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CBDC design and implementation in the context of differences between advances and emerging economies»»»
Pisany, Pawel
CBDCs and stablecoins : the scramble for (controllable) anonymity»»»
Bilotta, Nicola
CDS spreads implications on romanian financial sector and real economy2009»»»
Mihai, Irina
Calauza bancilor populare coprinzind infiintarea bancilor populare, a societatilor de consum si de laptarie, extract din legile necesare bancilor, comptabilitatea in partida dubla, comptabilitatea cu registrele cassei centrale si calculator de dobinzi1904»»»
Dumitrescu-Bumbesti, Gheorghe
Can central bank transparency go too far?2004»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Can central banking survive the IT revolution?2002»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Can central banks be efficient ? : inflation targetting has focused policymakers' minds on central banks performance : but can all central bank tasks be assessed? Neil Courtis investigate value for money in central banking»»»
Courtis, Neil
Can the central bank alleviate fiscal burdens?»»»
Reis, Ricardo
Capacitatea de functionare a pietei unice versus economia verde»»»
Mihailovici, Gabriela
Cape Verde»»»
Pop, Georgiana
Capital flights and central bank macroprudential instruments2011»»»
Neagu, Florian
Mihai, Irina
Capital mobility and its impact on the operations of a central bank1997»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Capitalism in one country? A re-examination of mercantilist systems from the financial point of view2012»»»
Kam, Eric
Smithin, John
Causes and management of banking crises1997»»»
Latter, Tony
Cehoslovacia 1918-1930 : probleme valutare si organizarea Bancii Nationale Cehoslovace1930»»»
Cioranu, Sabin
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/07/2015»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2017»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2015»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/07/2017»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2017»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2015»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/07/2016»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2016»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2016»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2014»»»
Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance01/01/2014»»»
Central Bank of Brazil : investment decision-making in an integrated risk management framework»»»
Ribeiro Damaso Maia, Isabela
Central Bank of Lithuania : asset allocation in a risk parity framework»»»
Kanapeckas, Jonas
Central Banks of the world1998»»»
Pringle, Robert
Central bank (in)solvency»»»
Central bank : financial stability and financial development : how can the central bank foster financial stability and financial development2010»»»
Garcia-Herrero, Alicia
Central bank and monetary policy : the uncertainties after the crisis»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Central bank autonomy and exchange rate regimes : their effects on monetary accomodation and activism1998»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Rodriguez, Pedro
Webb, Steven B.
Central bank autonomy in Mexico : a historical overview2012»»»
Central bank capital adequacy for central banks with or without a monetary policy2011»»»
Papi, Luca
Central bank communication : how to manage expectations?»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Central bank communication and policy effectiveness»»»
Woodford, Michael
Macklem, Tiff
Central bank communication, decision making, and governance : issues, challenges, and case studies2013»»»
Siklos, Pierre L.
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Central bank communications : a case study»»»
Davis, J. Scott
Wynne, Mark A.
Central bank cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930-19732005»»»
Toniolo, Gianni
Clement, Piet
Central bank digital currencies : the future of money2023»»»
Lloyd, Michael
Central bank digital currencies and law»»»
Schwarcz, Steven L.
Central bank digital currency and the future financial system»»»
Ali, Robleh
Central bank digital currency, regtech and suptech»»»
Hee Jung, John Ho
Central bank directory 20132012»»»
Horakova, Martina
Jordan, Amy
Central bank finances and independence : how much capital should a central bank have?2011»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Central bank financial crisis management from a risk management perspective2009»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Central bank financial strenght and macroeconomic policy perfomance2011»»»
Stella, Peter
Central bank funding models and their risk - return profile2011»»»
Martinez-Resano, J. Ramon
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