Fondul de carte al Bibliotecii BNR se regăsește integral în catalogul on-line.
Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Privatization in Kazakhstan 1995»»»
Jermakowicz, Wladyslaw W.
Nikitinskaja, Jekaterina
Pankov, Julian
Privatization in Latvia 1995»»»
Kasakovska, Vija
Kalnins, Uldis
Laizane, Selga
Linkaits, Talis
Privatization in Moldova 1995»»»
Ciobanu, Ceslav
Privatization in Mongolia 1995»»»
Ochbadrah, Baijinnyam
Losol, Galsanjami
Privatization in Poland 1995»»»
Pater, Krzystof
Privatization in Russian Federation 1995»»»
Levadnaia, Natalia
Iliuvieva, Ekaterina
Privatization in Slovenia 1995»»»
Jaklin, Joze
Privatization in Ukraine 1995»»»
Bondar, Olexander M.
Gajduk, Valerij
Privatization in Uzbekistan 1995»»»
Mirzakhmedov, Erik
- Descriere: p. 502-522
- ISBN: -
Privatization in the Czech Republic 1995»»»
Cermak , Petr
Privatization memories : New York Times Blog : March 28, 2015»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Privatization of state enterprises»»»
Hemming, Richard
- Descriere: p. 80-98
- ISBN: -
Privatization, crisis, and the transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti»»»
Bulfone, Fabio
Di Carlo, Donato
Privatizations : auction and market design during a crisis»»»
Skreta, Vasiliki
Probleme si provocari economice ale tranzitiei2009»»»
Done, Ioan
Procesul investitional in societatile privatizate2000»»»
Stoica, Maricica
Proprietatea, munca si repartitia : elemente de baza in economia romaneasca»»»
Ponta, Maria
Public sector deficits and macroeconomic stability in developing economies»»»
Edwards, Sebastian
Arellano, Jose Pablo
Flemming, John
Recent developments in Poland»»»
Baka, Wladyslaw
Recent developments in Yugoslavia»»»
Gaspari, Mitja
Recent international experiences in the use of voluntary workouts under distressed conditions»»»
Lieberman, Ira W.
Gobbo, Mario
Mako, William P.
Neyens, Ruth L.
Reforma sectorului financiar romanesc : piata de capital»»»
Hurduzeu, Geo
Popa, Ioan
Reforma sectorului financiar romanesc : reforma sectorului bancar»»»
Balteanu, Irina
Restructurarea bancara : aspecte analitice privind managementul creditelor neperformante»»»
Ionici, Octavian E.
Rolul FPS si privatizarile strategice2000»»»
Salagean, Viorel
Romania sub tirania celor mici!2002»»»
Serbanescu, Ilie
Nikulin, Alexander
Social security lessons : August 15, 2005»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Solutions for developed economies»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Giovannini, Alberto
Stark, Jurgen
Starea initiala1999»»»
Strategies for growth: Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Svejnar, Jan
Structural adjustment and macroeconomic policy issues : papers presented at a seminar held in Lahore, Pakistan, October 26-28, 19911992»»»
Jafarey, V. A.
Camdessus, Michel
Structural reforms in Europe : lessons from early experiences»»»
Saka, Orkun
Martelli, Angelo
Ganslmeier, Michael
Ji, Yuemei
Campos, Nauro Ferreira
De Grauwe, Paul
Ten years after 'The road to a free economy': the author's self-evaluation2001»»»
Kornai, Janos
The Czech experience with asset bubbles and financial crises»»»
Tosovsky, Josef
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The capital in post-communist Romania2019»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
The internationalization of grocery retailing in Poland after 1989»»»
Dawson, John A.
Henley, John S.
The new kid on the block : Croatia's EU membership in the shadow of the eurozone crisis»»»
Bartlett, Will
The official history of privatisation2016-2017»»»
Parker, David
The official history of privatisation Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Parker, David
The official history of privatisation Volume 1 The formative years : 1970-19872016»»»
Parker, David
The official history of privatisation Volume 2 Popular capitalism : 1987-19972017»»»
Parker, David
The past and the future of investment funds in the Czech republic»»»
Skalicky, Jiri
The privatization process in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States1993»»»
Frydman, Roman
Rapaczynski, Andrzej
Earle, John S.
The right privatization : why private firms in public initiatives need capable governments2022»»»
Lazzarini, Sergio G.
The rise, fall, and return of promotional banking in Greece»»»
Bastian, Jens
The role of investment funds and special investment companies in accelerating privatization in Hungary»»»
Lajtai, Gyorgy
The state, public finance and the changing response to investing in the future : the case of the United Kingdom since the 1970s»»»
Chick, Martin
The successes and failures of economic transition : the European experience2006»»»
Gabrisch, Hubert
Holscher, Jens
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