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Dinamica pietelor de capital emergente2014»»»
Diaconasu, Delia-Elena
Pohoata, Ion
EU securities and financial markets regulation2016»»»
Moloney, Niamh
Krugman, Paul R.
Wells, Robin
Economics for business2019»»»
Gillespie, Andrew
Economics of Monetary Union2018»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Economics of Monetary Union2003»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Economie : o foarte scurta introducere2020»»»
Dasgupta, Partha
Sofonea, Mihaela
Economie monetara2002»»»
Donath, Liliana
Dima, Bogdan, economist
Elements of the Euro area : integrating financial markets2005»»»
Berg, Jesper
Grande, Mauro
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Emission allowances as financial instruments»»»
Annunziata, Filippo
Enlargement and the international role of the Euro»»»
Cohen, Benjamin J.
Essays on the Great Depression2000»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Euro si pietele financiare internationale2005»»»
Weidinger Sosdean, Corina
Euro-area enlargement and euro adoption strategies»»»
Darvas, Zsolt
Szapary, Gyorgy
Eurodollars : capital flows and the U.S. balance of payments»»»
Bernstein, Edward Morris
Europe's toxic twins : government debt in financialized times»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Ban, Cornel
European e-commerce and e-money»»»
Toube, David
European financial markets : the effects of European Union membership on Central and Eastern European equity markets2008»»»
Southall, Tony F.
Evolutia euro pe pietele financiare internationale si implicatiile acesteia in relatiile financiar-bancare romanesti2003»»»
Bodea, Tiberiu
Excerpts from "Gold and the dollar crisis"»»»
Triffin, Robert
Finance and financial intermediation : a modern treatment of money, credit, and banking2019»»»
Cole, Harold Linh
Financial Restraints and Liberalization in Postwar Europe2001»»»
Wyplosz, Charles
Financial market integration under EMU»»»
Jappelli, Tullio
Pagano, Marco
Hayes, Simon
Financial market regulation : still a regime removed from politics?»»»
Dorn, Nicholas
Financial market, taxation and international capital flows»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Financial markets : current trends and factors that determine the functioning of financial and credit institutions»»»
Yarygina, Irina
Mamedov, Tural
Financial markets and exchanges»»»
Walker, George
Financial markets and exchanges law2007»»»
Blair, Michael C.
Walker, George Alexander
Financial markets and institutions : a European perspective2020»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Schoenmaker, Dirk
Wierts, Peter J.
Financial markets integration and exchange rate policy1990»»»
Mathieson, Donald J.
Rojas-Suarez, Liliana
Financial risk forecasting : the theory and practice of forecasting market risk, with implementation in R and Matlab2011»»»
Danielsson, Jon
Financialization : an introduction»»»
Mader, Philip
Mertens, Daniel
Zwan, Natascha van der
Financialization and the impasse of capitalism»»»
Chesnais, Francois
Finante : suport de curs2003-2004»»»
Stancu, Ion
Finante : suport de curs Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Stancu, Ion
Finante : suport de curs Vol. 1 Piete financiare si gestiunea portofoliului2004»»»
Stancu, Ion
Armeanu, Daniel
Balu, Florentina
Damian, Oana-Alexandra
Dragota, Ingrid-Mihaela
Dragota, Victor
Ivanescu, Dan Nicolae
Jianu, Ana
Lipara, Carmen
Tudor, Roxana
Finante internationale1997»»»
Gaftoniuc, Simona
Foundations of global financial markets and institutions2019»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Jones, Frank J.
Fabozzi, Francesco A.
Mann, Steven V.
Fundamentals of investment : a practitioner's guide2019»»»
O'Loughlin, Brian
O'Brien, Frank
Gestiunea portofoliului in context international»»»
Dragota, Victor
Dragota, Ingrid-Mihaela
Damian, Oana-Alexandra
Gestiunea portofoliului in situatie de criza financiara2015»»»
Stanga, Elena
Ghid practic pentru economisti2006»»»
Blidaru, Gheorghe
Florea, Paul Tiberiu
Global demographic change : economic impacts and policy challenges : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 26-28, 20042004»»»
Sellon, Gordon H., Jr.
Global economic integration : opportunities and challenges : a summary of the bank's 2000 economic symposium»»»
Kahn, George A.
Global imbalances and the need for policy adjustment»»»
Gonzalez-Paramo, Jose Manuel
Globalization of financial markets: international supervisory and regulatory issues»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Governing the blockchain : what is the applicable law?»»»
Territt, Harriet
Handbook of financial intermediation and banking2008»»»
Thakor, Anjan
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
Hedge funds : past and present»»»
Lysandrou, Photis
How pension reforms are changing financial systems2010»»»
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