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Banca Rezervelor Sud-Africane: o evaluare a originii, evolutiei si statutului unei banci centrale2009»»»
de Jager, Johann
Banca centrala : credibilitate si independenta2002»»»
Cerna, Silviu
Banca centrala si sistemele de plati de interes national1998»»»
Savoiu, Vasile
Banci europene si internationale2006»»»
Negru, Titel
Banci, sisteme de plati, riscuri1999»»»
Diaconescu, Mariana
Bancile centrale in tranzitie : [textul prelegerii "Per Jacobbson" sustinute de profesorul Alexandre Lamfalussy (8 iunie 1994)]»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Bancile centrale in vremea pandemiei»»»
Cerna, Silviu
Bancile centrale moderne»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Brash, Donald T.
Mancera, Miguel
Tosovsky, Josef
Bancile centrale si calibrarea politicii monetare2022»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Lazea, Valentin
Bancile centrale si echilibrul economic»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Bancile centrale si echilibrul economic : studiu introductiv publicat in volumul "Viitorul bancilor centrale" din Colectia "Biblioteca Bancii Nationale a Romaniei" : Bucuresti, 2019»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Bancile centrale, creatia monetara si stabilitatea financiara»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Bancile centrale, criza si postcriza : Romania si Uniunea Europeana incotro?2018»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Bancile de emisiune si rostul lor in stat1916»»»
Mihailescu, M. I.
Bancile in economia globala : evolutii, provocari, perspective2020»»»
Barbu, Teodora
Boitan, Iustina Alina
Marchewka-Bartkowiak, Kamilla
Bani si credit. Banii. Teoriile monetare. Administrarea banilor si politica monetara2003»»»
Stoica, Victor
Deaconu, Petre
Bani, credit bancar si cicluri economice2009»»»
Huerta de Soto, Jesus
Banii, activitatea bancara si economia1993»»»
Mayer, Thomas
Duesenberry, James S.
Aliber, Robert Zelwin
Bank Al-Maghrib : l’emergence d’une banque centrale du XXe au XXIe siecle2016»»»
Feiertag, Olivier
Jouahri, Abdellatif
Bank Negara come to age: governors from five continents joined Bank Negara Malaysia in February to commemorate its 50th birthday»»»
Jones, Claire
Bank Polski : 1828-1928 : dla upamietnienia stuletniego jubileuszu otwarcia1928»»»
Bank al-Maghrib1987»»»
Bank beds in its new money market : Paul Brione spoke with Paul Tucker on the completion of a major project at the Bank of England»»»
Brione, Paul
Tucker, Paul
Bank credit versus nonbank credit and the supply of liquidity by the central bank2010»»»
Marquis, Milton H.
Bank notes»»»
Bank notes»»»
Bank of England : learning to live with the euro2009»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Bank of England operation : 1890-19141936»»»
Sayers, Richard Sidney
Bank of France : the challenge of escaping politicization2009»»»
Howarth, David
Bank of Greece : latecomer, uphill adjustment2009»»»
Pagoulatos, George
Bank of Israel : integrating equities into the foreign exchange reserves»»»
Abir, Andrew
Benita, Golan
Bank of Korea : a seventy-year history : development of the Korean economy and the Bank of Korea : 1950-20202020»»»
Lee, Juyeol
Hwang, Inseon
Bank of Latvia XC2012»»»
Bank von England, Reichsbank und Wallstreet : das Notenbankwesen in Gemeinverstandlicher Darstellungs.a.»»»
Kramer, Carl
Bank-industry versus stock market-industry relationships2023»»»
Garcia-Ruiz, Jose Luis
Vasta, Michelangelo
Bankbetrieb und Bankgeschafte1925»»»
Leitner, Friedrich
Bankers, bureaucrats, and central bank politics : the myth of neutrality2013»»»
Adolph, Christopher
Leaf, Walter
Banking crises, liquidity and credit lines : a macroeconomic perspective2012»»»
Singh, Gurbachan
Banking for business administration : theory, cases and applications2012»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Ameziane, Lizeta
Dinca, Violeta Mihaela
Orzea, Ivona
Agoston, Simona
Serban, Andreea Luoana
Vasilescu, Andra Maria
Banking in the European Community after 19921994»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
Banking law developments in the United Kingdom1995»»»
Pigott, Hugh S.
Banking on the future : the fall and rise of central banking2010»»»
Davies, Howard
Green, David
Banking panics and the origin of central banking2010»»»
Gorton, Gary B.
Huang, Lixin
Banking panics and the origin of central banking»»»
Gorton, Gary
Huang, Lixin
Boyd, John H.
Green, Edward J.
Banking secrecy: coping with money laundering in the international arena1994»»»
Hilsher, Gerald L.
Banking sector restructuring during crisis2009»»»
Akcakoca, Engin
Banking services in the United Kingdom: the law and practice report1994»»»
Jack, R. B.
Banking stability and unemployement. An empirical analysis on Romania2008»»»
Moinescu, Bogdan-Gabriel
Banknote management for central banks : practices, challenges and trends2017»»»
Montoya, Ivan
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