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Crisis, stabilization, and economic reform : therapy by consensus1993»»»
Bruno, Michael
Cross-border bank insolvency2011»»»
Lastra, Rosa Maria
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Hagan, Sean
Cuba : 'dollarization" and "dedollarization"2003»»»
Ritter, Archibald R. M.
Rowe, Nicholas P.
Currency areas, exchange rate systems, and international monetary reform2003»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Currency substitutions in anticipation of EU accesion2004»»»
Genberg, Hans
Czech republic and Poland : the limits of europeanization2009»»»
Epstein, Rachel A.
Johnson, Juliet
Denmark and Sweden : networking by euro-outsiders2009»»»
Marcussen, Martin
Deposit insurance2012»»»
Eisenbeis, Robert A.
Kaufman, George G.
Deposit protection and bank resolution2015»»»
Kleftouri, Nikoletta
Dictionar Oxford explicativ ilustrat al limbii engleze : 187000 de articole, 4500 de ilustratii2004»»»
Metcalf, Jonathan
Thompson, Della
Differentiation in the European system of central banks : circles, core and directoire2009»»»
Umbach, Gaby
Wessels, Wolfgang
Dimensionality effect in cointegration analysis1999»»»
Gonzalo, Jesus
Pitarakis, Jean-Yves
Discrete state-space methods for the study of dynamic economies2001»»»
Burnside, Craig
Diversification in banking2012»»»
Stiroh, Kevin J.
Does capitalism have a future?2013»»»
Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice
Collins, Randall
Mann, Michael
Derluguian, Georgi
Calhoun, Craig
Does money determine UK inflation over the long run?2000»»»
Hendry, David Forbes
Dollarization and euroization in transition countries : currenciy substitution, asset substitution, network externalities, and irreversibility2004»»»
Feige, Edgar L.
Dean, James W.
Dollarization does not make sense everywhere2003»»»
Williamson, John
Dollarization: myths and realities2003»»»
Edwards, Sebastian
Dynamic factor models2011»»»
Stock, James H.
Watson, Mark W.
Dynamism, rivalry, and the surplus economy : two essays on the nature of capitalism2014»»»
Kornai, Janos
EU banking and insurance insolvency2006»»»
Moss, Gabriel S.
Wessels, Bob
EU law : text, cases, and materials2015»»»
Craig, Paul
Burca, Grainne de
EU securities and financial markets regulation2016»»»
Moloney, Niamh
Early jazz : its roots and musical development1968»»»
Schuller, Gunther
Econometric analysis and the study of economic growth : a sceptical perspective2000»»»
Durlauf, Steven Neil
Econometric methods with applications in business and economics2004»»»
Heij, Christiaan
de Boer, Paul
Franses, Philip Hans
Kloek, Teun
Dijk, Herman Koene van
Economic policy : theory and practice2010»»»
Benassy-Quere, Agnes
Coeure, Benoit
Jacquet, Pierre
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
Economic value of weather and climate forecasts2011»»»
Katz, Richard W.
Lazo, Jeffrey K.
Economics and the virtues : building a new moral foundation2016»»»
Baker, Jennifer A.
White, Mark D.
Economics for business2019»»»
Gillespie, Andrew
Economics of Monetary Union2003»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Economics of Monetary Union2018»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Economics of the welfare state2004»»»
Barr, Nicholas
Effiency in banking : theory, practice, and evidence2012»»»
Hughes, Joseph P.
Mester, Loretta J.
Election forecasting2011»»»
Lewis-Beck, Michael S.
Tien, Charles
Electronic money and the optimal size of monetary unions2004»»»
Costa Storti, Claudia
De Grauwe, Paul
Emerging markets and financial globalization : sovereign bond spreads in 1870-1913 and today2006»»»
Mauro, Paolo
Sussman, Nathan
Yafeh, Yishay
Employee Stock Option Grants and Firm Performance in the Netherlands2002»»»
Duffhues, Piet
Kabir, Rezaul
Mertens, Gerard
Roosenboom, Peter
Endogenous cycles in a Stiglitz-Weiss economy2004»»»
Suarez, Javier
Sussman, Oren
England's road to social security1943»»»
Schweinitz, Karl de
Equity finance, internal funds, and involuntary unemployment2000»»»
Blaug, Mark
Estonia, Hungary, and Slovenia : banking on identity2009»»»
Greskovits, Bela
EuroTragedy : a drama in nine acts2018»»»
Mody, Ashoka
Euroization, dollarization, and the international monetary system2004»»»
Salvatore, Dominick
Europe : the world's banker : 1870-1914 : an account of European foreign investment and the connection of world finance with diplomacy before the war1930»»»
Feis, Herbert
Europe and the governance of global finance2014»»»
Mugge, Daniel
Europe's crisis of legitimacy : governing by rules and ruling by numbers in the eurozone2020»»»
Schmidt, Vivien A.
Europe's growth challenge2017»»»
Aslund, Anders
Djankov, Simeon
European Banking Union2015»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
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