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Indicatori macroeconomici : continut, metodologie de calcul si analiza economica2001»»»
Capanu, Ion
Anghelache, Constantin
Indonesia and India: Contrasting Approaches to Repression and Liberalization2001»»»
Hanson, James A.
Industria mondiala : decalajele industriale si strategii de dezvoltare industriala in lume»»»
Gorun-Scvortov, Maria
Inference on probabilistic surveys in macroeconomics with an application to the evolution of uncertainty in the survey of professional forecasters during the COVID pandemic»»»
Bassetti, Federico
Casarin, Roberto
Del Negro, Marco
Innovation and human capital policy»»»
Reenen, John Van
Institutional inertia, ignorance and short-circuit : Cyprus»»»
Katsourides, Yiannos
Insurance of financial and credit institutions»»»
Adamchuk, Natalia
Osipov, Vladimir
Tsvetkova, Lyudmila
International debt and economic instability»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Vries, Rimmer de
International debt and public policy»»»
Clausen, A. W.
Internationalization of the Albanian economy through foreign investments : the Italian case»»»
Vianelli, Donata
De Luca, Patrizia
Kajca, Roland
Interview : Grigori Marchenko : in conversation with Benedict Mander, the chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan discusses reserve management policy, the importance of oil, and the difficulties in retaining staff at the central bank»»»
Marchenko, Grigori Alexandrovich
Interview : Martin Redrado : a re-equipped central bank is able to tackle mounting inflationary pressures in Argentina as the economy prospers, explains the central bank's president»»»
Redrado, Martin
Interview : Maurice O'Connell : many see the Irish economy as a test-bed of workability of a one-size-fits-all monetary policy : the governor of the central bank, in an interview with Neil Courtis, says that the Irish economy doesn't have a problem»»»
O'Connell, Maurice
Courtis, Neil
Interview : Sushil Wadhwani : one of the most outspoken members of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee explains why productivity shifts caused by investment in information communications technology are giving policymakers a headache»»»
Courtis, Neil
Sottilotta, Cecilia Emma
Morlino, Leonardo
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Ramey, Valerie Ann
West, Kenneth D.
Investigation of convergence tendencies in EU»»»
Sojkova, Zlata
Kropkova, Zlata
Investitii de capital : crearea proprietatii si dezvoltarea economiei reale»»»
Iancu, Aurel
Investitii straine directe de capital si concentrarile urbane : o privire retrospectiva»»»
Postelnicu, Catalin
Investment : what holds Romanian firms back?»»»
Pal, Rozalia
Wruuck, Patricia
Stamate, Amalia
Dumitrescu, Constantin Catalin
Investment policies to promote growth»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Feldstein, Martin
Walter, Norbert
Ireland, Israel and the Challenges of Innovation and Entrepreneurship2010»»»
Fachler, Yanky
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
Is there a role for discretionary fiscal policy?»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Feldstein, Martin
Hayashi, Fumio
Keynote speech: convergence and divergence - theoretical underpinnings2003»»»
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier
Korean experience in economic development»»»
Kim, Kun
La valorizzazione dei Palazzi storici della Banca d'Italia : un percorso tra arte e tecnologia e tra cultura ed economia = Enhancing the historic buildings of the Bank of Italy : a path between art and technology, and between culture and economics»»»
Donato, Luigi
Larger central bank balance sheets : a new normal for monetary policy?»»»
Ramaswamy, Srichander
Turner, Philip
Lessons from the stabilization process in Argentina, 1990-1996»»»
Cavallo, Domingo
Liquidity shocks and asset prices in the business cycle2012»»»
Shi, Shouyong
Living standards in the very long run : the place of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the divergence debate»»»
Broadberry, Stephen
Malinowski, Mikolaj
Locul Romaniei in Uniunea Europeana»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Dumitrescu, Ilie
Long-term tendencies in budget deficits and debt»»»
Masson, Paul
Mussa, Michael
Shigehara, Kumiharu
Luncheon address»»»
Li, David Daokui
Macroeconomia explicata pe intelesul studentilor2021»»»
Marinas, Marius-Corneliu
Macroeconomic essentials : understanding economics in the news2017»»»
Kennedy, Peter E.
Prag, Jay
Macroeconomic fluctuations and policies2019»»»
Challe, Edouard
Emanuel, Susan
Macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area : can they be managed?»»»
Hume, Michael
Macroeconomic implications of the new economy»»»
Baily, Martin Neil
Ito, Takatoshi
Taylor, John B.
Macroeconomic policy and long-run growth»»»
DeLong, J. Bradford
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Bergsten, C. Fred
Kudlow, Lawrence A.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Mankiw, Nicholas Gregory
Gordon, Robert J.
Mankiw, Nicholas Gregory
Macroeconomics : policy and practice2012»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Macroeconomie : modele statice si dinamice de comportament : teorie si aplicatii2009»»»
Stancu, Stelian
Mihail, Nora
Macroeconomie : perspectiva europeana2002»»»
Burda, Michael C.
Wyplosz, Charles
Making sense of economic data»»»
Palcic, Donal
Flannery, Darragh
Managementul macroeconomic si cresterea pe termen lung2003»»»
Croitoru, Lucian
Tarhoaca, Cornel
Managing the risks of financial intermediaries : transforming approaches and reality»»»
Panov, Dmitry
Larionova, Irina
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