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Integrarea Romaniei in structurile Uniunii Monetare Europene2008»»»
Tofan, Mihaela
Integrarea economica2010»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Integrarea europeana»»»
Toma, Elena
Integrarea monetar bancara europeana2001»»»
Basno, Cezar
Dardac, Nicolae
Integration monetaire et regions : des gagnants et des perdants2001»»»
Crevoisier, Olivier
Corpataux, Jose
Thierstein, Alain
Integration und Wahrungsordnung in Europa : Handels- und Strukturpolitik, regionale Entwicklung und monetare Integration»»»
Narjes, Karlheinz
Groeben, Hans von der
Schaefer, Alfred
Holtrop, Marius W.
Kaldor, Nicholas
Robbins, Lionel
Griffiths, Brian
Jablon, Robert
Mast, Hans J.
Neumark, Fritz
Aschinger, Franz E.
Fabra, Paul
Hankel, Wilhelm
Salin, Edgar
Interactions and coordination between monetary and fiscal policies in EMU : what are the issues?2003»»»
Buti, Marco
Interest rate policy and inflation behaviour in the Czech Republic : from exchange rate to inflation targeting2001»»»
Girardin, Eric
Horsewood, Nicholas
International economics2003»»»
Sawyer, W. Charles
Sprinkle, Richard L.
International finance2013»»»
Pilbeam, Keith
International finance : theory and policy2023»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Melitz, Marc J.
International interdependencies and monetary policy - policy maker's views2009»»»
Reichlin, Lucrezia
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Fischer, Stanley
Ning, Su
Ortiz Martinez, Guillermo
Trichet, Jean-Claude
International macroeconomics2009»»»
Montiel, Peter J.
International monetary policy after the euro2005»»»
Mundell, Robert Alexander
Zak, Paul J.
Schaeffer, Derek M.
Evans, Robert H.
International money and common currencies in historical perspective2004»»»
Dwyer, Gerald P.
Lothian, James R.
Albu, Cornel
Introducere in teoria Zonelor monetare optime. Costuri si beneficii ale uniunilor monetare»»»
Dobrogeanu, Sabin
Reichlin, Lucrezia
Sottilotta, Cecilia Emma
Morlino, Leonardo
Morys, Matthias
Introduction : Forgotten spaces in the European regional policy and development»»»
Sanchez-Carreira, Maria del Carmen
Reis Mourao, Paulo Jorge
Blanco-Varela, Bruno
Introduction of the euro and the monetary policy of the European Central Bank2010»»»
Hamori, Shigeyuki
Hamori, Naoko
Introduction to the Dollar and the Euro»»»
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro
Investment and monetary transmission in Germany : a microeconometric investigation2003»»»
Kalckreuth, Ulf von
Is EMU a leading indicator for political union? A discussion of five theses»»»
Breuss, Fritz
Is Maastrich too tough? : Gyorgy Szapary assesses the credentials of candidate countries for joining economic and monetary union : existing euro countries have nothing to fear and candidates everything to gain, he argues»»»
Szapary, Gyorgy
Is the Euro ready to play the global currency role?»»»
Campanella, Miriam L.
Is there a bank-lending channel in France? Evidence from bank panel data2003»»»
Loupias, Claire
Savignac, Frederique
Sevestre, Patrick
Is there a bank-lending channel of monetary policy in Greece? Evidence from bank-level data2003»»»
Brissimis, Sophocles N.
Kamberoglu, Nicos C.
Simigiannis, George T.
Is there a bank-lending channel of monetary policy in Spain?2003»»»
Hernando, Ignacio
Martinez Pages, Jorge
Joing EMU as an irreversible investment2001»»»
Dickinson, David G.
Desquilbet, Jean Baptiste
Keys to prosperity : free markets, cound money, and a bit of luck2000»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
L'Union latine, une experience de souverainetes monetaires partagees : (1865-1926)2017»»»
Gillard, Lucien
La politique monetaire de la C.E.E.[1970]»»»
Cartou, Louis
Labor markets in EMU : what has changed and what needs to change»»»
Bertola, Giuseppe
Latvia on the way to the European Union : economic policy convergence2001»»»
Steinbuka, Inna
Le systeme monetaire de la Suisse : etude documentaire1925»»»
Legal foundations of EU economic governance2018»»»
Estella de Noriega, Antonio
Les conventions monetaires1911»»»
Janssen, Albert E.
Living up to expectations? : taking stock of the international role of the Euro»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
McKay, Julie
Lupta cu criza financiara. Eforturile unui membru roman al PE2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Macroeconomia integrarii monetare europene : cazul Romaniei2009»»»
Socol, Aura-Gabriela
Macroeconomic adjustment to structural hange2004»»»
Fagan, Gabriel
Gaspar, Vitor
Pereira, Alfredo
Macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area : can they be managed?»»»
Hume, Michael
Macroeconomic policy and structural reform : a conflict between stabilisation and flexibility?2003»»»
Buti, Marco
Martinez Mongay, Carlos
Sekkat, Khalid
Noord, Paul van den
Macroeconomic policy in the European Monetary Union : from the old to the new stability and growth pact2008»»»
Farina, Francesco
Tamborini, Roberto
Macroeconomic theory and the eurozone crisis2019»»»
Alcouffe, Alain
Basle, Maurice
Poettinger, Monika
Macroeconomics : institutions, instability, and the financial system2015»»»
Carlin, Wendy
Soskice, David
Macroeconomics of Monetary Union2007»»»
Carlberg, Michael
Making the European Monetary Union : the role of the Committee of Central Bank Governors and the origins of the European Central Bank2012»»»
James, Harold
Draghi, Mario
Caruana, Jaime
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