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Central banking post-crisis : what compass for uncharted waters?2012»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Central banking systems compared : the ECB, the pre-euro Bundesbank, and the Federal Reserve System2007»»»
Apel, Emmanuel
Central banking's long march over the decades»»»
Mayes, David G.
Siklos, Pierre L.
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Central banking, asset prices, and financial fragility2009»»»
Tymoigne, Eric
Central banking, monetary theory and practice essays in honour of Charles Goodhart volume one2003»»»
Central banking, shadow banking, and infrastructural power»»»
Braun, Benjamin
Gabor, Daniela
Central banking, stability and macroeconomic outcomes: a comparison of new consensus and post-Keynesian monetary macroeconomics2004»»»
Setterfield, Marc
Central banks[1927]»»»
Harvey, Ernest
Paish, George
Central banks2012»»»
Congdon, Tim
Central banks : gatekeepers of monetary stability and guardians of public interest»»»
Papaioannou, Michael G.
Central banks and banking supervision reform2011»»»
Boyer, Pierre C.
Ponce, Jorge
Central banks and coded language : risks and benefits2011»»»
Muchlinski, Elke
Central banks and financial crises»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Blinder, Alan S.
Yamaguchi, Yutaka
Central banks and financial markets : the declining power of US monetary policy2013»»»
Comert, Hasan
Central banks and gold : how Tokyo, London, and New York shaped the modern world2016»»»
Bytheway, Simon James
Metzler, Mark
Central banks and monetary policy calibration2022»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Lazea, Valentin
Central banks and other public institutions as financial investors2009»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Central banks and supervision with an application to the EMU2010»»»
Vives, Xavier
Central banks and the Eurodollar market»»»
Ferras, Gabriel
Central banks and the challenge of development2006»»»
Central banks and the financial system»»»
Corrigan, E. Gerald
Central banks and the financial system2011»»»
Giavazzi, Francesco
Giovannini, Alberto
Central banks and the new regulatory regime for banks»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
Central banks and the payment system2010»»»
Humphrey, David B.
Central banks and world markets : how to detect early warning signals of financial distress2017»»»
Lolo, Fernando Walter
Rabbitte, Cathal
Central banks as bankers to each other : overview, trends, and future directions in global official sector service provision»»»
Potter, Simon M.
Nemeth, Matthew
Choi, Mark
Central banks as economic institutions2008»»»
Touffut, Jean-Philippe
Central banks as fiscal players : the drivers of fiscal and monetary policy space2021»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Central banks at a crossroads : what can we learn from history?2016»»»
Bordo, Michael D.
Eitrheim, Oyvind
Flandreau, Marc
Qvigstad, Jan Fredrik
Central banks balance sheets and fiscal operations2004»»»
Hawkins, John
Central banks in the age of the euro : europeanization, convergence and power2009»»»
Dyson, Kenneth
Marcussen, Martin
Central banks in the war against terrorism : a four-part special feature»»»
Central banks in transition : Kazakhstan, Georgia and Turkey»»»
Central banks into the breach : from triumph to crisis and the road ahead2017»»»
Siklos, Pierre L.
Central banks on the web : why are we there? : central banks must go beyond the minimum of data provision if they are to build an image and address the growing demands of their diverse audience, argues Brent Eades of the Bank of Canada»»»
Eades, Brent
Central banks re-arm for battles ahead2012»»»
Pringle, Robert
Jones, Claire
Central banks should close the governance gap : Central banks seem reluctant to adopt prevailing private-sector "best practice" in governance, but there are benefits in doing so says Jeremy Foster»»»
Foster, Jeremy
Central banks under the gold standard»»»
Beaufort Wijnholds, J. A. H. de
Central banks' capital : an introduction2011»»»
Sinclair, Peter
Milton, Sue
Central banks' new macroprudential consensus»»»
Taylor, Michael W.
Arner, Douglas W.
Gibson, Evan C.
Central banks' vital statistics : changes over the last year in the world of central banking have demanded a number of amendments to the new edition of the Morgan Stanley Central Bank Directory 2002»»»
Central banks, democratic states and financial power2018»»»
Pixley, Jocelyn
Central banks, governments and the European monetary unification process2008»»»
Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Central role for ECCB : Michael Imeson looks at the economic problems facing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, and what the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is doing to help stimulate development»»»
Imeson, Michael
Challenges and risks posed to central banks by deflation2004»»»
Latter, Tony
Challenges for central banking2010»»»
Santomero, Anthony M.
Viotti, Staffan
Vredin, Anders
Challenges for central banking : an introduction2010»»»
Santomero, Anthony M.
Viotti, Staffan
Vredin, Anders
Challenges for central banks in the new member states : Max Watson assesses the task facing accession countries in safeguarding financial stability : he starts by recognising the big strides already taken, and then considers the risks that lie ahead»»»
Watson, Maxwell
Challenges for monetary policy: new and old»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Challenges from the domestic financial markets' characteristics2009»»»
Petrauskas, Darius
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