Fondul de carte al Bibliotecii BNR se regăsește integral în catalogul on-line.
Pentru a realiza o căutare utilizați unul dintre următoarele criterii: titlul sau cuvinte din titlu, autorul, subiectul, locul apariției, editura, anul apariției, ISBN.
Bank resolution and crisis management : law and practice2016»»»
Gleeson, Simon
Guynn, Randall
Bank restructuring and resolution2006»»»
Hoelscher, David S.
Bank runs and liquidity management tools»»»
Bergner, Matthias
Marcus, Patrick
Adler, Maria
- Descriere: p. 291-326
- ISBN: -
Bank valuation and value-based management : deposit and loan pricing, performance evaluation, and risk management : deposit and loan pricing, performance evaluation, and risk management2015»»»
Dermine, Jean
Banking 5.0 : how Fintech will change traditional banks in the "new normal" post pandemic2021»»»
Nicoletti, Bernardo
Billordo, Ramon
Banking crisis management2007»»»
Shijaku, Hilda
Banking crisis management in the EU : an early assessment»»»
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
Sapir, Andre
- Descriere: No. 62, April 2010, p. 343-373
- ISBN: -
Banking for business administration : theory, cases and applications2012»»»
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Ameziane, Lizeta
Dinca, Violeta Mihaela
Orzea, Ivona
Agoston, Simona
Serban, Andreea Luoana
Vasilescu, Andra Maria
Banking systems simulation : theory, practice, and application of modeling shocks, losses, and contagion2017»»»
Zedda, Stefano
Banking, risk and crises in Europe : from the global financial crisis to COVID-192023»»»
Karkowska, Renata
Korzeb, Zbigniew
Matysek-Jedrych, Anna
Niedziolka, Pawel
Banknote management for central banks : practices, challenges and trends2017»»»
Montoya, Ivan
Banks at risk : global best practices in an age of turbulence2011»»»
Hoflich, Peter
Barbati si femei in tranzitie»»»
Nicholson, Nigel
West, Michael
Basel III and impacts on credit risk management»»»
Nguyen Thi Thu, Thao
- Descriere: p. 154-165
- ISBN: -
Basel III, the Devil and global banking2012»»»
Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Basel IV : the next generation of risk weighted assets2017»»»
Neisen, Martin
Roth, Stefan
Bataliile care conteaza : strategii testate pentru momentele decisive ale vietii2023»»»
Cisbi, Magor
Predescu, Radu
Florea, Adrian
Batch processing : pattern recognition»»»
Liermann, Volker
Li, Sangmeng
Schaudinnus, Norbert
Bazele analizei afacerii2022»»»
Scarlat, Emil
Nica, Ionut
Bazele comunicarii in afaceri»»»
Nicolae, Mariana
Nicolae, Raluca
Bazele managementului financiar al companiilor»»»
Dragota, Victor
Becoming a master manager : a competing values approach2007»»»
Quinn, Robert E.
Faerman, Sue R.
Thompson, Michael P.
McGrath, Michael R.
Clair, Lynda S. St.
Before and beyond the global economic crisis : economics, politics and settlement2013»»»
Benner, Mats
Behind every engagement there is always a good story»»»
Lima, Bruna Bezerra
Benchmarking : teorie si aplicatii2006»»»
Scurtu, Viorel
Russu, Corneliu
Popescu, Ioan
Beneficii suplimentare acordate angajatilor2001»»»
Munford, Peter
- Descriere: p. 676-685
- ISBN: -
Best practices in country risk management»»»
Bates, Michael
- Descriere: p. 241-270
- ISBN: -
Between the cup and the lip : on Post Keynesian interest rate rules and long-term interest rate management2012»»»
Asensio, Angel
Beyond disruption : inovati si cresteti fara sa distrugeti industrii, companii sau cariere2023»»»
Kim, W. Chan
Mauborgne, Renee
Chifu, Raluca
Beyond diversification : what every investor needs to know about asset allocation2021»»»
Page, Sebastien
Sharps, Rob
Beyond incentive pay : Insiders' estimates of the value of complementary human resources management practices»»»
Ichniowski, Casey
Shaw, Kathryn
- Descriere: Vol. 17, no. 1, Winter 2003, p. 155-180
- ISBN: -
Biblioteca XXI : management & marketing2012»»»
Buluta, Gheorghe
Petrescu, Victor
Sachelarie, Octavian Mihail
Biblioteca scolara si educatia nonformala»»»
Baran, Gabriela
Bibliotecile romanesti contemporane»»»
Petrescu, Victor
Bibliotecile scolare romanesti in era digitala»»»
Lupu, Valentina
Argatu, Daniela
Big Data comme outils de fidelisation des clients : etude de cas d'un operateur de telecoms : Ooredoo Algerie»»»
Makhloufi, Abdelouahab
Belattaf, Matouk
Big data and the CRO of the future»»»
Harmon, Richard L.
BlackRock : reserves management with factors and reference portfolios»»»
Ang, Andrew
Chua, David
Gallagher, Katelyn
Hull, Stephen
Blockchain in the Big Data era»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Barbu, Cristian-Marian
Anghel, Madalina-Gabriela
Bodymedia theory : a value proposition for organizational culture»»»
de Oliveira Bambini, Simone Ribeiro
Bogatii sunt, inainte de toate, intreprinzatori... care isi asuma riscuri»»»
Zimmern, Bernard
Bond markets, analysis, and strategies2021»»»
Fabozzi, Frank J.
Fabozzi, Francesco A.
Brand arhitecture design and brand naming decisions»»»
Park, C. Whan
MacInnis, Deborah J.
Eisingerich, Andreas B.
Brand culture, halal and the critical Islamic imperative»»»
Wilson, Jonathan A. J.
Brand definitions and conceptualizations : the debate»»»
Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca
Brand extensions»»»
Hayran, Ceren
Gurhan-Canli, Zeynep
Brand management : impactul pandemiei de COVID-19 si evolutie post-pandemie»»»
Patruti, Petra
Brand valuation : principles, applications and latest developments»»»
Salinas, Gabriela
Branding and digital analytics»»»
Borel, Laurence-Helene
Christodoulides, George
Branding financial services»»»
Devlin, James
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