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Potential GDP estimation for Romania»»»
Galatescu, Anca Adriana
Radulescu, Bogdan
Copaciu, Mihai
Pozitia agriculturii in economia Romaniei in perioada 2004-2008»»»
Ailenei, Dorel
Dachin, Anca
Socol, Cristian
Socol, Aura
Problems of ensuring the financial stability of financial and credit institutions in the digital economy»»»
Larionova, Irina
Panov, Dmitry
Produsul intern brut : principalul indicator macroeconomic1998»»»
Produsul intern brut al Romaniei : 1862-2000 : serii statistice seculare si argumente metodologice2012»»»
Axenciuc, Victor
Produsul intern brut al Romaniei : 1862-2000 : serii statistice seculare si argumente metodologice Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Axenciuc, Victor
Produsul intern brut al Romaniei : 1862-2000 : serii statistice seculare si argumente metodologice Vol. 1 Sinteza seriilor de timp a indicatorilor globali, pe sectiuni temporale2012»»»
Axenciuc, Victor
Produsul intern brut al Romaniei : 1862-2000 : serii statistice seculare si argumente metodologice Vol. 2 Calcule detaliate si metode de constituire a seriilor de indicatori pe activitati-resurse2012»»»
Axenciuc, Victor
Prognoze in timp real ale cresterii economice»»»
Sandu, Marcel Antonio
Viziniuc, Madalin
Public debt through the ages»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
El-Ganainy, Asmaa
Esteves, Rui Pedro
Mitchener, Kris James
Public sector deficits and macroeconomic stability in developing economies»»»
Edwards, Sebastian
Arellano, Jose Pablo
Flemming, John
Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion : for real growth2022»»»
Larosiere, Jacques de
Recent experiences with exchange rate regimes and monetary policy in south-eastern Europe and Turkey 2004-20072009»»»
Barisitz, Stephan
Redistributive monetary policy»»»
Brunnermeier, Markus K.
Sannikov, Yuliy
Sufi, Amir
Reducerea disparitatilor regionale in Romania in contextul integrarii : oportunitate sau provocare?»»»
Tapu, Dana Ioana
Reducing debt short of default»»»
Best, Tom
Bush, Oliver
Eyraud, Luc
Sbrancia, Belen M.
Reforming Finance in a Low Income Country: Uganda2001»»»
Aleem, Irfan
Kasekende, Louis
Regional GDP in Denmark, 1850-2010»»»
Janisse, Kari Anne
Sandholt Jensen, Peter
Radu, Cristina Victoria
Sharp, Paul Richard
Regional convergence and divergence in Sweden, 1860-2010 : evidence from Swedish historical regional GDP data»»»
Enflo, Kerstin
Henning, Martin
Schon, Lennart
Regional disparities within accession countries2003»»»
Romisch, Roman
Regional dynamics and structural changes in Central and Eastern European countries»»»
Gorzelak, Grzegorz
Smetkowski, Maciej
Regional economic development in Europe, 1900-2010 : a description of the patterns»»»
Roses, Joan Ramon
Wolf, Nikolaus
Regional income in Norway, 1900-2010»»»
Modalsli, Jorgen
Regional income inequality in Italy in the long run : (1871-2010) : patterns and determinants»»»
Felice, Emanuele
Regional inequality in the United States : long-term patterns, 1880-2010»»»
Klein, Alexandru
Regulated early closures of coal-fired power plants and tougher energy taxation on electricity production : synergy or rivalry?»»»
Marvao Pereira, Alfredo
Pereira, Rui Manuel
Reports from Dubai : in the following 14 pages our correspondent report some of the more interesting but less publicised developments and events that took place at and around this year's meeting of the IMF, held in the glittering hotels and convention centre at Dubai : first, Robert Pringle, reports on this year's Per Jacobsson lecture»»»
Pringle, Robert
Jacobsson, Per
Reset the industry Redux through corporate social responsability : the COVID-19 tourism impact on hospitality firms through business model innovation»»»
Abbas, Jaffar
Balsalobre-Lorente, Daniel
Shah, Syed Ale Raza
Shahzad, Umer
Revolution of financial inclusion through Fintech in the digital age»»»
Shili, Nedra
Panjwani, Kavita
Riscurile pentru stabilitatea financiara din Romania generate de sectorul populatiei»»»
Neagu, Florian
Pislaru, Angela
Rolul politicii fiscale in contextul procesului de convergenta economica»»»
Mantescu, Dorin
Romania 2005 : starea economica la a cata schimbare?2005»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2007 : zestrea social-economica la aderare2007»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2010 : starea economica sub impactul crizei2010»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2012 : starea economica in criza perpetua2012»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2014 : starea economica pe calea redresarii2014»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2015 : starea economica in continua crestere2015»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2022 : starea economica in contextul crizelor2022»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania 2022 [2023] : starea economica dupa 33 de ani de piata libera2023»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania : intre convergenta beta nationala si divergenta sigma regionala»»»
Marinas, Marius-Corneliu
Romania in the loop : an analysis of 155 years of business cycles in historical perspective»»»
Grigoras, Veaceaslav
Ortan, David
Romania rurala in noul capitalism : marile probleme ale dezvoltarii»»»
Stanescu, Iulian
Romania, un secol de istorie : date statistice2018»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Preda, Marian
Romanian transition economy as a weakly structured system»»»
Dobrescu, M. Emilian
Running an enlarged eurozone : reforming the ECB Governing Council : efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
Running faster or measuring better? : how Central and Eastern European science is catching up with Western Europe»»»
Olechnicka, Agnieszka
Ploszaj, Adam
Safe assets and reserve management»»»
McCauley, Robert Neil
Saving investment, and gold: a reassessment of historical current account data2001»»»
Jones, Matthew T.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Scaderea PIB-ului si realocarea fortei de munca2000»»»
Pauna, Catalin
Pauna, Bianca
Scenarii privind evolutiile comunitare in domeniul competitivitatii, politicii de coeziune si politicii de dezvoltare regionala = Scenarios regarding community developments in the field of competitiveness, cohesion and regional policy2008»»»
Bal, Ana
Lutas, Mariana
Jora, Octavian-Dragomir
Topan, Vladimir
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