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Why central banks need financial strenght2004»»»
Stella, Peter
Why central banks need financial strength : what are the tell-tale signs of a weak central bank? : Peter Stella peers into the murky world of a central bank sheets to find out»»»
Stella, Peter
Why deflation is different ? : the consequence of deflation are much worse than mere inflation in reverse, argue Thomas Cargill and Elliott Parker»»»
Cargill, Thomas F.
Parker, Elliott
Why finance gives the West a bad name : Robert Pringle, editor of Central Banking, finds much to ponder over in the latest books on money and globalisation»»»
Pringle, Robert
Why has Brown ditched Prudence? : Howard Flight analyses the transformation of Gordon Brown's Treasury from fiscal forbearance to public sector profligacy»»»
Flight, Howard
Brown, Gordon
Why inflation is still the real danger : policymakers should not be swayed by recent fears of deflationary spirals and policy impotence : history demonstrates that with fiat currencies, inflation will always be the real concern contends Peter Bernholz»»»
Bernholz, Peter
Why is the gold price rallying? : despite talk of deflation, concerns over the dollar's strength have boosted gold's standing, says David Hale»»»
Hale, David D.
Why monetary policymakers need constraints2012»»»
Plosser, Charles I.
Why price stability is not enough : the current fashion for inflation targetting ignores the perils of asset bubbles, and cannot react adequately to the fallout : a much longer view is needed, contends Stephen King»»»
King, Stephen D.
Why statistics matter»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
Why the ECB needs to rethink its role»»»
Why the Fund went wrong : while Michael Mussa honestly recognises Fund failings, Benedict Mander finds his suggested tweaks for the system disappointingly conservative»»»
Mussa, Michael
Mander, Benedict
Wicksellian norm, central bank real interest rate targeting and macroeconomic performance1998»»»
Seccareccia, Mario
Will Asia play the gold card? : if Asian countries decide to sell their dollars and buy gold, the impact on the global financial system could be as dramatic as the collapse of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in 1971, says David Hale»»»
Hale, David D.
Will there be a "new normal" in monetary policy any time soon?»»»
Skreb, Marko
Will they sing the same tune? Measuring convergence in the new European system of financial supervisors2011»»»
Masciandaro, Donato
Nieto, Maria J.
Quintyn, Marc
Women in central banks : we look at the increasing role of women in central banking by interviewing four distinguished female central bank governors : Bermuda's Cheryl-Ann Lister, Botswana's Linah Mohohlo, Honduras' Victoria Asfura, and Sao Tome e Principe's Maria do Carmo Trovoada Silveira»»»
Work at UNCITRAL1994»»»
Herrmann, Gerold
Work of the Basle Commitee1995»»»
Ryback, William A.
World Bank cofinancing and recent developments with respect to the heavly indebted countries1994»»»
Morais, Herbert V.
Yen - the only way is down : from Tokyo, Anthony Rowley, a seasoned observer of the Japanese scene, traces Japan's troubles to the "iniquitous" Plaza Accord of 1985 : for Japan to return to equilibrium, the ridiculous overevaluation of the yen imposed on Japan by the West must be fully corrected»»»
Rowley, Anthony
Zero-based budgeting at the European Central Bank2009»»»
Noblet, Gilles
[III] : Le marche de change : C.S.B.E./D. No. 1-21 incl. : statistiques d'importation et d'exportation de l'or : C.S.B.E./E. No. 1-11 a. incl.1928»»»
[II] : Les marches monetaires : C.S.B.E./B. 1-22 incl. : Les services d'etudes : C.S.B.E./C. No. 1-19 incl.1928»»»
[I] : Liste des documents : rapport commun. C.S.B.E. / I (a) : proces-verbaux des 9 reunions. C.S.B.E. / P.V. No. 1-9 incl.1928»»»
[Vol.] I1931»»»
[Vol.] I1931»»»
[Vol.] II1931»»»
[Vol.] II1931»»»
[Volume I]1961»»»
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