Fondul de carte al Bibliotecii BNR se regăsește integral în catalogul on-line.
Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Bodie, Zvi
Kane, Alex
Marcus, Alan J.
Lumea in criza : erorile sistemului2011»»»
Peicuti, Cristina
Managementul portofoliului si al riscului pe piata titlurilor financiare2003»»»
Olteanu, Alexandru
Olteanu, Florin Manuel
Managementul riscului cu produse financiare derivate2008»»»
Lupu, Radu
Mathematical finance : theory, modeling, implementation2007»»»
Fries, Christian
Measuring and managing credit risk2004»»»
Servigny, Arnaud de
Renault, Olivier
Money, banking, and the financial system2012»»»
Hubbard, R. Glenn
O'Brien, Anthony Patrick
Multinational finance2000»»»
Buckely, Adrian
Multinational financial management2003»»»
Shapiro, Alan C.
NBER macroeconomics annual 19951995»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Rotemberg, Julio Jacobo
Options, futures and exotic derivatives : theory, application and practice1999»»»
Briys, E.
Bellalah, Mondher
Mai, H. M.
de Varenne, F.
Piata contractelor futures2000»»»
Bernstein, Jacob
Piata de capital1998»»»
Francu, Marin
Piata de capital : abordari teoretice si practice2021»»»
Anghelache, Gabriela-Victoria
Obreja, Carmen
Piata de capital : caracteristici, evolutii, tranzactii2004»»»
Anghelache, Gabriela-Victoria
Piata instrumentelor financiare derivate2008»»»
Miclaus, Paul-Gabriel
Lupu, Radu
Piete de capital si produse bursiere2006»»»
Stoica, Victor
Gruia, Adriana-Irina
Piete financiare2002»»»
Dufloux, Claude
Piete si instrumente financiare2008»»»
Prisacariu, Maria
Ursu, Silviu
Andries, Alin-Marius
Practical introduction to advanced financial analysis [Vol.] 1 Introduction to off balance sheet financing1996»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Practical introduction to advanced financial analysis [Vol.] 2 Markets and the instruments which they fund1996»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Practical methods of financial engineering and risk management : tools for modern financial professionals2014»»»
Chatterjee, Rupak
Principles of money, banking, and financial markets2000»»»
Ritter, Lawrence S.
Silber, William L.
Udell, Gregory F.
Relatii financiare si valutare internationale2003»»»
Boaja, Minica
Romania in Uniunea Europeana : oportunitati si provocari : Conferinta tinerilor economisti : (Bucuresti-septembrie 2007)2008»»»
Securities and derivatives markets»»»
Mugge, Daniel
Strategy, value and risk : industry dynamics and advanced financial management2019»»»
Rogers, Jamie
Subscriptia publica internationala de actiuni si de obligatiuni2000»»»
Stoica, Cristiana Irinel
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management2004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 12004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 1 - vol. 4»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 22004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 32004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps / financial derivatives : products, pricing, applications and risk management vol. 42004»»»
Das, Satyajit
Swaps and other derivatives2002»»»
Flavell, Richard
Tehnica si managementul operatiunilor bancare2003»»»
Mihai, Ilie
The analysis and use of financial statements2003»»»
White, Gerald I.
Sondhi, Ashwinpaul C.
Fried, Dov
The economics of derivatives2015»»»
Somanathan, T. V.
Nageswaran, V. Anantha
The economics of foreign exchange and global finance2009»»»
Wang, Peijie
The economics of money, banking and finance : a european text1999»»»
Howells, Peter
Bain, Keith
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2007»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2004»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2001»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets1995»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2016»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The essentials of risk management2014»»»
Crouhy, Michel
Galai, Dan
Mark, Robert
The financial jungle : a guide to credit derivatives2001»»»
Eaton, Scott W.
Davies, Jonathan
Hewer, James
Rivett, Phil
The financial jungle : international taxation of credit derivatives1999»»»
The handbook of equity derivatives2000»»»
Francis, Jack Clark
Toy, William W.
Whittaker, J. Gregg
The international banking system : capital adequacy, core businesses and risk management2013»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
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