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The European Central Bank between the financial crisis and populisms2020»»»
Macchiarelli, Corrado
Monti, Mara
Wiesner, Claudia
Diessner, Sebastian
De Grauwe, Paul
The European Central bank : a view from across the ocean2004»»»
Cecchetti, Stephen G.
The European central Bank as regulator and as institutional actor»»»
Marauhn, Thilo
Weiss, Michael
- Descriere: p. 209-223
- ISBN: -
The Eurosystem, the Union and beyond : the single currency and implications for governance : an ECB colloquium held in honour of Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, 27 April 20052005»»»
The Great Depression analogy : is it different this time?2011»»»
James, Harold
The Phillips curve and the European Central Bank2009»»»
Stark, Jurgen
The age of the euro : a structural break? : europeanization, convergence, and power in central banking2009»»»
Dyson, Kenneth
The communication policy of the European Central Bank : an overview of the first decade2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Jansen, David-Jan
The endogenous dynamics of markets : price impact and feedback loops2011»»»
Bouchaud, Jean Philippe
The euro at ten - lessons and challenges : Fifth ECB Central Banking Conference, 13-14 November 20082009»»»
Mackowiak, Bartosz
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Noblet, Gilles
Smets, Frank
The euro at ten - unfullfilled threats and unexpected challenges2009»»»
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Wyplosz, Charles
The europ and the enlargement - challenges ahead2009»»»
Giavazzi, Francesco
Gaspar, Vitor
Orphanides, Athanasios
Simor, Andras
The financial sector in Bulgaria : structure, functioning and trends2002»»»
Yotzov, Victor
The financial sector in Cyprus : structure, performance and main developments2002»»»
Georgiadou, Lenia
The financial sector in Czech Republic : an assessment of its current state of development and functioning2002»»»
Ihnat, Pavol
Prochazka, Petr
The financial sector in Hungary2002»»»
Zsamboki, Balazs
The financial sector in Malta : structure, performance and trends2002»»»
Pullicino, David A.
Saliba, Rene G.
The global roots of the current financial crisis and its implications for regulation2009»»»
Kashyap, Anil K.
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Stein, Jeremy C.
The importance of financialsector developments in EU accession countries2002»»»
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso
The law of the European Central Bank2004»»»
Zilioli, Chiara
Selmayr, Martin
The legal framework for the European System of Central Banks»»»
Siekmann, Helmut
The legality of outright monetary transactions of the European System of Central Banks»»»
Siekmann, Helmut
The making of the statute of the European System of Central Banks : an application of checks and balances2005»»»
Berg, Carel Cornelis Abraham van den
The monetary policy of the ECB 20042004»»»
The monetary policy of the ECB 20112011»»»
The monetary policy of the ECB, 20012001»»»
The new EU member states convergence and stability : Third ECB Central Banking Conference, 21-22 October 20042005»»»
Detken, Carsten
Gaspar, Vitor
Noblet, Gilles
The north European model of early central banking2009»»»
Tarkka, Juha
The payment system : payments, securities and derivatives and the role of the eurosystem2010»»»
Kokkola, Tom
The quest for stable money : central banking in Austria, 1816-20162016»»»
Jobst, Clemens
Kernbauer, Hans
The risk of diversification2004»»»
Ferket, Peter
Zwanenburg, Machiel
The robustness and efficiency of monetary policy rules as guidelines for interest rate setting by the european central bank»»»
Taylor, John B.
- Descriere: Vol. 43, No. 3, June 1999, p. 655-679
- ISBN: -
The role of money2008»»»
Stark, Jurgen
The role of money2008»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
The role of money : money and monetary policy in the twenty-first century2008»»»
Beyer, Andreas
Reichlin, Lucrezia
The role of money and monetary policy in Japan2008»»»
Iwata, Kazumasa
The role of money and monetary policy in the twenty-first century2008»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
The role of money in the conduct of monetary policy2008»»»
Papademos, Lucas D.
The role of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank in the context of international financial crisis»»»
Munteanu, Tatiana
Halic, Mariana-Gabriela
- Descriere: p. 144-153
- ISBN: -
The structure and the functioning of the financial sector in Slovenia2002»»»
Cufer, Uros
Fabijan, Janez
Prelovsek, Danica
Tratnik, Janko
The two pillars of the European Central Bank»»»
Gerlach, Stefan
- Descriere: No. 40, October 2004, p. 391-439
- ISBN: -
Thoughts on investment guidelines for institutions with special liquidity and capital preservation requirements2004»»»
Putnam, Bluford H.
Time for the ECB to intervene : Charles Goodhart makes the case for Europe's central bank to sell the euro»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Title II "Payment service providers", chapter 1 "Payment institutions", section 3 "Competent authorities and supervision" (arts 22-31), section 4 "Exemptions" (arts 32-34)»»»
Bozina Beros, Marta
Toward an European central bank digital currency : chances and problems»»»
Bielig, Andreas
Trust and cohesion in Europe : lessons from the Delian League»»»
Orphanides, Athanasios
Trust in the European Central Bank throughout the worldwide financial crisis and the european debt crisis»»»
Berlemann, Michael
- Descriere: p. 25-48
- ISBN: -
Two reasons why money and credit may be useful in monetary policy2008»»»
Christiano, Lawrence J.
Motto, Roberto
Rostagno, Massimo
Understanding central banks2019»»»
Herger, Nils
What shortcomings in macroeconomic theory and modelling have been revealed by the financial crisis and how should they be addressed in the future?2011»»»
Eichenbaum, Martin
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