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Fiscal policy in EMU2001»»»
Barry, Frank
Fiscal policy, intercountry adjustment and the real exchange rate with Europe»»»
Allsopp, Christopher
Vines, David A.
Kollmann, Robert
Fiscal shocks and policy regimes in some OECD countries2004»»»
de Arcangelis, Giuseppe
Lamartina, Serena
Float in order to fix? : Lessons from emerging markets for new EU member countries2004»»»
Braga de Macedo, Jorge
Reisen, Helmut
Foreign portofolio investment, European Economic and Monetary Union and exchange rate uncertainty2008»»»
Seabra, Fernando
Flach, Lisandra
Santos, Tatiana
Framing macroeconomic policy in EMU and the international financial architecture1999»»»
Garganas, Nicholas C.
From convergence to crisis : labor markets and the instability of the euro2016»»»
Johnston, Alison
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro»»»
Karatzas, Theodoros B.
From the Athenian tetradrachm to the euro : studies in European monetary integration2018»»»
Cottrell, Philip L.
Notaras, Gerassimos
Tortella, Gabriel
Pohle Fraser, Monika
Fraser, Iain L.
Functioning of the international monetary system1996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 11996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Functioning of the international monetary system Vol. 21996»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Goldstein, Morris
Funding European solidarity»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Schuberth, Helene
Future EMU membership and wage flexibility2006»»»
Radziwill, A.
Walewski, M.
General discussion : how should central banks reduce inflation? : conceptual issues»»»
Thiessen, Gordon G.
Geneza si evolutia constructiei europene : tratatele europene»»»
Gazinski, Benon
Toma, Elena
Geography trade, and currency union2004»»»
Melitz, Jacques
German monetary unification and its implications for EMU2001»»»
Sell, Friedrich L.
Globalizarea sub semnul intrebarii : economia internationala si posibilitati de guvernare2002»»»
Hirst, Paul
Thomson, Grahame
Gold, Silber und die Valuta-Herstellung1892»»»
Haupt, Ottomar
Governance and monetary policy decision-making at the ECB2010»»»
Stella, Peter
Vandenbussche, Jerome
Governing the euro area in good times and bad2011»»»
Hodson, Dermot
Government size and output volatility : should we forsake automatic stabilization?»»»
Debrun, Xavier
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
Sapir, Andre
Saint-Paul, Gilles
Has EMU shifted monetary and fiscal policies?2003»»»
Ballabriga, Fernando
Martinez Mongay, Carlos
Heterogeneous market regulation and divergence in a currency union»»»
Abbritti, Mirko
Weber, Sebastian
Housing markets and adjustment in monetary union2008»»»
Hoeller, Peter
Rae, David
How do European monetary and fiscal authorities behave?2003»»»
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
How member states cope with the Eurozone crisis»»»
Puntscher Riekmann, Sonja
Wasserfallen, Fabio
How product market reforms lubricate shock adjustment in the euro area»»»
Pelkmans, Jacques
Acedo Montoya, Lourdes
Maravalle, Alessandro
Koopman, Jan Gert
How to finance cohesion in Europe?2019»»»
Nowotny, Ewald
Ritzberger-Grunwald, Doris
Schuberth, Helene
How to reform the stability and growth pact : Willem Buiter proffers his alternatives to the "stupid" arrangement»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
How to reform the stability and growth pact?2006»»»
Rostowski, Jacek
How will the euro behave?1997»»»
Identifying a bubble2008»»»
Danthine, Jean-Pierre
Impact of EMU integration and the new international context»»»
Penalosa, Juan
Restoy, Fernando
Implicatii ale unificarii monetare europene asupra Romaniei : teza de doctorat2004»»»
Calin, Diana
Cerna, Silviu
Leonard, Jacques
Implications of EMU for the IMF1997»»»
Maystadt, Philippe
Incorporating real and financial sector data within an inflation targeting framework2008»»»
Gertler, Mark
Independent or coordinated? Monetary and fiscal policy in EMU2004»»»
Lambertini, Luca
Rovelli, Riccardo
Indeplinirea criteriilor de convergenta nominala de catre noile tari membre UE - cazul Romaniei2010»»»
Dornescu, Valeriu
Inflation differentials in the euro area : a survey2010»»»
de Haan, Jakob
Inflation in a Monetary Union2002»»»
Carlberg, Michael
Inflation patterns and monetary policy : lessons for the European Central Bank1998»»»
Groeneveld, Johannes M.
Inflation targeting and financial stability : monetary policy challenges for the future2019»»»
Heise, Michael
Bate, Oliver
Inflation targeting and monetary integration under ERM2: modelling third-country effects from production sharing2008»»»
Hammermann, Felix
Inflationary performance in a monetary union with large wage setters2004»»»
Cavallari, Lilia
Influenta adoptarii euro asupra ciclicitatii economice»»»
Bitca, Robert
Preotu, Veronica
Radu, Gabriela
Tonita, Ana Maria
Institutii si politici europene2008»»»
Profiroiu, Marius
Profiroiu, Alina
Popescu, Irina
Institutiile financiare internationale : relatii economice internationale1996»»»
Bakker, Age F.P.
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