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Jones, Charles I.
Mecanismul de transmisie a politicii monetare in Romania»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Udrea, Ioana
Braun, Horia
Modern central banking»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Modern monetary policy»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Monetary policy : global trends and the development of Bank of Russia's approaches»»»
Zagoyti, Veronika
Monetary policy : selected works2022»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Croitoru, Lucian
Monetary policy and its transmission channels in Mexico»»»
Gil-Diaz, Francisco
Monetary policy during transition : how to manage paradigm shifts : presentation delivered at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Banking and Financial History : Bucharest, 7-9 June 2012»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Monetary policy transmission : the Chilean case»»»
Eyzaguirre, Nicolas
Monetary policy transmission : the Colombian case»»»
Carrasquilla, Alberto
On the exchange rate pass-through in Romania»»»
Stoian, Anca
Murarasu, Bogdan
One market, one money? : well, maybe ... sometimes ...»»»
Laidler, David Ernest William
Volcker, Paul A.
Tobin, James
Margolis, Louis I.
Roosa, Robert V.
Policy coordination and future IMF surveillance : Alexander Swoboda analyses past attempts at international policy coordination, and asks what role a newly mandated IMF should play in unwinding global imbalances»»»
Swoboda, Alexander K.
Politica monetara : lucrari selectate2022»»»
Antohi, Dorina
Croitoru, Lucian
Politica valutara si managementul riscurilor in tranzactiile internationale2003»»»
Paxino, Dan Octavian
Politici integratoare antiinflationiste2014»»»
Bacescu, Marius
Bacescu-Carbunaru, Angelica
Condruz-Bacescu, Monica
Politici si piete monetar-valutare»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Portfolio selection and interest rate setting by the Dutch banking system»»»
Van Loo, Peter D.
Povestea banilor2020»»»
Wheelan, Charles
Drelciuc, Simona-Maria
Problems of the International Monetary System»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Puzzles in economic growth and exchange rates : economic growth is a preoccupation of rich and poor, slow and fast growing countries alike : Graham Bannock reviews three attempyts to unravel the mystery»»»
Bannock, Graham
Rata de schimb de echilibru si factorii sai : cazul Romaniei2012»»»
Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
Ciurila, Nicoleta
Bojesteanu, Elena
Cobiscan, Dorina
Recommendations of Six Brookings Experts»»»
Regional monetary integration of the developing countries»»»
Kafka, Alexandre
Reserve management in Danmarks Nationalbank : combining liquidity tiers with an adaptive risk budget»»»
Kjaergaard, Morten
Vahle, Rasmus
Ejsing, Jacob Wellendorph
Rolul bancilor centrale in economiile contemporane : dincolo de stabilitatea preturilor2023»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Salater, Wilhelm
Romania si adoptarea monedei euro : disertatie sustinuta cu ocazia decernarii titlului de Doctor Honoris Causa al Universitatii din Bucuresti : Bucuresti, 20 februarie 2014»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Seven rules of foreign exchanges : economic fundamentals hold in the long run, but what drives currency markets in the short run? : in this personal view Avinash Persaud find clues in watching what central banks say, and that they do»»»
Persaud, Avinash
Seven years with the Euro»»»
Almunia, Joaquin
Stabilizing floating exchange rates is neither the most important nor the easiest step needed to restore a viable international monetary order»»»
Triffin, Robert
Summary of discussion»»»
Summary of discussion»»»
Summary of discussion»»»
The Eurodollar market : a French view»»»
Lattre, Andre de
The Eurodollar market : a view from Italy»»»
Ferrari, Alberto
The European Monetary System»»»
Artis, Michael J.
The European Monetary Union : Europe at the crossroads2020»»»
Acocella, Nicola
The assignment problem»»»
Sohmen, Egon
The distribution of seigniorage from international liquidity creation»»»
Grubel, Herbert Gunter
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2004»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The exchange rate system1983»»»
Williamson, John
The exchange rate system»»»
Cirovic, Milutin
The future of international payments»»»
Meade, James Edward
The future of the EMU, the euro, and international finance»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
The impact of EMU on growth in Europe»»»
Barrell, Ray
Holland, Dawn
Liadze, Iana
Pomerantz, Olga
Decressin, Jorg
Stavrev, Emil
The macroeconomics of the Great Depression : a comparative approach»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
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