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Fiscal sustainability with nonrenewable resources2001»»»
Chalk, Nigel
Fixed capital formation by owner and user1991»»»
Lutzel, Heinrich
Flexible exchange rates and interdependence1984»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Flow-of-funds accounts, a system of national accounts and developing countries1991»»»
Dawson, John C.
Foreign direct investment and output growth2003»»»
Zebregs, Harm
Foreign direct investment in China : some lessons for other countries2003»»»
Tseng, Wanda
Zebregs, Harm
Foreign exghange origins of Japan's liquidity trap2000»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Frameworks for monetary stability : policy issues and country experiences : papers presented at the sixth seminar on central banking, Washington, D.C., March 1-10, 19941994»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Cottarelli, Carlo
Camdessus, Michel
Zulu, Justin B.
France, Germany, Italy, and Spain : explaining differences in external sector performance among large euro area countries2008»»»
Allard, Celine
Catalan, Mario
Everaert, Luc
Sgherri, Silvia
From Toronto terms to enhanced HIPC initiative : a brief history of debt relief for low-income countries2000»»»
Daseking, Christina
Powell, Robert
Functioning of the international monetary system1996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 11996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 21996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Global capital markets and the stability of banking and financial systems1997»»»
Crockett, Andrew D.
Governance issues and banking system soundness1997»»»
Roulier, Richard P.
Government arrears in fiscal adjustment programs1993»»»
Diamond, Jack
Schiller, Christian
Government contingent liabilities and measurement of fiscal impact1993»»»
Towe, Christopher M.
Government finance statistics manual 20012001»»»
Government securities market regulation: the case of Salomon Brothers1995»»»
Doty, James R.
Groeth-oriented adjustment programs : fiscal policy issues1987»»»
Chelliah, R. J.
Growth in transition countries 1990-1998: the main lessons2001»»»
Havrylyshyn, Oleh
Wolf, Thomas
Growth-oriented adjustment programs : proceedings of a symposium held in Washington, D.C., February 25-27, 19271987»»»
Harmonization of the classification of external current account transactions1991»»»
Bouter, Arie C.
Tongeren, Jan van
Helping countries develop : the role of fiscal policy2004»»»
Gupta, Sanjeev
Clements, Benedict
Inchauste, Gabriela
How emerging Europe came through the 2008/09 crisis : an account by the staff of the IMF's European department2012»»»
Bakker, Bas Berend
Klingen, Christoph
How fast can China grow?2003»»»
Heytens, Paul
Zebregs, Harm
How ti treat nonproduced assets and exceptional events in the national accounts? : Consideration on the variations in wealth accounting1991»»»
Milot, Jean Paul
Teillet, Pierre
Vanoli, Andre
How to keep the banking system sound in a period of change1997»»»
Lindgren, Carl Johan
How to measure the fiscal deficit1993»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Cheasty, Adrienne
How will the euro behave?1997»»»
IMF Glossary : English-French-German = IWF-Glossar : Englisch-Franzosisch-Deutsch1998»»»
Ideas on reforming the international financial system2000»»»
Park, Yung Chul
Impact of [public financial institutions on fiscal stance1993»»»
Liviatan, Oded
Implications of EMU for the IMF1997»»»
Maystadt, Philippe
Improving governance and fighting corruption in the Baltic and CIS countries : the role of the IMF2000»»»
Wolf, Thomas
Gurgen, Emine
In the shadow of the mark : exchange rate and monetary policy in Austria and Switzerland1990»»»
Genberg, Hans
In the wake of the crisis : leading economists reassess economic policy2012»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Romer, David Hibbard
Spence, Michael
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Inequity during the transition : why did it increase?2001»»»
Milanovic, Branko
Inflation and growth in transition : are the Asian economies different?2001»»»
Kalra, Sanjay
Slok, Torsten
Inflation forecast targeting : the Swedish experience2000»»»
Berg, Claes
Inflation targeting and output stabilization in Australia2000»»»
Debelle, Guy
Inflation targeting in practice : strategic and operational issues and application to emerging market economies2000»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Ize, Alain
Leone, Alfredo M.
Werlang, Sergio
Inflation targeting under a crawling band exchange rate regim : lessons from Israel2000»»»
Leiderman, Leonardo
Bufman, Gil
Institutions and the undergorund economy2001»»»
Johnson, Simon
Kaufmann, Daniel
Instruments of monetary management : issues and country experiences1997»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Zamalloa, Lorena M.
Insurance development of financial services : policy implications and issues for a research program2002»»»
Giarini, Orio
International Economic Policy Review. Volume 2/20002000»»»
Masson, Paul
Lane, Timothy David
Gotur, Padma
International Monetary Fund»»»
House, Brett
Vines, David A.
Corden, Warner Max
International Monetary Fund : role in the debt crisis»»»
Gardner, Charles S.
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