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Payments systems2012»»»
Humphrey, David B.
McAndrews, James
Periodic time series models : advances texts in econometrics2004»»»
Franses, Philip Hans
Paap, Richard
Policymaking in the open economy : concepts and case studies in economic performance1995»»»
Dornbusch, Rudiger
Political Foundations for Separating Ownership from Control2002»»»
Roe, Mark J.
Poverty and famines : an essay on entitlement and deprivation2013»»»
Sen, Amartya
Prediction of Control Concentration in German and UK Initial Public Offerings2002»»»
Goergen, Marc
Renneboog, Luc
Pressures for currency consolidation in insurance and finance : are the currencies of financially small countries on the endangered list?2003»»»
Furstenberg, George M. von
Price convergence in the medium and long run : an I(2) analysis of six prices indices1999»»»
Juselius, Katarina
Pricing decisions in the Euro area : how firms set prices and why2007»»»
Fabiani, Silvia
Loupias, Claire
Martins, Fernando
Sabbatini, Roberto
Angeloni, Ignazio
Principles of banking law2017»»»
Cranston, Ross
Avgouleas, Emilios
van Zwieten, Kristin
Hare, Christopher
van Sante, Theodor
Principles of econometrics : a modern approach using EViews2015»»»
Bhaumik, Sankar Kumar
Private and public supply of liquidity2004»»»
Holmstrom, Bengt
Tirole, Jean
Proprietary information, financial intermediation, and research incentives2004»»»
Bhattacharya, Sudipto
Chiesa, Gabriella
Prosperity for all : how to prevent financial crises2017»»»
Farmer, Roger E. A.
Protection in developing countries1995»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Public governance and the classical-liberal perspective : political economy foundations2019»»»
Aligica, Paul Dragos
Boettke, Peter J.
Tarko, Vlad
Putting Britain on the Roe Map: The Emergence of the Berle-Means Corporation in the United Kingdom2002»»»
Cheffins, Brian R.
Quantifying the Roman economy : methods and problems2013»»»
Bowman, Alan
Wilson, Andrew
Ranking competing multi-step forecasts1999»»»
Newbold, Paul
Harvey, David I.
Leybourne, Stephen J.
Readings in unobserved components models2005»»»
Harvey, Andrew C.
Proietti, Tommaso
Recent developments in monetary policy analysis : the roles of theory and evidence2000»»»
McCallum, Bennett Tarlton
Reducing the Costs of Proxy Voting2002»»»
Stapledon, Geof P.
Bates, Jonathan J.
Regulating finance : balancing freedom and risk2004»»»
Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso
Regulation an supervision : an ethical perspective2012»»»
Kane, Edward J.
Reorganization Law and Dilution Threats in Different Financial Systems2002»»»
Hege, Ulrich
Mayer, Colin
Repution and discretion in financial contracting2004»»»
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
Greenbaum, Stuart I.
Thakor, Anjan
Resetting the international monetary (non)system2017»»»
Ocampo, Jose Antonio
Residential mortgages2012»»»
Lehnert, Andreas
Resolution and insolvency of banks and financial institutions2016»»»
Schilling, Michael
Restoring public debt sustainability : the role of independent fiscal institutions2013»»»
Kopits, George
Risk and liquidity2019»»»
Shin, Hyun Song
Risk management in banking2012»»»
Allen, Linda
Saunders, Anthony
Risk-based regulatory capital and Basel II2012»»»
Gordy, Michael B.
Heitfield, Erik A.
Scientization of central banking : the politics of a-politicization2009»»»
Marcussen, Martin
Securization : instruments and implications2012»»»
Marques Ibanes, David
Scheicher, Martin
Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-19281929»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928 Volume 1 - Volume 2»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928 Volume 1 1832-18441929»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Select statutes, documents & reports relating to British banking, 1832-1928 Volume 2 1847-19281929»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Selected works of Joseph E. Stiglitz2009-2019»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Selected works of Joseph E. Stiglitz Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Selected works of Joseph E. Stiglitz Volume 1 Information and economic analysis2009, reprinted 2014»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Selected works of Joseph E. Stiglitz Volume 2 Information and economic analysis : applications to capital, labor, and product markets2013»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Selected works of Joseph E. Stiglitz Volume 3 Rethinking microeconomics2019»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Share Price Reactions to CEO Resignations and Large Shareholder Monitoring in Listed French Companies2002»»»
Dherment Ferere, Isabelle
Renneboog, Luc
Should Latin America's common-law marriage to the U.S. dollar be legalized? Should's Canada?2003»»»
Dean, James W.
Size, risk, and governance in European banking2013»»»
Hagendorff, Jens
Keasey, Kevin
Vallascas, Francesco
Slump and recovery 1939-1937 : a survey of world economic affairs1938»»»
Hodson, Henry Vincent
Small business lending2012»»»
Berger, Allen
Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by eigenvalue-eigenvector decompositions2001»»»
Novales, Alfonso
Domiguez, Emilio
Perez, Javier
Ruiz, Jesus
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