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Basel III, the Devil and global banking2012»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Beyond bitcoin : the economics of digital currencies2016»»»
Halaburda, Hanna
Sarvary, Miklos
Breaking up the euro : the end of a common currency2013»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Bubbles in credit and currency : how hot markets cool down2008»»»
Brown, Brendan
Building credible central banks : policy lessons for emerging economies2008»»»
Tshiani, Noel K.
Capital flows, crises and externalities2012»»»
Korinek, Anton
Capital market instruments : analysis and valuation2005»»»
Choudhry, Moorad
Joannas, Didier
Pereira, Richard
Pienaar, Rod
Central bank independence : cultural codes and symbolic performance2012»»»
Tognato, Carlo
Central bank independence, accountability, and transparency : a global perspective2009»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Arnone, Marco
Segalotto, Jean-Francois
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
Central bank ratings : a new methodology for global excellence2016»»»
Ramlall, Indranarain
Central bank regulation and the financial crisis : a comparative analysis2016»»»
Han, Miao
Central bank reserves and sovereign wealth management2010»»»
Berkelaar, Arjan B.
Coche, Joachim
Nyholm, Ken
Central bank transparency: reasons for 'creative ambiguity'2005»»»
Muchlinski, Elke
Central banking and financialization : a Romanian account of how Eastern Europe became subprime2011»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Central banking in a monetary theory of production: the economics of paymeny finality from a circular-flow perspective2005»»»
Rossi, Sergio
Central banks and coded language : risks and benefits2011»»»
Muchlinski, Elke
Challenges after the crisis in emerging Europe : a look outside the EU borders2012»»»
Buysse, Kristel
Gurtner, Francois
China's undervalutation of the currency2005»»»
Sommer, Albrecht
Circuit theory and the employment issue2005»»»
Gnos, Claude
Circulation approach and applied economics: monetary duality in Cuba2005»»»
Deleplace, Ghislain
Combating intervention risk2010»»»
Fischer, Stephen John
Combining Canadian interest rate forecasts2010»»»
Jamieson Bolder, David
Romanyuk, Yulia
Commercial banking risk management : regulation in the wake of the financial crisis2017»»»
Tian, Weidong
Comparative Economic Studies : a journal of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies : volume 51, number 4, December 20092009»»»
Wachtel, Paul A.
Vujcic, Boris
Comparative economic studies : A journal of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies volume 46, number 1, March 20042004»»»
Miller, Jeffrey B.
Consumer credit fundamentals2005»»»
Finlay, Steven
Contemporary issues in macroeconomics : lessons from the crisis and beyond2016»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Guzman, Martin
Convergence expectations and convergence strategies : lessons from the Hungarian experiences in the pre-EU period2004»»»
Csermely, Agnes
Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe : lessons and non-lessons from the crisis2012»»»
Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo
Copulas and risk measures for strategic asset allocation : a case study for central banks2010»»»
Caillault, Cyril
Monier, Stephane
Costs and benefits of Poland's EMU accession : a tentative assessment2004»»»
Borowski, Jakub
Covariance estimation and dynamic asset-allocation under microstructure effects via methodology2011»»»
Mancino, Maria Elvira
Sanfelici, Simona
Credit correlation : theory and practice2017»»»
Elouerkhaoui, Youssef
Crisis and recovery in emerging Europe : the policy response in retrospect and challenges ahead2012»»»
Stark, Jurgen
Crisis in the eurozone : causes, dilemmas and solutions2015»»»
Baimbridge, Mark
Whyman, Philip B.
Cross-country versus cross-regional convergtence in the European Union : an empirical exploration2010»»»
Workie Tiruneh, Menbere
Currency union entries and trade2005»»»
Nitsch, Volker
Defensive expectations : reinventing the Phillips curve as a policy mix2021»»»
Voinea, Liviu
Derivatives and internal models2009»»»
Deutsch, Hans-Peter
Discounting, LIBOR, CVA and funding : interest rate and credit pricing2012»»»
Kenyon, Chris
Stamm, Roland
Disintermediation economics : the impact of blockchain on markets and policies2021»»»
Kaili, Eva
Psarrakis, Dimitrios
Disrupting finance : FinTech and strategy in the 21st century2019»»»
Lynn, Theo
Mooney, John G.
Rosati, Pierangelo
Cummins, Mark
Dollar volatility and its impact on world financial markets2005»»»
Frowen, Stephen F.
Karakitsos, Elias
Dollars, euros, and debt : how we got into the fiscal crisis, and how we get out of it2013»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Dynamic management of interest rate risk for central banks and pension funds2010»»»
Berkelaar, Arjan B.
Petre, Gabriel
Dynamic strategic asset allocation : the efficient use of conditional expected returns2011»»»
Jeffery, Chris
Somefun, Koye
van den Heiligenberg, Emiel
EMU accession issues in Estonia2004»»»
Ross, Marten
Lattemae, Raoul
EU payment integration : the tale of SEPA, PSD and other milestones along the road2010»»»
Wandhofer, Ruth
Early warning systems for financial crises : applications to East Asia2005»»»
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