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Fiscal policy in Japan and the United States since 1973 : economic crises, taxation and weak tax consent»»»
Brownlee, W. Elliot
Ide, Eisaku
Fixing bankers' pay2012»»»
Bebchuk, Lucian Arye
Frica si libertatea : cum ne-a schimbat vietile al Doilea Razboi Mondial2020»»»
Lowe, Keith
Marinescu, Cornelia
From the silver Czech tolar to a worldwide dollar : the birth of the dollar and its journey of monetary circulation in Europe and the world from the 16th to the 20th century2013»»»
Vorel, Petr
Geld und Kredit-reform1932»»»
Wagemann, Ernst
Global imbalances : is the world economy really at risk?2007»»»
Brender, Anton
Pisani, Florence
Miller, Axel
Blanchard, Olivier
Global imbalances and the need for policy adjustment»»»
Gonzalez-Paramo, Jose Manuel
Gold resumption and the deflation of the 1870s»»»
Burdekin, Richard Charles Keighly
Siklos, Pierre L.
Government guarantees2012»»»
Acharya, Viral V.
Richardson, Matthew
Has the business cycle changed? : evidence and explanations»»»
Stock, James H.
Watson, Mark W.
DeLong, J. Bradford
Ortiz, Guillermo
Hedge fund wizards2012»»»
Foster, Dean P.
Young, H. Peyton
History of channels of distribution»»»
Tamilia, Robert D.
How countries manage large central bank balance sheets»»»
Stella, Peter
How little we know2012»»»
Roberts, Russell
How stable are insurance subsidies in health reform?2012»»»
Pauly, Mark V.
How the Fed moves markets : central bank analysis for the modern era2016»»»
Schnidman, Evan A.
MacMillan, William D.
How to combat recession : stimulus without debt2018»»»
Seidman, Laurence S.
If it were a fight, they would have stopped it in December of 20082012»»»
Barbera, Robert J.
In cadere libera : America, piata libera si prabusirea economiei mondiale2010»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Nistor, Smaranda
Nicolae, Crenguta
Income in the various states : its sources and distribution : 1919, 1920, and 19211925»»»
Leven, Maurice
King, Willford Isbell
Increasing indebtedness and financial stability in the United States»»»
Friedman, Benjamin M.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Industry in the U.S.A.1966»»»
Owen, Geoffrey
Inflation, unemployment and government deficits and what will quickly end them (and what will not) : a professional's readable explanation of the current recession and the future of the United States' economy and jobs2012»»»
Lindauer, John
Innovation and public policy2021»»»
Goolsbee, Austan
Jones, Benjamin
Instruments of the money market1993»»»
Cook, Timothy Q.
LaRoche, Robert K.
International political economy and globalization2008»»»
Maswood, Syed Javed
Interpretari occidentale inconsistente ale decalajelor economice»»»
Popper, Andrei A.
Introducere in istoria economica a Statelor Unite ale Americii1956»»»
Schatteles, Tiberiu
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Invatamantul economic superior in Statele-Unite»»»
Vasiliu, Vasile Gh.
Inventing the American economy»»»
Shenk, Timothy
Investment banking regulation after Bear Stearns2012»»»
Jaffee, Dwight
Perlow, Mark
Irrational exuberance2016»»»
Shiller, Robert J.
Is macroeconomics off track?2012»»»
Mulligan, Casey B.
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
Istoria globala a crizei financiare : (2007-2010)2012»»»
Lybeck, Johan A.
Dracsineanu, Catalin
It works for mergers, why not for finance?2012»»»
Edlin, Aaron S.
Gilbert, Richard J.
Jack Welch se destainuie : iscusinta si intelepciunea celui mai mare lider de afaceri al lumii2009»»»
Lowe, Janet
Constantin, Madalina
Popa, Lucian
Keeping at it : the quest for sound money and good government2020»»»
Volcker, Paul A.
Harper, Christine
L'Amerique a la conquete de l'Europe1931»»»
Pomaret, Charles
L'Amerique economique1927»»»
Kottgen, Carl
L'emission et le placement des valeurs mobilieres aux Etats-Unis1930»»»
Guitard, Henri
La crise et l'economie dirigee1935»»»
Philip, Andre
La crise et le probleme monetaire1935»»»
Lascaux, Robert
La lutte contre la crise agraire aux Etats-Unis[s.a.]»»»
Molodovsky, Nicolas
La politique economique des Etats-Unis1966»»»
Franck, Louis
La politique economique internationale des Etats-Unis depuis la guerre : contribution a l'etude des relations economiques internationales1938»»»
Herisson, Charles Daniel
La politique financiere du president Roosevelt1938»»»
Closon, Francis Louis
La repartition de l'or dans le monde apres l'assainissement des monnaies europeennes1928»»»
Pandele, Constantin Alexandru
La repartition geographique du commerce exterieur des Etats-Unis et la balance federale des comptes1927»»»
Muller, Oscar R.
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