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Sistemul financiar : factor mobilizator sau inhibitor in economia de piata?2012»»»
Moldovan, Ioana-Andrada
Sistemul financiar international in deriva?2019»»»
Dijmarescu, Eugen
Fugaru, Amalia
Dobre, Robert-Ionut
Curca, Sorin-Nicolae
Radulescu, Andrei
Solutii informatice si economice pentru integrarea pietelor de instrumente financiare2014»»»
Diaconita, Vlad
Sovereign bankruptcy : an opinion Jean-Jacques Rey : Jean-Jacques Rey welcomes Anne Krueger's proposals for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism : but is it a dead-end or a promising avenue?»»»
Rey, Jean-Jacques
Krueger, Anne Osborn
Strategies for monetary policy2020»»»
Cochrane, John Howland
Taylor, John B.
Subordinate financialization in emerging capitalist economies»»»
Bonizzi, Bruno
Kaltenbrunner, Annina
Powell, Jeff
Subordination Levels in Structured Financing2008»»»
An, Xudong
Deng, Yongheng
Sanders, Anthony B.
Survey of the changing role and structure of postwar American banking»»»
Holland, Robert Carl
Brill, Daniel H.
Sustainability disclosure in the EU financial sector»»»
Busch, Danny
Sustainable corporate governance : the role of the law»»»
Pacces, Alessio M.
Sustainable finance : an overview of ESG in the financial markets»»»
Driessen, Marieke
Sustainable finance in Europe : corporate governance, financial stability and financial markets2021»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
Grunewald, Seraina
Sustainable finance in Europe : setting the scene»»»
Busch, Danny
Ferrarini, Guido
Grunewald, Seraina
Symposium : "The interaction of markets and policy" : introduction»»»
Shultz, George P.
The "massive transfer" of resources to developing countries»»»
Jayawardena, Lal
The Czech experience with asset bubbles and financial crises»»»
Tosovsky, Josef
The ECB and the political economy of collateral»»»
Gabor, Daniela
The Eurobond market»»»
Genillard, Robert Louis
The Eurodollar market : a view from Canada»»»
McLaughlin, William Earle
The Eurodollar market : a view from Italy»»»
Ferrari, Alberto
The Eurodollar market : a view from London»»»
The Eurodollar market : a view from the Federal Republic of Germany»»»
Ulrich, Franz Heinrich
The Eurodollar market : an economist's point of view»»»
Swoboda, Alexander K.
The Eurodollar market : some first principles»»»
Friedman, Milton
The Eurodollar market today : size, scope, and participants»»»
Morris, Frank E.
Little, Jane S.
The Euromarket : a source of stability or instability?»»»
Emminger, Otmar
The FED and financial markets : suggestions to improve un unhealthy relationship»»»
Levy, Mickey D.
The FX markets - towards continuous linked settlement : a new scheme, planned to go live next year, is likely to have a major impact on foreign exchange markets : Peter Allsopp, former head of payment systems at the Bank of England, explains how continuous linked settlement will work and the approach of central banks to the scheme»»»
Allsopp, Peter
The Haute Banque, American Civil War debt, and the integration of the 19th century capital markets»»»
Thomson, David K.
The Oxford handbook of banking and financial history2016»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Grossman, Richard S.
Schenk, Catherine R.
The World Bank and structural adjustment : lessons from the 1980s»»»
Ferreira, Francisco H. G.
Keely, Louise C.
The bank's general borrowing policy»»»
Kodock, Augustin F.
The collateralization of social policy by financial markets in the Global South»»»
Lavinas, Lena
The cost of holding foreign exchange reserves»»»
Levy-Yeyati, Eduardo
Gomez, Juan Francisco
The debt of the developing countries : causes and trends»»»
Osorio-Tafall, Bibiano F.
The economics of European integration2015»»»
Baldwin, Richard
Wyplosz, Charles
The economics of financial markets and institutions : from first principles2023»»»
Sussman, Oren
The economics of money, banking and financial markets2019»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The economics of money, banking, and financial markets2016»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
The effects and the design of monetary policy»»»
Shigehara, Kumiharu
Thygesen, Niels
The end of alchemy : money, banking, and the future of the global economy2016»»»
King, Mervyn A.
The euro : the first decade2010»»»
Buti, Marco
Deroose, Servaas
Gaspar, Vitor
Nogueira Martins, Joao
The euro's impact on trade and foreign direct investment»»»
Baldwin, Richard
Pichelmann, Karl
The financial system and the economy : principles of money & banking2006»»»
Burton, Maureen
Lombra, Raymond
The fundamental principles of finance2020»»»
Irons, Robert
The global financial crisis : genesis, policy response and road ahead2013»»»
Nayak, Satyendra S.
The growth of shadow banking : a comparative institutional analysis2020»»»
Thiemann, Matthias
The impact of MiFID II on the liquidity of fixed income instruments»»»
Oprea, Andreea
The impact of information and communication technologies on the equity market»»»
Adamska, Agata
The impact of population aging on financial markets»»»
Poterba, James Michael
Turner, Adair
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