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Romania in secolele XX-XXI : perspectiva geopolitica2008»»»
Iacob, Gheorghe
Romania in studiile romanesti de geopolitica din prima jumatate a secolului XX»»»
Negut, Silviu
Neacsu, Marius-Cristian
Romania intre anii 1918-1944»»»
Avram, Beatrice
Romania si Tratatul de la Varsovia»»»
Porojan, Mioara
Porojan, Ion
Romania si negocierile de aderare la UE vazute din perspectiva Presedintiei belgiene, iulie-decembrie 2001»»»
Beke, Philippe
Romania's Negotiating Power in Chesion Policy: Strategies to Follow in European Level Negotiations2009»»»
Ujupan, Alina-Stefania
Romania, o piesa necesara in angrenajul sistemului european»»»
Tudor, Octavian
Romanii in politica Est-Central Europeana : 1648-17111997»»»
Ciobanu, Veniamin
Roza geopolitica : economie, strategie si cultura in relatiile internationale2023»»»
Mussetti, Mirko
Scutaru, George
Caracciolo, Lucio
Rusia si Europa in cursa pentru energie. Gazul natural : intre economie si geopolitica2012»»»
Codoban, Alin
Rusia, o ecuatie complicata : convorbiri cu Lucian Popescu2022»»»
Gosu, Armand
Popescu, Lucian
Russia's growing relationship with Iran : strategic or tactical?»»»
Parmeter, Ian
Sapte teme fundamentale pentru Romania 20142014»»»
Dungaciu, Dan
Iuga, Vasile
Stoian, Marius
Maior, George Cristian
Semnarea Tratatului de Pace ruso-turc de la 16/28 mai 1812 : geopolitica & trafic de influenta»»»
Mischevca, Vlad
Simion Mehedinti, marele absent de la Conferinta de Pace de la Paris : (1919-1920)?»»»
Neacsu, Marius-Cristian
Simion Mehedinti, precursorul scolii romanesti de geopolitica»»»
Neacsu, Marius-Cristian
Sistemul financiar international in deriva?2019»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Fugaru, Amalia
Dobre, Robert-Ionut
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Radulescu, Andrei
Socio-Economic and Political Globalisation2009»»»
Giarini, Orio
Spre o geopolitica a micilor puteri»»»
Petre, Silviu
- Descriere: p. 563-567
- ISBN: -
Spre o strategie europeana in bazinul Marii Negre : cooperarea teritoriala = Towards a European strategy in the Black Sea area : the territorial cooperation2008»»»
Pop, Adrian
Manoleli, Dan
Tara Maramuresului : particularitati geografice in spatiu si timp = Maramures Country [sic!] : geographical particularities in space and time»»»
Ilies, Alexandru
Ilies, Marin
Teoriile geopolitice clasice»»»
Miroiu, Andrei
- Descriere: p. 71-76
- ISBN: -
The Baltic states in the EU : committed europhiles or geopolitical hostages?»»»
Gudzinskas, Liutauras
Bekisas, Tomas
The Beneficiaries of the "Reformed Treaty"2009»»»
Buzatu, Razvan
The Eastern European order in the Polish political thought of the 20th century2020»»»
Waingertner, Przemyslaw
The Energy Conflicts and the European Union at the Beginning of the XXI Century2009»»»
Purica, Ionut
The European Dream2009»»»
Malita, Mircea
The European Strategy for Sustainable Development and the Aspects of Environmental Education2009»»»
Schauer, Thomas
The Financial Crisis and Its Lessons2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
The Future of the Oceans - A Driving Force of Europe2009»»»
Thorhaug, Anitra
The Green Salary: Reversing Unemployment through Environmental Protection2009»»»
Vlavianos Arvanitis, Agni
The Role of the National Associations of the Club of Rome2009»»»
Kalimo, Esko
The agro-geopolitical war, a new paradigm of globalization»»»
Neacsu, Madalina
- Descriere: p. 149-152
- ISBN: -
The end may be nigh, but for whom?»»»
Mann, Michael
The eurocurrency markets, the Third World and the petrodollar crisis»»»
Balogh, Thomas
The evolution of labor markets»»»
Huberman, Michael
The geopolitics of ascending global currencies»»»
Garber, Peter
The origins of the Roman economy : from the Iron Age to the early republic in a Mediterranean perspective2021»»»
Cifani, Gabriele
The position of the USSR republics : (Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine) in the considerations of Polish political, intellectual and cultural circles in 1945-1989»»»
Adamczyk, Arkadiusz
The potential pf Power from the Deserts2009»»»
Schon, Max
Wolff, Gerry
Straub, Michael
The stabilization of export revenues as a factor of the developing countries' solvency»»»
Blardonne, Gilbert
The world for sale : money, power and the traders who barter the earth's resources2021»»»
Blas, Javier
Farchy, Jack
Tragedia politicii de forta : realismul ofensiv si lupta pentru putere2003»»»
Mearsheimer, John J.
Nastase, Andreea
Tratatul Romaniei cu Puterile Antantei (4/17 august 1916) : un test pentru relatiile franco-ruse?»»»
Leanca, Gabriel
U.S.-Russia relations in the last 30 years : from a rapprochement to a meltdown»»»
Orlova, Victoria V.
Un deceniu cat un secol : secolul lumii emergente2014»»»
Dobrescu, Paul
Un dictionar al lumii moderne : politica, economie, istorie, geografie2000»»»
Stacate, Jean-Luc
Barbulescu, Dodo
Un secol lung de geografie la Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti : masteratul de geopolitica»»»
Neacsu, Marius-Cristian
Uniunea Europeana dupa epidemia de Covid-19 : incercare de prospectiva2020»»»
Popescu, Stefan
Diaconescu, Cristian
Visul eurasiatic»»»
Pene, Dorin
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