Factors driving global economic integration»»»
Mussa, Michael
Filling the gaps : the Vienna initiative and the role of the international financial institutions in crisis management and resolution2012»»»
Berglof, Erik
Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility2001»»»
Financial accounts and balance sheets within the system of national accounts»»»
Cullen, Derick
Ven, Peter van de
Zwijnenburg, Jorrit
Financial intermediaries, financial stability and monetary policy»»»
Adrian, Tobias
Shin, Hyun Song
Lipsky, John
Financial market integration under EMU»»»
Jappelli, Tullio
Pagano, Marco
Hayes, Simon
Financial system transition in Central Europe: the first decade2003»»»
Reininger, Thomas
Schardax, Franz
Summer, Martin
Financialization and demand regimes in advanced economies»»»
Stockhammer, Engelbert
Kohler, Karsten
Financialization and the impasse of capitalism»»»
Chesnais, Francois
Financialization and the increase in inequality»»»
Godechot, Olivier
Finante publice : introducerea unui cadru fiscal-bugetar pe termen mediu = Public finances : introduction of a medium-term budgetary framework2010»»»
Altar, Moisa
Albu, Lucian-Liviu
Necula, Ciprian
Bobeica, Gabriel
Fiscal challenges of population aging: the Asian experience»»»
Mohan, Rakesh
Foreign exchange reserves : protection connected with financial risks»»»
Szafarczyk, Ewa
Fukui prepares to raise rates : raising rates in Japan's unbalanced economy will test Governor Fukui's skills to the limit, says Andrew Smithers : but he is on the right track so far»»»
Fukui, Toshihiko
Smithers, Andrew
GDP : a brief but affectionate history2014»»»
Coyle, Diane
General discussion : Crises : the price of globalization?»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
General discussion : What dows the future hold?»»»
Krueger, Anne Osborn
General discussion : how should monetary policy respond to shocks while maintaining long-run price stability? : conceptual issues»»»
Crokett, Andrew
Global demographic change: dimensions and economic significance»»»
Bloom, David E.
Canning, David
Mokyr, Joel
Global imbalances and the need for policy adjustment»»»
Gonzalez-Paramo, Jose Manuel
Government procurement and international trade»»»
McAfee, R. Preston
McMillan, John
Government size and output volatility : should we forsake automatic stabilization?»»»
Debrun, Xavier
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
Sapir, Andre
Saint-Paul, Gilles
Gresim in mod sistematic cand estimam PIB potential si rata naturala a dobanzii?»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Growth and stability : 1961-1971»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Has the business cycle changed? : evidence and explanations»»»
Stock, James H.
Watson, Mark W.
DeLong, J. Bradford
Ortiz, Guillermo
Heterogeneous market regulation and divergence in a currency union»»»
Abbritti, Mirko
Weber, Sebastian
Hidden economy in Hungary : 1992-1999»»»
Toth, Janos Istvan
Sik, Endre
Households and their financial behaviour»»»
Andreasch, Michael
Housing is the business cycle»»»
Leamer, Edward E.
Smets, Frank
How Interest Rates Changed under Liberalization: A Statistical Review2001»»»
How did demographic and economic aspects influence the grouping of the NUTS II regions?»»»
Buiga, Anuta
Mare, Codruta
How openness to trade rescued the Irish economy»»»
McQuinn, Kieran
Varthalitis, Petros
How policies and institutions affect project performance : microeconomic evidence on aid, policies and investment productivity»»»
Isham, Jonathan
Kaufmann, Daniel
How should income from multinationals be taxed2012»»»
Gordon, Robert
How should monetary policy respond to shocks while maintaining long-run price stability? : conceptual issues»»»
Taylor, John B.
Mullins, David W., Jr.
Svensson, Lars Erik Oscar
How the American financial meltdown of 2008 caused the global financial crisis»»»
Fligstein, Neil
Habinek, Jacob
How to read economic news : a critical approach to economic journalism2024»»»
Silke, Henry
Quinn, Fergal
Rieder, Maria
How to reform the stability and growth pact : Willem Buiter proffers his alternatives to the "stupid" arrangement»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Human capital and economic growth»»»
Barro, Robert Joseph
Katz, Lawrence F.
Miller, James C.
Human development of European countries»»»
Sojkova, Zlata
Kovac, Stefan
Commander, Simon
Kollo, Janos
Ugaz, Cecilia
Vilagi, Balacs
Sik, Endre
Toth, Janos Istvan
Hungary : sound money, fiscal problems»»»
Riecke, Werner
Antal, Laszlo
IS-LMentary : New York Times Blog : October 9, 2011»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Identificarea ciclurilor de afaceri si proprietatile acestora»»»
Grigoras, Veaceslav
Stanciu, Irina Eusignia
Implementarea directivei serviciilor in Romania : analiza optiunilor, perspective si recomandari = Implementation of services directive in Romania : analysis of options, perspective and recommendations2008»»»
Profiroiu, Marius
Andrei, Tudorel
Stancu, Stelian
Improving host countries' investment environment : is the national supply side really the right focus?»»»
Watt, Andrew
India's economic growth and global integration: experience since reforms and future challenges»»»
Srinivasan, Thirukodikaval Nilakanta
Indicatori economici pentru managementul micro si macroeconomic : calcul, prezentare, analiza2000»»»
Capanu, Ion
Anghelache, Constantin
Indicatori macroeconomici : calcul si analiza economica2003»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Capanu, Ion