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Central banking01/05/2002»»»
Central banking01/08/2002»»»
Central banking01/11/2002»»»
Central banking01/02/2003»»»
Central banking01/02/2003»»»
Central banking01/05/2003»»»
Central banking01/08/2003»»»
Central banking2012»»»
Aglietta, Michel
Mojon, Benoit
Central banking1946»»»
Kock, Michel Hendrik de
Central banking01/11/2003»»»
Central banking01/02/2004»»»
Central banking01/02/2004»»»
Central banking01/05/2004»»»
Central banking01/08/2004»»»
Central banking01/11/2004»»»
Central banking01/02/2005»»»
Central banking01/02/2005»»»
Central banking 1012020»»»
Wang, Joseph
Central banking : economic considerations and policy goals2012»»»
Vang, Betty F.
Pate, Raphael H.
Central banking : theory and practice in sustaining monetary and financial stability2014»»»
Moenjak, Thammarak
Central banking after the Great Recession : lessons learned, challenges ahead2014»»»
Wessel, David
Central banking and financial stability in East Asia2015»»»
Rovekamp, Frank
Balz, Moritz
Hilpert, Hanns Gunther
Central banking and financialization : a Romanian account of how Eastern Europe became subprime2011»»»
Gabor, Daniela
Central banking and prudential regulation : how the wheel turns»»»
Davis, Kevin T.
Central banking and the Great Moderation»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Central banking and the economics of information2010»»»
Green, Edward J.
Central banking as global governance : constructing financial credibility2008»»»
Hall, Rodney Bruce
Central banking at a crossroads : Europe and beyond2014»»»
Goodhart, Charles Albert Eric
Gabor, Daniela
Vestergaard, Jakob
Erturk, Ismail
Central banking before 1800 : a rehabilitation2019»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Saccomanni, Fabrizio
Central banking for the 21st century : an American perspective2011»»»
Wachtel, Paul A.
Central banking governance in the European Union : a comparative analysis2010»»»
Quaglia, Lucia
Central banking in Eastern Europe2012»»»
Healey, Nigel
Harrison, Barry
Central banking in India : 1773-1934[1934]»»»
Gupta, Om Prakash
Central banking in a democracy : the Federal Reserve and its alternatives2015»»»
Wood, John H.
Central banking in a free society2009»»»
Congdon, Tim
Central banking in a systemic crisis : the Federal Reserve's credit easing2012»»»
Guttmann, Robert
Central banking in early industrialization2004»»»
Knodell, Jane
Central banking in the Czech lands2008»»»
Kunert, Jakub
Novotny, Jiri
Central banking in the early U.S. and the diffusion of the U.S. dollar, 1781-1834»»»
Knodell, Jane
Central banking in the modern world : alternative perspectives2004»»»
Lavoie, Marc
Seccareccia, Mario
Central banking in the monetary circuit2004»»»
Rochon, Louis-Philippe
Rossi, Sergio
Central banking in the twentieth century2011»»»
Singleton, John
Central banking in theory and practice1999»»»
Blinder, Alan S.
Central banking in transition : [text of the Per Jacobbson Lecture given by Professor Alexandre Lamfalussy, 8 June 1994]»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Central banking in transition economies1999»»»
Healey, Nigel
Wisniewski, Zenon
Ionete, Constantin
Central banking in turbulent times2018»»»
Papadia, Francesco
Valimaki, Tuomas
Central banking in uncertain times : conviction and responsability2011»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Central banking issues in emerging market-oriented economies : a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 23-25, 19901990»»»
Central banking legislation : a collection of central bank, monetary and banking laws1961-1967»»»
Aufricht, Hans
Central banking post-crisis : what compass for uncharted waters?»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
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