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Monetary policy instruments: design of instruments mix and coordination of instrument design1997»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Sundararajan, V.
More private sector involvement and less official financing2000»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Multimod Mark III : the core dynamic and steady-state models1998»»»
Laxton, Douglas
Isard, Peter
Faruquee, Eswar
Prasad, Eswar S.
Turtelboom, Bart G.
New financial instruments and the balance of payments1991»»»
Hoezoo, George H.
Official financing and growth-oriented structural adjustment1987»»»
Carey, R. H.
On debt management and collective action clauses2000»»»
Guidotti, Pablo R.
On dysfunctional adjustment and financing2000»»»
Kenen, Peter Bain
On internal ratings, models, and the Basel Accord : issues for financial institutions and regulators in measuring and managing credit risk2002»»»
Stephen, David
Fischer, Michael
On international cooperation and standards and codes2002»»»
Icard, Andre
On the financial role of the IMF2000»»»
Boorman, Jack
On the welfare costs of systemic risk, financial instability, and financial crises2002»»»
Hamada, Koichi
Opening remarks ; the IMF and the financial sector2002»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Outward orientation : trade issues1987»»»
Bhagwati, Jagdish
Overall relationships between the IMF's government finance statistics ans a system of national accounts1991»»»
Levin, Jonathan
Overview of developments in Canadian financial services law1995»»»
Crawford, Bradley
Payment systems, monetary policy, and the role of the central bank1998»»»
Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Abrams, Richard K.
Destresse, Jean Marc
Lybek, Tonny
Roberts, Nicholas M.
Swiburne, Mark
Policy implications of the size of EMU for Europe and the United States1997»»»
Ghironi, Fabio
Giavazzi, Francesco
Policy interdependence from a Latin American perspective1984»»»
Arriazu, Ricardo H.
Policy options for capital importers2000»»»
Zahler, Roberto
Politiques macroeconomiques et financieres : Bucharest, Roumanie, 2-6 Octobre 1995[1995]»»»
Population aging : its fiscal and macroeconomic implications2003»»»
Faruqee, Hamid
Post-bubble blues : how Japan responded to asset price collapse2000»»»
Bayoumi, Tamim
Collyns, Charles
Principles of valuation and reconciliation items in the IMF's money and banking statistics and a system of national accounts1991»»»
Dublin, Keith G.
Private sector burden sharing2000»»»
Wolf, Martin
Private sector participation in crisis prevention and resolution2000»»»
Cline, William R.
Problems of international money, 1972-1985: Papers presented at a seminar organized by the International Monetary Fund and the Overseas Development Institute in London in March 19851986»»»
Problems with bank soundness : Mexico's recent experience1997»»»
Mancera, Miguel
Programmation et politiques financieres : l'experience hongroise1992»»»
Swiderski, Karen A.
Promoting fiscal discipline2007»»»
Kumar, Manmohan S.
Ter-Minassian, Teresa
Proposed second amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund : a report by the Executive Directors to the Board of Governors1976»»»
Proposed treatment of reinvested earnings on direct investment1991»»»
Robertson, Geoffrey J.
Pros and cons of currency board arrangements in the lead-up to EU accession and participation in the euro zone2000»»»
Gulde, Anne-Marie
Kahkonen, Juha
Keller, Peter
Prospect for banking reform in the United States1995»»»
Bowden, William P., Jr
Provincial growth dynamics2003»»»
Aziz, Jahangir
Duenwald, Christoph
Prudential supervision and globalization of the banking sector: a national supervisor's view1997»»»
Artopoeus, Wolfgang
Public enterprise in mixed economies : some macroeconomic aspects1984»»»
Floyd, Robert H.
Gray, Clive S.
Short, R. P.
Tanzi, Vito
Public expenditure management1993»»»
Premchand, A.
Quarterly National Accounts Manual : concepts, data sources, and compilation2001»»»
Bloem, Adriaan M.
Dippelsman, Robert J.
Maehle, Nils O.
Raising growth and investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: what can be done?2000»»»
Hernandez-Cata, Ernesto
Real effects of high inflation2000»»»
Braumann, Benedikt
Real exchange rate behavior and economic growth in the Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia2001»»»
Domac, Ilker
Shabsigh, Ghiath
Recording of financial and operational leases and of income on zero- and low- coupon bonds1991»»»
Refinance instruments: lessons from their use in some industrial countries1997»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Refocusing the role of the International Monetary Fund2000»»»
Lipton, David
Reforming the international monetary and financial system2000»»»
Kenen, Peter Bain
Swoboda, Alexander K.
Reinvigorating credit growth : in Central, Eastern and Southern European economies : proceedings of a conference jointly organized by the Bank of Slovenia and the International Monetary Fund2015»»»
Jazbec, Bostjan
Towe, Christopher M.
Pinon, Marco
Banerjee, Biswajit
Repurchase agreements and financial analysis1991»»»
Castello Branco, Marta
Reserve requirements and monetary management : an introduction1997»»»
Hardy, Daniel C.
Resident of an economy»»»
Bouter, Arie C.
Restructuring the banking sector: the case of the Czech Republic1997»»»
Tosovsky, Josef
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