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Managing the euro crisis : national EU policy coordination in the debtor countries2018»»»
Ragone, Sabrina
Mann on the legal aspect of money2012»»»
Proctor, Charles
Market effiency in transition economies : equity markets and EU accession2001»»»
Horsewood, Nicholas
Sutherland, Douglas
Mecanisme fundamentale ale pietei unice europene2012»»»
Balaceanu, Cristina
Mecanisme fundamentale ale pietei unice europene2010»»»
Balaceanu, Cristina
Memos to the new EU leadership : EU to do 2015-20192014»»»
Sapir, Andre
Mobilization of savings in transition economies : the case of Lithuania2001»»»
Vidickiene, Dalia
Jasinskaite, Salomeja
Melnikiene, Rasa
Modern-day European currency boards : practice and prospects2004»»»
Kovacevic, Dragan
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Moneda euro : ghid numismatic2020»»»
Niculescu, Gabriel Cristian
Moneda si finante internationale2012»»»
Cerna, Silviu
Moneda unica si rolul sau in sustinerea integrarii sistemului financiar european2010»»»
Avadanei, Andreea
Moneda, banci si politici monetare2005»»»
Dardac, Nicolae
Barbu, Teodora
Monetary Policy in EMU2001»»»
Kempf, Hubert
Monetary Union and Eastward expansion of the EU : towards a common Ostpolitik2002»»»
Read, Robert
Monetary aggregates and monetary policy at the Federal Reserve2008»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Monetary and exchange rate policies, EMU and Central and Eastern Europe1999»»»
Begg, David
Halpern, Laszlo
Wyplosz, Charles
Monetary and fiscal policies in EMU : interactions and coordination2003»»»
Buti, Marco
Monetary and fiscal policies in the euro area2006»»»
Carlberg, Michael
Monetary and fiscal policy interactions over rhe cycle : some empirical evidence2004»»»
Muscatelli, V. Anton
Tirelli, P.
Trecroci, Carmine
Monetary economics : policy and its theoretical basis2009»»»
Bain, Keith
Howells, Peter
Monetary institutions, monetary union and unionised labour markets : some recent developments2004»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Monetary integration and country risk of the EU newcomers Bulgaria and Romania2008»»»
Fink, Gerhard
Haiss, Peter
Rainer, Wolfgang
Oeberseder, Magdalena
Monetary integration and the common agricultural policy (CAP) of the European communities»»»
Josling, Tim
Monetary integration in Europe2007»»»
Tomann, Horst
Monetary policy : a journey from theory to practice : an ECB colloquium held in honour of Otmar Issing, 16-17 March 20062007»»»
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Monetary policy and catching-up in CESEE»»»
Angelovska Bezhoska, Anita
Monetary policy and corporate investment in France2003»»»
Chatelain, Jean Bernard
Tiomo, Andre
Monetary policy and economic development in transitional economies2001»»»
Fry, Maxwell J.
Monetary policy and firms' investments in Italy2003»»»
Gaiotti, Eugenio
Generale, Andrea
Monetary policy in Central Europe2007»»»
Beblavy, Miroslav
Monetary policy in the euro area : strategy and decision making at the European Central Bank2001»»»
Issing, Otmar
Gaspar, Vitor
Angeloni, Ignazio
Tristani, Oreste
Monetary policy instruments for European Monetary Union2010»»»
Menkhoff, Lukas
Monetary policy instruments: design of instruments mix and coordination of instrument design1997»»»
Balino, Tomas J.T.
Sundararajan, V.
Monetary policy prospects and Maastricht criteria in Lithuania before accession to the Europe2001»»»
Jasinskaite, Salomeja
Vidickiene, Dalia
Melnikiene, Rasa
Monetary policy strategies for small economies2009»»»
Fullani, Ardian
Monetary policy strategies: some evidence from EU member states in the drive to EMU2009»»»
Papaspyrou, Theodoros
Monetary policy transmission in the euro area2003»»»
Monetary policy transmission in the euro area : where do we stand?2003»»»
Angeloni, Ignazio
Mojon, Benoit
Terlizzese, Daniele
Kashyap, Anil K.
Monetary policy, fiscal policies and labour markets : macroeconomic policymaking in the EMU2004»»»
Beetsma, Roel M. W. J.
Favero, Carlo Ambrogio
Missale, Alessandro
Muscatelli, V. Anton
Natale, Piergiovanna
Tirelli, Patrizio
Monetary policy, labour markets and fiscal policy2009»»»
Blanchard, Olivier
Monetary strategies for joining the euro2004»»»
Monetary transmission : empirical evidence from Luxembourg firm-level data2003»»»
Lunnemann, Patrick
Matha, Thomas
Monetary unification and the single market2003»»»
Gaspar, Vitor
Mongelli, Francesco Paolo
Monetary unions : theory, history, public choice2014»»»
Capie, Forrest H.
Wood, Geoffrey E.
Monetary unions and hard pegs : effects on trade, financial development, and stability2004»»»
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis?2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 12014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 22014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
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