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Somary, Felix
Somary, Felix
Banque Nationale Suisse : 1907-19571957»»»
Schwegler, W.
Motta, R.
Ikle, M.
Banque Nationale de Belgique : loi du 26 mars 1900 : discussions parlementaires1901»»»
Banque Nationale de Belgique : lois organiques : statuts1900»»»
Banque centrale et construction de l'etat-nation dans les pays en developpement : le cas de la Banque du Liban»»»
Sakr, Toni
Banque de France : deux siecles d'histoire1999»»»
Gaston-Breton, Tristan
Banques centrales et etats-nations : crises et cooperation monetaire»»»
Maes, Ivo
Banques centrales, banques privees et Societe des Nations : (1919-1929)»»»
Decorzant, Yann
Banques d'emission : banques etrangers, Banque de France, banques coloniales[1922]»»»
Servais, Edmond
Behind the scenes in Basel : Neil Courtis ventures into the BIS in Basel and finds an institution in the process of redefining its role»»»
Courtis, Neil
Bernanke on Bernanke : Central Banking selects key remarks on major policy issues by the FED chairman-elect»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Between the cup and the lip : on Post Keynesian interest rate rules and long-term interest rate management2012»»»
Asensio, Angel
Beware fads and fashions : the latest in accounting standards will not deliver good central banking John Nugee»»»
Nugee, John
Beyond Santiago : status and prospects : Sven Behrendt argues that sovereign wealth funds' admirable support of sound governance principles needs to be taken a step further»»»
Behrendt, Sven
Beyond inflation targeting : assessing the impacts and policy alternatives2009»»»
Epstein, Gerald A.
Yeldan, A. Erinc
Blind spots in the spotlight : National Bank of Romania's answers to the financial crisis aftershocks from the perspective of central bankers, the public and the media2022»»»
Iacob, Raluca
Blockchain and the digital economy : the socio-economic impact of blockchain technology2020»»»
Steinmetz, Fred
Ante, Lennart
Fiedler, Ingo
Blue Book : payment systems in countries that have applied for membership of the European Union1999»»»
Bluff : cacealmaua bancilor centrale si criza economica2018»»»
Hoda, Anjun
Booknotes : Limit the Fund's role in crises : Barry Eichengreen finds a middle way between past policy failings and current loftly aims in his financial crisis handbook, says Benedict Mander»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Mander, Benedict
Booknotes : Meltzer's Fed : Forrest Capie reviews Allan Meltzer's monumental history of the Federal Reserve»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Booknotes : Richard Bai reviews a new history of central banking in Britain and the United States»»»
Bai, Richard
Booknotes : by popular discontent : Joseph Stiglitz's capacity to shock is not in doubt : but his view of globalisation is too narrow, and he is wide of the mark on the discontent, suggests Graham Bannock»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Bannock, Graham
Britain's choice : key to the future of the euro»»»
Budget threat to monetary policies»»»
Building a stree-testing framework for the household sector2008»»»
Johansson, Martin W.
Building credible central banks : policy lessons for emerging economies2008»»»
Tshiani, Noel K.
Building inflation credibility : Jannie Rossouw, of the South Africa Reserve Bank, presents his method for determining the credibility of a central bank's inflation targets»»»
Rossouw, Jannie
Building sounder market infrastructures2012»»»
Heller, Daniel
Hollanders, Marc
Bulgarian banking sector stress-testing2008»»»
Angelova, Margarita
Bulgarian banking system and BNB's antu-cyclical policy2009»»»
Angelova, Margarita
Bursa explicata simplu : ce inseamna si cum se castiga la bursa2022»»»
Szakacs, Vasile
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