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Euro : moneda europeana2000»»»
Chabot, Christian N.
Euro Munzkatalog : Die Munzen der Europaischen Wahrungsunion : 1999-20182018»»»
Schon, Gerhard
Euro area monetary policy in uncharted waters2010»»»
Cihak, Martin
Harjes, Thomas
Stavrev, Emil
Euro crash : the implications of monetary failure in Europe2010»»»
Brown, Brendan
Euro, promisiunea facuta leului2015»»»
Perpelea, Mircea
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Eurocritical : a crisis of the euro currency2018»»»
MacDonald, Ronald
Euroization, dollarization, and the international monetary system2004»»»
Salvatore, Dominick
Euroland end East Asia in a dollar-based international monetary system: Mundell revisited2001»»»
McKinnon, Ronald Ian
Europa economica : UEM, Piata Comuna, politici comune1998»»»
Commelin, Bertrand
Europe and the euro2010»»»
Alesina, Alberto
Giavazzi, Francesco
Europe in crisis : a structural analysis2016»»»
Talani, Leila Simona
Europe's growth challenge2017»»»
Aslund, Anders
Djankov, Simeon
European Banking Union2015»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
European Banking Union : prospects and challenges2016»»»
Castaneda, Juan E.
Mayes, David G.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
European Monetary Union : a project of promise and risk»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
European Monetary Union and exchage rate dynamics : new approaches and application to the euro2001»»»
Welfens, Paul J. J.
European Monetary Union and the European System of Central Banks1995»»»
Louis, Jean-Victor
European Monetary Union, the dollar and the interantional monetary system2000»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
European Union law : text and materials2019»»»
Chalmers, Damian
Davies, Gareth
Monti, Giorgio
European economic integration and South-East Europe : challenges and prospects2005»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
Christl, Josef
Mooslechner, Peter
European financial and monetary integration : challenges of the single currency2015»»»
Roman, Angela
Bilan, Irina
European monetary integration2004»»»
European monetary integration : (a federal trust report)»»»
Magnifico, Giovanni
Williamson, John
European monetary integration : past, present and future2001»»»
Pentecost, Eric J.
van Poeck, Andre
Eurosistemul : o tensiune arhitecturala a convergentei2009»»»
Golban, Radu
Silasi, Grigore
Eurozone and neighbouring countries, what to expect? Comments on three presentations2009»»»
Skreb, Marko
Evolution and procedures in central banking2003»»»
Altig, David E.
Smith, Bruce D.
Evolution and procedures in central banking2010»»»
Altig, David E.
Smith, Bruce D.
Exchange arrangements between the EU and countries in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the CFA zone1997»»»
Berrigan, John
Carre, Herve
Exchange rate arrangements in the accesion to the EMU2004»»»
Coricelli, Fabrizio
Jazbec, Bostjan
Exchange rate arrangements in transition to EMU: some arguments in favor of early adoption of the euro»»»
Coricelli, Fabrizio
Exchange rate policies and EMU participation of accession countries2004»»»
Solbes, Pedro
Exchange rate policies on the last stretch2004»»»
Hagen, Jurgen Von
Zhou, Jizhong
Exchange rate regimes and nominal convergence2006»»»
Szczurek, M.
Exchange rate regimes on the road to EMU : lessons from Greece's experience2004»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
Exchange rate strategies for new EU entrants2001»»»
Holscher, Jens
Vinhas de Souza, Lucio
Exchange rates arrangements between the ins and the outs1997»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Exista riscul unui atac speculativ in tarile in tranzitie inainte de intrarea in Uniunea Economica si Monetara?»»»
Balteanu, Irina
Financial and monetary integration in the new Europe2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financial frictions and the monetary transmissio mechanism : theory evidence and policy implementations2003»»»
Bean, Charles R.
Larsen, Jens
Nikolov, Kalin
Financial integration between the EU and the economies of Central and eastren Europe : an overview2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Mullineux, Andrew W.
Financial integration, macroeconomic volatility and risk sharing - the role of the monetary union2009»»»
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem
Manganelli, Simone
Papaioannou, Elias
Peydro, Jose-Luis
Financial market integration under EMU»»»
Jappelli, Tullio
Pagano, Marco
Hayes, Simon
Financial markets and European monetary cooperation : the lessons of the 1992-1993 exchange rate machenism crisis1998»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Corsetti, Giancarlo
Pesenti, Paolo A.
Financial markets and institutions2003»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Eakins, Stanley G.
Financial regulation in the European Union2016»»»
Kattel, Rainer
Kregel, Jan
Tonveronachi, Mario
Financial stability and economic development in transitional economies2001»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Financial stability and monetary policy : lessons from the euro area2011»»»
Clerc, Laurent
Mojon, Benoit
Financial systems ant the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Ehrmann, Michael
Gambacorta, Leonardo
Martinez Pages, Jorge
Sevestre, Patrick
Worms, Andreas
Firm investment and monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Chatelain, Jean Bernard
Generale, Andrea
Hernando, Ignacio
Vermeulen, Philip
Kalckreuth, Ulf von
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