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Confessions of an economic hit man2023»»»
Perkins, John
Consideratiuni asupra reformelor economice ale presedintelui Roosevelt»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
Constiinta unui liberal2010»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Dumitru-Palcus, Constantin
Nicolae, Crenguta
Constructing a new labor law for the post-New Deal era»»»
Andrias, Kate
Continuitate si schimbari : elitele politice si administrative americane»»»
Rockman, Bert A.
Could we and should we reverse (excessive) automation?»»»
Acemoglu, Daron
Credit and income: co-integration dynamics of the US economy2009»»»
Athanasenas, Athanasios
Criza creditelor subprime2010»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Muresan, Jianu Daniel
Crizele care ne macina2010»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Popescu, Tiberiu Viorel
Cu fata spre secolul 211992»»»
Okita, Saburo
Maershon, Hermine
Iliescu, Maria
Cum stabilizam o economie instabila2011»»»
Minsky, Hyman P.
Nistor, Smaranda
Das Experiment Roosevelts1936»»»
Walter, Wilhelm F.
Debt problems and macroeconomic policies»»»
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Blinder, Alan S.
Cagan, Philip
Democratizing finance : origins of the community development financial institutions movement2018»»»
Rosenthal, Clifford N.
Erickson, David
Der Staat und die Weltwirtschaftskrise1936»»»
Hermens, Ferdinand A.
Der Weg zur wirtschaftlichen Gesundung der Welt[1927]»»»
Paish, George
Schacht, Hjalmar
Dezechilibrul schimburilor americano-chineze, sursa a tensiunilor relatiilor bilaterale2006»»»
Velicu, Rodica
Dezvoltarea economica si criza sistemului valutar»»»
Patan, Iosif
Die Wahrung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wahrend des Weltkrieges1930»»»
Lucas, Emma
Direct price control»»»
Bell, John F.
Doi ani dela Revolutia Roosevelt»»»
Scarlatescu, Victor
Dr. StrangeLoan2012»»»
Edlin, Aaron S.
Economia circulara : un model de economie a viitorului»»»
Perciun, Rodica
Timofei, Olga
Iordache, Victoria
Economia mondiala in secolul XXI : provocarea capitalismului global2004»»»
Gilpin, Robert
Gilpin, Jean Millis
Istratescu, Diana
Aboboaie, Cristina
Economia mondiala la inceputul secolului XXI : oportunitati si provocari2006»»»
Bonciu, Florin
Economic crisis : explanation & policy options2016»»»
Salisbury, Philip S.
Economic development of the United States1927»»»
Lippincott, Isaac
Economic fluctuations in the United States and the United Kingdom : 1918-19221942»»»
Economic policy and the Covid-19 crisis : the macroeconomic response in the US, Europe and East Asia2022»»»
Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette
Moon, Woosik
Sohn, Wook
Economic problems of reconstruction»»»
Bratt, Elmer Clark
Economic royalists and their kingdom in the New Deal era and beyond»»»
Lichtenstein, Nelson
Economics of the public sector1988»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Efectul de halou : si alte opt iluzii economice care ii induc in eroare pe manageri2010»»»
Rosenzweig, Phil
Balanescu, Dan
Turlea, Stelian
Epoca failibilitatii : consecintele luptei impotriva terorii2007»»»
Soros, George
Morosanu, Laura
Daianu, Daniel
Era turbulentelor : aventuri intr-o lume noua2008»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Nistor, Smaranda
Eradication of screwworm from the United States by radiobiological means»»»
Diamant, G.
Essays on the Great Depression2000»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Euro-Dollar : an holistic view of the economy»»»
Martens, Hans
Euro-Dollar puzzles»»»
Hubner, Kurt
Exorbitant privilege : the rise and fall of the dollar2011»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Experienta americana1933»»»
Popescu, Agripa
Experimenting with our money1934»»»
Carothers, Neil
Factors affecting the adoption of hybrid maize in the United States and Kenya»»»
Sprague, G. F.
Federal funds»»»
Goodfriend, Marvin
Whelpley, William
Financial regulatory reform2012»»»
Posner, Richard A.
Financing rural America1997»»»
Financing security and opportunity : the New Deal and the origins of the millennial student debt crisis»»»
Tandy Shermer, Elizabeth
Finding the sweet spot for effective regulation2012»»»
Hubbard, R. Glenn
Firefighting : the financial crisis and its lessons2019»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Geithner, Timothy F.
Paulson, Henry M., Jr.
Fiscal policy after the financial crisis2013»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Giavazzi, Francesco
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