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Same old party : October 8, 2007»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Samile visteriei Moldovei pe anul 1763 : o pagina din istoria Finantelor Moldovei1925»»»
Ghibanescu, Gh.
Sarcinele fiscale in Romania»»»
Angelescu, Ion N.
Satul pe lungimea unui secol»»»
Badescu, Ilie
Sisteme de evaluare a efectelor fiscalitatii ca factor al dezvoltarii economice : analiza conexiunilor la nivel european si pentru cazul Romaniei[2013]»»»
Surugiu, Marius-Razvan
Sisteme fiscale comparate : metode si practici internationale2010»»»
Lazar, Sebastian
Sistemul finantelor locale in diferite tari»»»
Iordan, Dimitrie N.
Sistemul fiscal al Romaniei2008»»»
Bistriceanu, Gheorghe D.
Sistemul fiscal in stiinta finantelor1998»»»
Corduneanu, Carmen
Sistemul privat de pensii : experienta internationala si lectii pentru Romania2010»»»
Stefura, Gabriel A.
Chirlesan, Dan
Solutions for developed economies»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Giovannini, Alberto
Stark, Jurgen
Spalarea banilor si criminalitatea economico-financiara din paradisurile fiscale2022»»»
Tatoiu, Ana-Maria
Structura capitalului»»»
Dragota, Ingrid-Mihaela
Structural fiscal imbalances, financial repression and sovereign debt sustainability in Southern Europe, 1970s-1990s»»»
Battilossi, Stefano
Structural reforms and fiscal sustainability»»»
Furceri, Davide
Tovar Jalles, Joao
Structural reforms and growth : the elusive quest for the silver bullet»»»
Terzi, Alessio
Marrazzo, Pasquale Marco
Studii de economie : contributii de analiza logica, epistemologica si metodologica2009»»»
Dinga, Emil
Studiu asupra impozitelor si taxelor agricole in Romania in comparatie cu alte tari1937»»»
Lupan, Horia N.
Studying fiscal regimes»»»
Monson, Andrew
Scheidel, Walter
Swiss worlds of taxation : the political economy of fiscal federalism and tax competition»»»
Huerlimann, Gisela
Tax and welfare reform in Greece»»»
Flevotomou, Maria
Haliassos, Michael
Kotsogiannis, Christos
Meghir, Costas
Taxarea alcoolului in Romania»»»
Neagu, Alexandru D.
Taxation in the 1980s : a five-country comparison of neo-liberalism and path dependency»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Taxation policy in EMU»»»
Alworth, Julian
Arachi, Giampaolo
Van Ewijk, Casper
The Canadian experience in reducing budget deficits and debt»»»
Martin, Paul
The Finanzbehorden in Siebenburgen : Aufbau, Funktionalitat und Vorschriften im Jahrzehnt des Neoabsolutismus : (1849-1860)»»»
Madly, Lorand
The Italian economy from WWII to the EMU : structural weaknesses and external constraint»»»
Celi, Giuseppe
Guarascio, Dario
The Latin Monetary Union revisited once again»»»
De Cecco, Marcello
The Swiss tax haven, the Bretton Woods system crisis and the globalisation of offshore finance»»»
Farquet, Christophe
The econometric model of the Banca d'Italia»»»
Masera, Francesco
The economic consequences of the Maastricht Treaty : why Italy's permanent crisis is a warning to the Eurozone»»»
Storm, Servaas
The economic history of war and defense»»»
Eloranta, Jari
The economy of deferral and displacement : finance, shadow banking and fiscal arbitrage»»»
Palan, Ronen
Wigan, Duncan
The financialisation of local governments : evidence from the Italian case»»»
Lagna, Andrea
The gold standard and the Euro : conjoined twins or distant relations?»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
The gullibility of the deficit scolds»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The hijacked commission: November 11, 2010»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The impact of population aging on financial markets»»»
Poterba, James Michael
Turner, Adair
The income tex [sic!] in Great Britain and Roumania. By Vasile G. Vasiliu Ph. D. Asistant Director of income tax division in Roumania. 416 p., 1936 : [recenzie]»»»
Georgescu, Constant C.
The limitations of national budgetary deficits and other Eurozone rules : the near-failures of their implementation and the excessive delays (20 years) in the introduction of a European budgetary stabilization mechanism»»»
Basle, Maurice
The political economy of public finance : taxation, state spending and debt since the 1970s2018»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
The political economy of public finance since the 1970s : questioning the Leviathan»»»
Buggeln, Marc
Daunton, Martin
Nutzenadel, Alexander
The politics of public debt financialisation : (re)inventing the market for French sovereign bonds and shaping the public debt problem : (1966-2012)»»»
Lemoine, Benjamin
The rationale for a safe asset and fiscal capacity for the eurozone»»»
Codogno, Lorenzo
Noord, Paul van den
The shackles of the past : constitutional property tax limitations and the fall of the New Deal order»»»
Martin, Isaac William
Timbrele fiscale folosite in Serviciul Postal Roman 1872-19152010»»»
Marinescu, Calin
Virtaci, Stefan
Tirania fiscala2015»»»
Salin, Pascal
Mursa, Gabriel
Toward a sustainable eurozone»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Ji, Yuemei
Tranzactiile imobiliare ale firmelor : ghid practic2007»»»
Moceanu, Madalina Mihaela
Tratat de contabilitate practica : contabilitate aplicata2017»»»
Benta, Adrian
Benta, Mihaela
Croitoru, Robert
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