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Japan hits back! : quoting from a speech on November 26 2001 by Yutaka Yamaguchi, deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, Central Banking Publications summarises the Bank's response to recent criticism»»»
Yamaguchi, Yutaka
Key developments in the peyments industry2002»»»
Massey, Katy
Key events in central banking : 1609-20012001»»»
Pringle, Robert
Key issues for regulators and supervisors2009»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
Large complex financial institutions : too big to manage? Too big to regulate?2009»»»
Smout, Clifford
Learning from Asia's success2012»»»
Lyons, Gerard
Legal risks for central banks2004»»»
Proctor, Charles
Lessons for banking and market regulation in Asia2009»»»
Sheng, Andrew
Lessons of the credit crash2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Pringle, Robert
Taylor, Michael W.
Liquidity, gridlocks and bank failures in large value payment systems2002»»»
Linnemann, Morten
Soramaki, Kimmo
Macroprudential policy : mandate, strategy and governance2012»»»
Gieve, John
Managing central banks for tomorrow : practical challenges2009»»»
Mendzela, John
Managing systemic risk through secured settlements2002»»»
Dhumale, Rahul
New answers to old questions2012»»»
Subbarao, Duvvuri
New horizons in central bank risk management2004»»»
Objectives, governance and profits of central banks1999»»»
Pringle, Robert
Courtis, Neil
Operational risk management for central banks2004»»»
Hiawatashi, Junji
Ashida, Hiroshi
Organising the economists in a central bank2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Originate to distribute2009»»»
Taylor, Michael
Outsourcing IT at Norges Bank2009»»»
Austin, Semming
Payment system risks2000»»»
Lindley, Robert
Payment system risks2002»»»
Lindley, Robert
Payment systems effiency, monetary policy transmission and financial sector stability2002»»»
Masha, Iyabode
Performance measurement and management : a portfolio approach2009»»»
Donohue, Keltie
Cosier, Janet
Planning for business continuity at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York2004»»»
Masei-Rosato, Maria
Mindlin, Elizabeth G.
Principles for financial plumbers2002»»»
Trundle, John
RBS reserve management trends 20062006»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
Re-engineering payment systems for the e-world2002»»»
Leinonen, Harry
Re-evaluating functions : what should a central bank do?2009»»»
Plenderleith, Ian
Recent supervisory developments in Germany2001»»»
Dreibus, Alexandra
Reflections on the international role of the euro2002»»»
Mussa, Michael
Regulatory action and military command: a parallel2009»»»
Sheng, Andrew
Regulatory developments in the Eu2001»»»
Levitt, Malcolm
Relationship between governments and bankers2012»»»
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Research in and policy for financial stability : what have we learnt?2009»»»
Davis, E. Philip
Karim, Dilruba
Reserve management at the Reserve Bank of India2003»»»
Reddy, Yaga V.
Reserve management in developing countries2003»»»
Naameh, Michael
Resolving cross-border bank problems2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Responsiveness and leadership : new ways of working, organisind and resourcing2009»»»
Thomson, Iain
Restructuring : the Deutsche Bundesbank experience2009»»»
Peschel, Michael
Retail electronic payments2002»»»
Birch, David G. W.
Retail payment systems in the UK : is there a lack of competition?2002»»»
Ganguly, Bidisha
Milne, Alistair
Rightsizing in Sri Lanka2009»»»
Abeyrante, S. H. A. M.
Risc management practices at the ECB2000»»»
Bernadell, Carlos
Rogers, Ciaran
Risk and regulation2000»»»
Quinn, Brian
Risk management : the role of internal risk transparency2012»»»
Jackson, Patricia
Risk management at the World bank : global liquidity portofolios2000»»»
Robinson-Calari, Jennifer
Risk management for central bankers2000»»»
Frowen, Stephen F.
Pringle, Robert
Weller, Benedict
Risk management in the Bank of England's financial markets operations2000»»»
Allen, Richard
Risk management in the Reserve Bank : a 2003 perspective2004»»»
Anderson, Steve
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