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Please think this over2012»»»
Leamer, Edward E.
Potential gains from and obstacles to international policy coordination»»»
Solomon, Robert
Povestea banilor2020»»»
Wheelan, Charles
Drelciuc, Simona-Maria
Preparation du budget aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique»»»
Chicos, Stefan
Dalio, Ray
Dobre, Dana
Principles of economics2009»»»
Frank, Robert H.
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Principles of risk management and insurance2001»»»
Rejda, George E.
Productia europeana si supra-protectionismul american»»»
Topliceanu, Alexandru
Profitability trends in the era of financialization : notes on the U.S. economy»»»
Lapavitsas, Costas
Mendieta-Munoz, Ivan
Programul de conventii comerciale ale Statelor Unite fata de politica si comertul mondial»»»
Grady, Henry F.
Cobb, D.
Protectia si garantarea investitiilor straine in dreptul comertului international2010»»»
Navasardyan, Lusine
Questioning the treasury's $700 billion blank check2012»»»
Edlin, Aaron S.
Raportul obiectiv-subiectiv in desfasurarea activitatii economice si financiare»»»
Prahoveanu, Eugen
Reconfigurarea centrelor de putere din economia mondiala in contextul provocarilor lumii contemporane2021»»»
Topliceanu, Stefan Catalin
Regional inequality in the United States : long-term patterns, 1880-2010»»»
Klein, Alexandru
Regional innovation in the United States : a poisson stochastic frontier approach with finite mixture structure»»»
Drivas, Kyriakos
Economidou, Claire
Tsionas, Mike G.
Regulations and policies relating to the Eurocurrency market»»»
Gilbert, Milton
McClam, Warren
Regulatory policies and financial stability»»»
Eisenbeis, Robert A.
Benston, George G.
Cooke, William Peter
Repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements»»»
Lumpkin, Stephen A.
Resources and capacity of the United States»»»
Reed, Vergil D.
Retail innovations in American economy history : the rise of mass-market merchandisers»»»
Carden, Art
Retailing in a war economy»»»
Haring, Albert
Romania si politica ei de locuire in contextul Europei de est si al Uniunii Europene»»»
Dan, Adrian-Nicolae
S-a sfarsit oare secolul american?2015»»»
Nye, Joseph S., Jr.
Dobrescu, Paul
Dascalita, Ondine Cristina
Samuelson Friedman : the battle over the free market2021»»»
Wapshott, Nicholas
Sartorius von Waltershausen, A., fost Prof. d. Nationalokonomie a d. Universitat Strassburg i. E. Die Vereigniten Staaten als heutiges und Kunftiges Einwanderungsland [...] : [recenzie]»»»
Saving capitalism : for the many, not the few2016»»»
Reich, Robert B.
Saving investment, and gold: a reassessment of historical current account data2001»»»
Jones, Matthew T.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Screening-ul institutiilor bancare si criza economica2010»»»
Zamfir, Ana Maria
Seraching for Schumpeter: the financial sector and economic growth in industrial countries2003»»»
Bisignano, Joseph
Sfarsitul imperiului : eseu despre descompunerea sistemului american2003»»»
Todd, Emmanuel
Mihailescu, Dan. C.
Should banker pay be regulated?2012»»»
Kaplan, Steven Neil
Should we tax wealth?»»»
Saez, Emmanuel
Sistemul valutar postbelic si etalonul aur-devize»»»
Ionescu, Lucian Constantin
Sistemul valutar si extinderea dominatiei imperialismului american»»»
Zaharescu, Barbu
Moisuc, Constantin
Haseganu, Mihail
Socialismul, aceasta amagire! : doi economisti la un pahar prin lumea nelibera2022»»»
Lawson, Robert
Powell, Benjamin
Popescu, Beatrice
Spillovers of United States and people's Republic of China shocks on small open economies : the case of Indonesia»»»
Harahap, Berry A.
Bary, Pakasa
Panjaitan, Linda N.
Satyanugroho, Redianto
Statele Unite ale Americii in fata unei recesiuni economice2009»»»
Velciu, Rodica
Statele-Unite si reformele presedintelui Roosevelt»»»
Florescu, Radu R.
Strategies for monetary policy2020»»»
Cochrane, John Howland
Taylor, John B.
Stress test : reflections on financial crises2014»»»
Geithner, Timothy F.
Sur la bonne voie[1934]»»»
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Sveriges Riksbank and the history of central banking2018»»»
Edvinsson, Rodney
Jacobson, Tor
Waldenstrom, Daniel
Symposium : "The interaction of markets and policy" : introduction»»»
Shultz, George P.
Systemic reform of health care delivery and payment2012»»»
Aaron, Henry J.
Tax systems of the world : formerly published as Federal and State Tax Systems : a year book of legislative and statistical information including all the states of the United States1934»»»
Teoria generala burgheza si cercetarile de specialitate»»»
Nicolae-Valeanu, Ivanciu
Bulborea, Ion
Postolache, Tudorel
The 1929 stock market crash»»»
Bierman, Harold, Jr.
The American economy : its origins, development, and transformation : an introduction to economics1960»»»
Johnson, E. A. J.
Krooss, Herman E.
The American market of the future1967»»»
Johnson, Arno H.
Jones, Gilbert E.
Lucas, Darrell B.
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