European monetary integration : past, present and future2001»»»
Pentecost, Eric J.
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Eurosistemul : o tensiune arhitecturala a convergentei2009»»»
Golban, Radu
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Exchange rate policies and EMU participation of accession countries2004»»»
Solbes, Pedro
Exchange rate policies on the last stretch2004»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
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Exchange rate regimes on the road to EMU : lessons from Greece's experience2004»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
Exchange rate strategies for new EU entrants2001»»»
Holscher, Jens
Vinhas de Souza, Lucio
Financial and monetary integration in the new Europe2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financial frictions and the monetary transmissio mechanism : theory evidence and policy implementations2003»»»
Bean, Charles R.
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Financial integration between the EU and the economies of Central and eastren Europe : an overview2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
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Financial integration, macroeconomic volatility and risk sharing - the role of the monetary union2009»»»
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem
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Peydro, Jose-Luis
Financial market integration under EMU»»»
Jappelli, Tullio
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Financial stability and economic development in transitional economies2001»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Financial systems ant the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Ehrmann, Michael
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Firm investment and monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Chatelain, Jean Bernard
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Kalckreuth, Ulf von
Fiscal policy in EMU2001»»»
Barry, Frank
Fiscal policy, intercountry adjustment and the real exchange rate with Europe»»»
Allsopp, Christopher
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Fiscal shocks and policy regimes in some OECD countries2004»»»
de Arcangelis, Giuseppe
Lamartina, Serena
Float in order to fix? : Lessons from emerging markets for new EU member countries2004»»»
Braga de Macedo, Jorge
Reisen, Helmut
Foreign portofolio investment, European Economic and Monetary Union and exchange rate uncertainty2008»»»
Seabra, Fernando
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Framing macroeconomic policy in EMU and the international financial architecture1999»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
From convergence to crisis : labor markets and the instability of the euro2016»»»
Johnston, Alison
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro»»»
Karatzas, Theodoros B.
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro : studies in European monetary integration2018»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Notaras, Gerassimos
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Funding European solidarity»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
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Schuberth, Helene
Geneza si evolutia constructiei europene : tratatele europene»»»
Gazinski, Benon
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German monetary unification and its implications for EMU2001»»»
Sell, Friedrich L.
Has EMU shifted monetary and fiscal policies?2003»»»
Ballabriga, Fernando
Martinez Mongay, Carlos
Heterogeneous market regulation and divergence in a currency union»»»
Abbritti, Mirko
Weber, Sebastian
How do European monetary and fiscal authorities behave?2003»»»
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
How member states cope with the Eurozone crisis»»»
Puntscher Riekmann, Sonja
Wasserfallen, Fabio
How to finance cohesion in Europe?2019»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Schuberth, Helene
Identifying a bubble2008»»»
Danthine, Jean-Pierre
Impact of EMU integration and the new international context»»»
Penalosa, Juan
Restoy, Fernando
Implicatii ale unificarii monetare europene asupra Romaniei : teza de doctorat2004»»»
Calin, Diana
Cerna, Silviu
Leonard, Jacques
Incorporating real and financial sector data within an inflation targeting framework2008»»»
Gertler, Mark
Independent or coordinated? Monetary and fiscal policy in EMU2004»»»
Lambertini, Luca
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Indeplinirea criteriilor de convergenta nominala de catre noile tari membre UE - cazul Romaniei2010»»»
Dornescu, Valeriu
Inflation targeting and monetary integration under ERM2: modelling third-country effects from production sharing2008»»»
Hammermann, Felix
Inflationary performance in a monetary union with large wage setters2004»»»
Cavallari, Lilia
Institutii si politici europene2008»»»
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Tofan, Mihaela
Integrarea economica2010»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Integrarea europeana»»»
Toma, Elena
Integrarea monetar bancara europeana2001»»»
Basno, Cezar
Dardac, Nicolae
Integration und Wahrungsordnung in Europa : Handels- und Strukturpolitik, regionale Entwicklung und monetare Integration»»»
Narjes, Karlheinz
Groeben, Hans von der
Schaefer, Alfred
Holtrop, Marius W.
Kaldor, Nicholas
Robbins, Lionel
Griffiths, Brian
Jablon, Robert
Mast, Hans J.
Neumark, Fritz
Aschinger, Franz E.
Fabra, Paul
Hankel, Wilhelm
Salin, Edgar
Interactions and coordination between monetary and fiscal policies in EMU : what are the issues?2003»»»
Buti, Marco
Interest rate policy and inflation behaviour in the Czech Republic : from exchange rate to inflation targeting2001»»»
Girardin, Eric
Horsewood, Nicholas
International finance2013»»»
Pilbeam, Keith
International monetary policy after the euro2005»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
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