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Risk management of currency reserves2003»»»
Hansen, Ib
Olgaard, Christian
Jensen, Peter Kaer
Some new directions for financial stability2009»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Sound of money and deep markets : Europe after the euro2002»»»
Borges, Antonio
Giavazzi, Francesco
Sovereign risk management2000»»»
Naameh, Michael
Sovereign wealth management2007»»»
Johnson-Calari, Jennifer
Rietveld, Malan
Strategic management : a tool for change in central bank2009»»»
van Zyl, Francois
Strengthening regimes for controlling liquidity risk : some lessons from the recent turmoil2009»»»
Jenkinson, Nigel
Structural reform of banking : can the UK set an example?2012»»»
Pringle, Robert
Sandeman, Hugh
Supervisory lessons from the market turbulence2009»»»
Freeland, Charles
Survey of central bank risk managers2004»»»
Pringle, Robert
Carver, Nick
Talking numbers : management commentary for central banks2009»»»
Darbyshire, Robin
Ten theses on operational-risk management2009»»»
Sevet, Jean-Charles
The Basel Committee's proposals for revised capital standards2001»»»
Cornford, Andrew
The Central Bank of Brazil's activity-based costin system : a case study2009»»»
Batista Dattoli, Jose Clovis
Rodrigues da Silva, Henrique
Felinto da Cruz, Adalberto
The Dexia central bank directory 20092009»»»
Pringle, Robert
The Euro 50 Group roundtable : the euro in the international arena2002»»»
The Financial Services and Markets Act 20002001»»»
Turing, Dermont
Cramb, Liz
The Morgan Stanley central bank directory 20022002»»»
Pringle, Robert
The Morgan Stanley central bank directory 20062006»»»
Pringle, Robert
The Northern Rock saga2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
The Spanish approach : dynamic provisioning and other tools2009»»»
Fernandez de Lis, Santiago
Garcia-Herrero, Alicia
The UK and the euro : implications for reserve managers2003»»»
Dicks, Geoffrey
Juckes, Kit
Stanworth, Paul
The US proposals for regulatory reform2009»»»
Kremers, Jeroen J. M.
Schoenmaker, Dirk
The adequacy of international reserve levels : a new approach2000»»»
Mulder, Christian
The advantages and disadvantages of holding gold2003»»»
Bernholz, Peter
The case for investing in corporate debt2003»»»
de Beaufort, Roberto
Palomino, Francisco
Benitez, Sandra
The case for radical change in banking2012»»»
Milne, Alistair
The challenge to EU regulation2009»»»
Alexandre, Kern
The changing nature of reserve management risks2000»»»
de Beaufort, Roberto
The changing nature of systemic financial risk2009»»»
Schinasi, Garry J.
The currency composition of foreign exchange reserves : retrospect and prospect2003»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Mathieson, Donald J.
The development of financial regulation and supervision in Europe2009»»»
Enria, Andrea
The duality of managing foreign exchange reserves2004»»»
Strauss-Kahn, Isabelle
The euro : an opportunity for Europe and for the international monetary system2002»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
The euro as an international currency2002»»»
Greenspan, Alan
The euro in international financial markets : where do we stand?2002»»»
White, William
Galati, Gabriele
Tsatsaronis, Kostas
The future of banking regulation and supervision in Europe2009»»»
Berrigan, John
Gaspar, Vitor
Pearson, Patrick
The future of central banking2011»»»
Pringle, Robert
Jones, Claire
The future of foreign exchange transaction : continuous linked settlement2002»»»
Allsopp, Peter
The future of monetary policy : the central bank as an army with only a signal corps?2002»»»
Friedman, Benjamin M.
The future of reserve management2003»»»
Persaud, Avinash
The future of supervision2001»»»
Vojta, George, J.
The future of the single regulator model2009»»»
Foot, Michael
The lender of last resort in the safety net2009»»»
Mayes, David G.
The macroprudential approach to regulation and supervision: where do we stand?2009»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
The need for reserve2003»»»
Williams, David
The new banking and financial system2009»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
The objectives of oversight - what are they?2002»»»
Biltoft, Karsten
The raison d'etre of the euro2002»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
The regulatory regime and the Basel capital requirements2009»»»
Freeland, Charles
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