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Implication of the financial crisis for risk management and macroprudential supervision2011»»»
Rosengren, Eric S.
Werkema, Joel
Institutional banking for emerging markets : principles and practice2007»»»
Huang, Wei-Xin
Intelligent credit scoring : building and implementing better credit risk scorecards2017»»»
Siddiqi, Naeem
Interest rate risk modeling : the fixed income valuation course2005»»»
Nawalkha, Sanjay K.
Soto, Gloria M.
Beliaeva, Natalia A.
International economic indicators and central banks2007»»»
Dolganos Picker, Anne
International finance regulation : the quest for financial stability2014»»»
Ugeux, Georges
International macroeconomics2009»»»
Montiel, Peter J.
Introduction to financial surveillance2008»»»
Frisen, Marianne
Introduction to probability : models and applications2020»»»
Balakrishnan, N.
Koutras, Markos V.
Politis, Konstantinos G.
Investigating cryptocurrencies : understanding, extracting, and analyzing blockchain evidence2018»»»
Furneaux, Nick
Knottenbelt, William
Issues in monetary policy : the relationship between money and the financial markets2006»»»
Matthews, Kent
Booth, Philip
Lessons from the financial crisis : causes, consequences and our economic future2010»»»
Kolb, Robert W.
Liklihood-based surveillance for continuous-time processes2008»»»
Tomasson, Helgi
Linear state-space control systems2007»»»
Williams, Robert L.
Lawrence, Douglas A.
Liquidity management at UBS2007»»»
McLean Forrest, Bruce
Liquidity risk and classical option pricing theory2007»»»
Jarrow, Robert Alan
Liquidity risk management : a practitioner's perspective2016»»»
Venkat, Shyam
Baird, Stephen
Liquidity risk management strategies and tactics2007»»»
Matz, Leonard
Neu, Peter
Liquidity risk measurement2007»»»
Neu, Peter
Liquidity risk measurement and management : a practitioner's guide to global best practices2007»»»
Matz, Leonard
Neu, Peter
Loss models : from data to decisions2012»»»
Klugman, Stuart A.
Panjer, Harry H.
Willmot, Gordon E.
Macroeconomics : understanding the global economy2012»»»
Miles, David
Scott, Andrew
Breedon, Francis
Managerial economics : international adaptation2022»»»
Samuelson, William F.
Marks, Stephen G.
Zagorsky, Jay L.
Managing a funding crisis: citizens first bancorp, a case study 1989-19942007»»»
Mason, Bruce W.
Managing bank capital : capital allocation and performance measurement2001»»»
Matten, Chris
Managing liquidity in banks : a top down approach2009»»»
Duttweiler, Rudolf
Market developments in banks' funding markets2007»»»
Neu, Peter
Leistenschneider, Armin
Wondrak, Bernhard
Knippschild, Martin
Market risk analysis2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis Vol. 1 - Vol. 4»»»
Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis Vol. 1 Quantitative methods in finance2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis Vol. 2 Practical financial econometrics2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis Vol. 3 Pricing, hedging and trading financial instruments2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis Vol. 4 Value-at-risk models2008»»»
Alexander, Carol
Marketing plans : how to prepare them, how to profit from them2016»»»
McDonald, Malcolm
Wilson, Hugh
Mastering IIS 7 implementation and administration2007»»»
Mueller, John Paul
Mathematical finance : theory, modeling, implementation2007»»»
Fries, Christian
Matlab : an introduction with applications2011»»»
Gilat, Amos
Measuring market risk2005»»»
Dowd, Kevin
Measuring operational and reputational risk : a practitioner's approach2009»»»
Soprano, Aldo
Crielaard, Bert
Piacenza, Fabio
Ruspantini, Daniele
Microsoft business intelligence tools for Excel analysts2014»»»
Alexander, Michael
Decker, Jared
Wehbe, Bernard
Missing viewpoints of current global regulatory discussions2011»»»
Oyama, Tsuyoshi
Modeling non-maturing products2007»»»
Bardenhewer, Martin M.
Modern portfolio theory and investment analysis2003»»»
Elton, Edwin J.
Gruber, Martin J.
Brown, Stephen J.
Goetzmann, William N.
Monetary policy2012»»»
Fender, John
Monitoring and controlling liquidity risk2007»»»
Matz, Leonard
Multinational financial management2003»»»
Shapiro, Alan C.
Multivariate time series analysis : with R and financial applications2014»»»
Tsay, Ruey S.
Multivariate time series analysis and applications2019»»»
Wei, William W.S.
Observation from the epicenter2011»»»
Kovacevich, Richard
Old and new lessons of the financial crisis for risk management2011»»»
Roldan, Jose Maria
Saurina, Jesus
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