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How the American financial meltdown of 2008 caused the global financial crisis»»»
Fligstein, Neil
Habinek, Jacob
Inefficient markets : an introduction to behavioral finance2013»»»
Shleifer, Andrei
Inflation, unemployment and government deficits and what will quickly end them (and what will not) : a professional's readable explanation of the current recession and the future of the United States' economy and jobs2012»»»
Lindauer, John
Infractiuni privind piata de capital : abuzul de piata2016»»»
Serban, Doris Alina
Integrating sustainable finance into the MiFID II and IDD investor protection frameworks»»»
Colaert, Veerle
Internal aspects of the euro»»»
Bartley, Robert
International economics2003»»»
Sawyer, W. Charles
Sprinkle, Richard L.
International equity exchange-traded funds : navigating global ETF market : opportunities and risks2020»»»
Miziolek, Tomasz
Feder-Sempach, Ewa
Zaremba, Adam
International finance : new players and global markets2021»»»
Lessambo, Felix I.
International financial management2007»»»
Eun, Cheol S.
Resnick, Bruce G.
International financing of large business systems significant for economic development»»»
Milanovic, Radovan
International settlement»»»
Yates, Madeleine
Internationalization of financial markets : world financial centres»»»
Klevtcov, Vitalii
Zamlelyy, Artem
Interview : Hamad Saud Al-Sayari : in a wide-ranging interview Hamad Saud Al-Sayari, governor of SAMA since 1983, discusses the evolution of the agency, its role in developing financial markets and the challenges it faces»»»
Sayari, Hamad Saud
Intreprinzatorul, firma si pietele in spatiul national, european si global2009»»»
Chirlesan, Dan
Nestian, Andrei Stefan
Is Maastrich too tough? : Gyorgy Szapary assesses the credentials of candidate countries for joining economic and monetary union : existing euro countries have nothing to fear and candidates everything to gain, he argues»»»
Szapary, Gyorgy
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
Islamic securities exchanges : principles and international developments»»»
Marar, Amr
Sau-Ngan, Wong
Issues in monetary policy : the relationship between money and the financial markets2006»»»
Matthews, Kent
Booth, Philip
Journal of International Money and Finance01/09/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/04/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2006»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/10/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/11/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/12/2005»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/02/2006»»»
Journal of International Money and Finance01/06/2005»»»
Keys to prosperity : free markets, cound money, and a bit of luck2000»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
La lutte pour la suprematie : les grands marches financiers : Paris, Londres, New York1932»»»
Coste, Pierre
Legal aspects of the National Bank of Romania operating on domestic and international financial markets = Aspecte juridice privind activitatea desfasurata de catre Banca Nationala a Romaniei pe pietele financiare interne si internationale»»»
Radut, Alina
Amin, Gabriela
Toader, Flavia
- Descriere: p. 256-271
- ISBN: -
Limit Order Markets: A Survey2008»»»
Parlour, Christine A.
Seppi, Duane J.
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and regulation of the main market»»»
Mackay, Tom
London money markets : legal and regulatory framework»»»
Gray, Joanna
Long-term financing of industrial co-operation in the process of world development»»»
Scott, Norman
Lumea e rotunda : pericole ascunse pentru economia globala2009»»»
Smick, David M.
Macroeconomic shocks and unconventional monetary policy : impacts on emerging markets2019»»»
Yoshino, Naoyuki
Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun
Helble, Matthias
Blanchard, Olivier
Macroeconomics : a European perspective2013»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Amighini, Alessia
Giavazzi, Francesco
Macroguidance of the financial markets in transition : discurso de ingreso en la Real Academia de Ciencias Economicas y Financieras leido, el 20 de mayo de 2010, por la Academica Correspondiente para Finlandia2010»»»
Hamalainen-Lindfors, Sirkka
Poch Torres, Ramon
Making markets work - the central banker's role : for financial markets in transition countries to develop effectively, a broad policy overview is needed : central bankers have an important role to play in this, argues John Chown, and so they should not confine themselves only to their core functions»»»
Chown, John
Managing financial crises in emerging markets»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Portes, Richard
Rey, Jean-Jacques
Sachs, Jeffrey
Markets in financial instruments directive (MiFID)»»»
Sears, Guy
Shaw, Catriona
Microfinance organizations in Russia and abroad»»»
Trushina, Ksenia
Gracheva, Olesya
Modelarea si predictia pietelor financiare utilizand tehnici de inteligenta computationala2021»»»
Apipie, Florentina-Mihaela
Modele discrete de piata financiara2005»»»
Tudor, Maria
Modern monetary policy»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
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