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Bayesian inference for time series state space models2011»»»
Giordani, Paolo
Pitt, Michael
Kohn, Robert
Bayesian macroeconometrics2011»»»
Del Negro, Marco
Schorfheide, Frank
Bayesian methods in finance2011»»»
Jacquier, Eric
Polson, Nicholas
Behavioural macroeconomics : theory and policy2019»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Ji, Yuemei
Beyond GDP : measuring welfare and assessing sustainability2013»»»
Fleurbaey, Marc
Blanchet, Didier
Bolivian trade and development, 1952-871995»»»
Morales, Juan-Antonio
Britain's food in wartime1941»»»
Russell, John
Britain's future population1943»»»
Harrod, Roy Forbes
Business cycle theory2002»»»
Arnold, Lutz G.
Capital market liberalization and development2008»»»
Ocampo, Jose Antonio
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Capital markets, derivatives, and the law : evolution after crisis2014»»»
Rechtschaffen, Alan N.
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Capital requirements and the behavior of commercial banks2004»»»
Rochet, Jean-Charles
Capital, payments and money laundering in the EU2006»»»
Handoll, John
Cash and dash : how ATMs and computers changed banking2018»»»
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo
Birch, David G. W.
Cash-Based Executive Compensation in Spain and the UK2002»»»
Crespi, Rafel
Gispert, Carles
Renneboog, Luc
Central bank reserves1932»»»
Kisch, C. H.
Central banking2012»»»
Aglietta, Michel
Mojon, Benoit
Central banking before 1800 : a rehabilitation2019»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Saccomanni, Fabrizio
Central banking in turbulent times2018»»»
Papadia, Francesco
Valimaki, Tuomas
Central banks in the age of the euro : europeanization, convergence and power2009»»»
Dyson, Kenneth
Marcussen, Martin
Central banks into the breach : from triumph to crisis and the road ahead2017»»»
Siklos, Pierre L.
Challenges for the next decade of monetary policy implementation2011»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Mercier, Paul
Papadia, Francesco
Wurtz, F.
Coin hoards and hoarding in the Roman world2022»»»
Mairat, Jerome
Wilson, Andrew
Howgego, Christopher
Cointegration, causality, and forecasting : a festschrift in honour of Clive W. J. Granger1999»»»
Engle, Robert F.
White, Halbert
Comitology : delegation of powers in the European Union and the committee system2008»»»
Bergstrom, Carl Fredrik
Common Principles of Corporate Governance in Europe?2002»»»
Hopt, Klaus J.
Common currencies and market integration across cities : how strong is the link?2004»»»
Isgut, Alberto E.
Comparative Corporate Governance and Barriers to Global Cross Reference2002»»»
Bratton, William W.
McCahery, Joseph A.
Comparing apples and oranges : the effect of multilateral currency unions on trade2004»»»
Nitsch, Volker
Competition among financial intermediaries when diversification matters2004»»»
Winton, Andrew
Competition and antitrust policy in banking2012»»»
Dick, Astrid A.
Hannan, Timothy H.
Complete Separation of Ownership and Control: The Structure-Regime and Other Defensive Mechanisms in the Netherlands2002»»»
Moerland, Pieter W.
Computation of equilibria in heterogeneous-agent models2001»»»
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor
Computational methods for the study of dynamic economies2001»»»
Marimor, Ramon
Scott, Andrew
Computing models of social securities2001»»»
Imrohoroglu, Ayse
Imrohoroglu, Selahattin
Constitutionalization of European private law2014»»»
Micklitz, Hans-W.
Consumer credit models : pricing, profit, and portfolios2009»»»
Thomas, Lyn C.
Consumer lending2012»»»
Durkin, Thomas A.
Elliehausen, Gregory
Contagion and effiency in gross and net interbank payment systems2004»»»
Freixas, Xavier
Parigi, Bruno M.
Controlling the capital : political dominance in the urbanizing world2023»»»
Goodfellow, Tom
Jackman, David
Convergence and its Critics: What are the Preconditions to the Separation of Ownership and Control?2002»»»
Coffe, J. C.
Convergence or Divergence in Corporate Governance Patterns in Western Europe?2002»»»
Wymeersch, Eddy
Corporate Governance: Effects on Firm Performance and Economic Growth2002»»»
Maher, Maria
Andersson, Thomas
Corporate governance : economic, management, and financial issues1997»»»
Keasey, Kevin
Thompson, Steve
Wright, Mike
Corporate governance regimes : convergence and diversity2002»»»
Crafting consensus : why central bankers change their speech and how speech changes the economy2020»»»
Baerg, Nicole
Creating economy : enterprise, intellectual property, and the valuation of goods2019»»»
Townley, Barbara
Roscoe, Philip
Searle, Nicola
Credit and effiency in centralized and decentralized economies2004»»»
Dewatripont, Mathias
Maskin, Eric S.
Credit cycles2004»»»
Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro
Hardman Moore, John
Credit, intermediation and the macroeconomy : readings and perspectives in modern financial theory2004»»»
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