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Central bank goals, institutional change and monetary policy : evidence from the United States and the United Kingdom2003»»»
Muscatelli, V. Anton
Trecroci, Carmine
Central bank governance and oversight reform2016»»»
Cochrane, John Howland
Taylor, John B.
Central bank governors' symposium, 2001, Bank of England discussant's comments: governor of the Bank of Barbados2005»»»
Williams, Marion
Central bank governors' symposium, 2001, Bank of England discussant's comments: governor of the Bank of Canada2005»»»
Dodge, David A.
Central bank governors' symposium, 2001, Bank of England discussant's comments: governor of the Bank of India2005»»»
Jalan, Bimal
Central bank independence2003»»»
Freedman, Charles
Central bank independence : cultural codes and symbolic performance2012»»»
Tognato, Carlo
Central bank independence and economic performance : what does the evidence show?2012»»»
Labonte, Marc
Makinen, Gail E,
Central bank independence and monetary policy-making institutions : past, present and future2009»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Central bank independence and the future of the euro2020»»»
Demetriades, Panicos O.
Jones, Erik
Central bank independence in the context of the accession to EU»»»
Silberstein, Ianfred
Central bank independence, accountability, and transparency : a global perspective2009»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Arnone, Marco
Segalotto, Jean-Francois
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Central bank independence, regulations, and monetary policy : from Germany and Greece to China and the United States2018»»»
Chaudhuri, Ranajoy Ray
Central bank independence, targets and credibility : political and economic aspects of delegation arrangements for monetary policy1999»»»
Lippi, Francesco
Central bank losses, electronic money and contestable central banking2011»»»
Gormez, Yuksel
Central bank management2009»»»
Mendzela, John
Carver, Nick
Ingves, Stefan
Central bank policy2012»»»
Painceira, Juan Pablo
Central bank ratings : a new methodology for global excellence2016»»»
Ramlall, Indranarain
Central bank reform in South-East Europe : recent developments and prospects2002»»»
Sevic, Zeljko
Central bank regulation and the financial crisis : a comparative analysis2016»»»
Han, Miao
Central bank reserve management : new trends, from liquidity to return2007»»»
Bakker, Age F.P.
van Herpt, Ingmar R. Y.
Central bank reserves1932»»»
Kisch, C. H.
Central bank reserves and sovereign wealth management2010»»»
Berkelaar, Arjan B.
Coche, Joachim
Nyholm, Ken
Central bank responses to financial crises : lender of last resort in interesting times2012»»»
Dimand, Robert W.
Koehn, Robert
Central bank risk management and international accounting standars2004»»»
Foster, Jeremy
Central bank staff costs : Paul Brione analyses the cost of central bankers across the OECD»»»
Brione, Paul
Central bank strategy, credibility, and independence : theory and evidence1995»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Central bank supervision in the digital age2010»»»
Litan, Robert E.
Central bank transparency : where, why and with what effects?2008»»»
Dincer, Nazire Nergiz
Eichengreen, Barry
Central bank use of contingent liabilities : Mario I. Blejer and Liliana Schumacher of the IMF discuss the analytics and the measurement of contingent commitments»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Schumacher, Liliana
Central bankers at the end of their rope? : monetary policy and the coming depression2017»»»
Rasmus, Jack
Central bankers in twelve countries between 1950 and 2000 : the making of a global elite»»»
Vendschlag, Mikael
Central banking01/05/2005»»»
Central banking01/08/2005»»»
Central banking01/11/2005»»»
Central banking01/02/2006»»»
Central banking01/02/2006»»»
Central banking1939»»»
Kock, Michel Hendrik de
Central banking»»»
Central banking01/02/2001»»»
Central banking01/05/2006»»»
Central banking01/08/2006»»»
Central banking01/05/2009»»»
Central banking01/05/2009»»»
Central banking01/02/2001»»»
Central banking01/05/2001»»»
Central banking01/08/2001»»»
Central banking01/11/2001»»»
Central banking01/02/2002»»»
Central banking01/02/2002»»»
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