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Productia aurului si reforma monetara1928»»»
Ciobanu, Pompiliu
Prof. Gh. Tasca. Probleme economice si financiare. Editate de A. Doicescu, Bucuresti, 1927 : [recenzie]»»»
Suciu, Paul Horia
Rapports des changes avaries et des reglements exterieurs1912»»»
Thery, Rene
Recent developments in Czechoslovakia»»»
Tosovsky, Josef
Recenta reforma monetara in Ceho-Slovacia»»»
Englis, Karel
- Descriere: An 17, no. 4, apr. 1934, p. 97-102
- ISBN: -
Redenominarea leului2004»»»
Negritoiu, Misu
Reforma monetara»»»
- Descriere: An 1, nr. 1, Feb 1948, p. 90-91
- ISBN: -
Probleme sovietice
Reforma monetara : legea pentru recalcularea patrimoniului societatilor pe actiuni : comentarii, lamuriri contabile si aplicatiuni : deciziunea no. 30 a comisiunei ministeriale pentru redresarea economica si stabilizare monetara[1947]»»»
Reforma monetara din Cehoslovacia»»»
- Descriere: An 17, no. 3, mar. 1934, p. 94-95
- ISBN: -
Buletinul Ideilor
Reforma monetara in Romania1924»»»
Penescu, Alexandru S.
Reforma monetara in Romania din anii 1920-1921 : cazul Transilvaniei»»»
Moga, Septimiu
Reforma monetara in Rusia Sovietica1928»»»
Cusin, Alexandru C.
Reforma monetara in Rusia sovietica»»»
Cusin, Alexandru C.
Reforma monetara sovietica»»»
- Descriere: An 1, nr. 4, Mai 1948, p. 75-78
- ISBN: -
Probleme sovietice
Reforming money to fix financialization?»»»
Weber, Beat
Reforming the dollar : an international monetary policy for the United States1972»»»
Bergsten, C. Fred
Regulation, institutions and economic growth in advanced, emerging and developing countries»»»
Egert, Balazs
Relatiile valutare internationale : pozitia Romaniei privind directiile reformei sistemului monetar international»»»
Moisuc, Constantin
Reparations : dettes interalliees : restauration monetaire1922»»»
Nogaro, Bertrand
Retirement savings in an ageing society : a case for innovative government debt management2010»»»
Bohn, Henning
Revalorizarea leului : Romania si Conferinta de la Genua : Statele Unite si refacerea Europei1923»»»
Leonte, Gheorghe M.
Revalorizarea monetara: tendintele politicei monetare italiene»»»
Suciu, Paul Horia
Rules for international monetary stability : past, present, and future2017»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Taylor, John B.
Sclerose economique et reforme monetaire1936»»»
Eyraud, Henri
Scurte comentarii privind denominarea2004»»»
Pop, Napoleon
Should monetary policy be different in a greyer world?2010»»»
Miles, David
Sistemul bancar in Romania = The Romanian banking system : evolutii recente si perspective = recent developments and perspectives : Reforma sistemului financiar in Romania si integrarea europeana = Reform and financial system in Romania and European integration1996»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Sistemul banesc in slujba claselor exploatatoare din Romania1958»»»
Vijoli, Aurel
Sistemul monetar roman si criza etalonului-aur1936»»»
Ionescu, Dimitrie D.
Situatia actuala a reformei monetare in Romania si posibilitatile ei de infaptuire»»»
Angelescu, Ion N.
Speed of adjustment to selected labour market and tax reforms»»»
Mourougane, Annabelle
Vogel, Lukas
Stabilizarea francului belgian»»»
Teodorescu, I.
Standardul fiduciar : sclavia prin indatorare ca alternativa la civilizatia umana2022»»»
Ammous, Saifedean
Manolescu, Anca Smaranda
Stevens, Ross
Strategii si politici macroeconomice2001»»»
Bacescu, Marius
Success and failure in monetary reform : monetary commitment and the role of institutions2002»»»
Freytag, Andreas
Summary of discussion»»»
The "problems" aproach to international monetary reform»»»
Johnson, Harry Gordon
The 1948 monetary reform in Western Germany2007»»»
Kindleberger, Charles Poor
Ostrander, F. Taylor
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The Greek banking system and its deregulation : history, structure and organization in a European context»»»
Pagoulatos, George
The Groschen period»»»
Haskova, Jarmila
The Santa Colomba conclusions : Meeting on Inflation and International Monetary Reform held at Palazzo dei Salimbeni and Villa di Santa Colomba1973»»»
The credit mechanics of monetary unions : a review of the Eurosystem»»»
Decker, Frank
The founding of the Federal Reserve System»»»
Toma, Mark
The later Roman Empire»»»
Bransbourg, Gilles
The role of the central banks in financial stability : how has it changed?2014»»»
Evanoff, Douglas D.
Holthausen, Cornelia
Kaufman, George G.
Kremer, Manfred
The structural foundations of monetary policy2018»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Cochrane, John Howland
Seru, Amit
The world's banking systems. Volume II : Austria1975»»»
Une experience a mediter : la stabilisation du franc belge1927»»»
Hoffmann, Emile
Valorile monetare si economia schimbului : formarea preturilor1946»»»
Ionescu-Muscel, Petre
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