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Market feedback effects of central bank operations under an inflation-targeting regime»»»
Minerd, Scott
Shultz, George P.
Fisher, Peter R.
Taylor, John B.
Cochrane, John Howland
Measuring economic growth and the standard of living»»»
Craig, Lee A.
Measuring equitable and sustainable wellbeing in Italy2012»»»
Giovannini, Enrico
Rondinella, Tommaso
Melting snowballs and the winter of debt : January 9, 2019»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Mexico - five years after the crisis2001»»»
Lederman, Daniel
Menendez, Ana Maria
Perry, Guillermo E.
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Mexico's macroeconomic adjustment and growth perspectives»»»
Aspe, Pedro
Monetary aggregates restored? Capie and Webber revisited2011»»»
Chrystal, Alec
Mizen, Paul
Monetary and fiscal policies in the United States»»»
Lee, Seohyun
Monetary policy and catching-up in CESEE»»»
Angelovska Bezhoska, Anita
Monetary policy implementation : macro and micro questions»»»
Ireland, Peter N.
Monetary policy implications of greater fiscal discipline»»»
Taylor, John B.
King, Mervyn A.
Schieber, Helmut
Monetary policy in a changing economic environment : the Latin American experience»»»
Ortiz, Guillermo
Monetary policy in a transition to a floating exchange rate: remarks on the recent Brazilian experience»»»
Fraga, Arminio
Monetary policy strategy of the NBRM: experiences and options2009»»»
Krstevska, Aneta
Monetary transmission mechanism in Albania2009»»»
Kolasi, Gramoz
Shijaku, Hilda
Shtylla, Diana
Natura cresterii economice in Romania»»»
Kallai, Ella
Necesitatea si continutul tranzitiei postsocialiste»»»
Adumitracesei, Ioan D.
Mares, Ioana
Nelinearitati in convergenta reala : rolul capitalului uman»»»
Micu, Marian
New challenges for financial market infrastructure risk management systems»»»
Panov, Dmitry
Nowcasting Romanian GDP with the dynamic factor model»»»
Tanase, Andrei
Nuevos mercados para la recuperacion economica : Azerbaiyan2011»»»
Gil Lafuente, Ana Maria
O evaluare a PIB potential pentru Romania»»»
Tanase, Andrei
Plesa, Georgiana
Of methods and findings on the informal economy»»»
Adair, Philippe
Neef, Rainer
Offshore finance»»»
Fernandez, Rodrigo
Hendrikse, Reijer
On paying for a progressive agenda : February 19, 2019»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
On the measurement of social progress and wellbeing : some further thoughts2012»»»
Fitoussi, Jean-Paul
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Optimal currency area between the EU and accession countries: the status quo2003»»»
Fidrmuc, Jarko
Korhonen, Iikka
Optimal monetary policy and inequality»»»
Bullard, James
Output decline and the real-allocation of labor2000»»»
Pauna, Catalin
Over one thousand years of Poland's economic history»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Fischer, Stanley
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Overview panel»»»
Mishkin, Frederic Stanley
Ownership structure, legal protections, and corporate governance2001»»»
Dyck, I. J. Alexander
Past convergence within Europe: core-periphery diversity in modern economic development2003»»»
Berend, Ivan T.
Patterns of international capital flows and their implications for economic development»»»
Rajan, Raghuram Govind
Prasad, Eswar S.
Subramanian, Arvind
Collins, Susan M.
Perspectives on OECD economic integration : implications for U.S. current account adjustment»»»
Obstfeld, Maurice
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
Poate fi liberalizarea pietelor financiare una dintre cauzele actualei crize?2010»»»
Minica, Mirela
Poland : glass half full»»»
Gomulka, Stanislaw
Poland's place in Central & Eastern Europe and in the world in the late 20th century»»»
Jasinski, Leszek Jerzy
Policy challenges of population aging and pension systems in Latin America»»»
Corbo, Vittorio
Politica monetara, stabilitatea macroeconomica si reforma bancara in Romania = Monetary policy, macroeconomic stabilization and banking reform in Romania1995»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Political and economic integration with the Western economies since 1989»»»
Kossev, Kiril
Tompson, William
Population and living standards : Central, East and South-East Europe, 1918-1939»»»
Morys, Matthias
Ivanov, Martin
Population and living standards, 1800-1914»»»
Cvrcek, Tomas
Population, living standards and well-being since 1989»»»
Foldvari, Peter
van Leeuwen, Bas
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