernan, Shelagh
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